浦东新区青少年活动中心和群众艺术馆 山水秀建筑事务所 作为上海的文化中心,浦东文化社区将成为浦东新区文化活动的新目的地。青少年中心和公共文化艺术中心的场地位于文化社区的中间地块,被一条河分隔成东部较大的部分和西部较小的部分。 Text description provided by the architects. The Pudong Culture Community, planned as a culture hub in Shanghai, will become a new destination for cultural activities in Pudong New District. Located in the middle block of the Culture Community, the site of the Youth and Children’s Center and the Public Culture and Art Center is divided by a river into a larger eastern part and a smaller western part.