深圳现代办公室装修,主要基于办公人员,对办公室功能的需求,合理规划空间尺寸和比例等。并且要合理配置家具,控制了室内采光度和通风情况等。除此之外,要满足人们的精神需求,营造良好的视觉效果。使得工作人员感受到浓浓的文化氛围。室内创新设计的开展,要符合先进技术要求,积极创新。基于现代科技,满足顾客的实际需求。 现代办公室室内装修,更加注重先进性和安全性。在进行设计时,除了配置所需的消防设施之外,还会增加各类安保措施。除此之外,办公室装修还要做好外延性的把控,提前预埋光纤电缆和网线等,为后续变动提供保障。结合业主的喜好和装修成,来选择地面材料。地面材料要和墙面,以及顶棚等相互协调。做好施工技术应用质量的严格把控。
北京·160㎡光影公寓 - 光栅
这是北京的一套早期涉外公寓,除钢结构隔层和室内少量的立柱外,大部分墙体为轻钢龙骨隔墙。原户型为两室两卫,布局略局促且南侧采光欠佳。 This is an apartment which relates to the foreigners, most of its wall is light steel keel partition wall except for the steel partition and a few columns in the interior. The original apartment structure is two rooms and two bathrooms, the layout is slightly tight and the sunshine on the south is bad to some extent.
Living Barra Grande 少即是多的海滨别墅设计
Living Barra Grande是Casas构想展览第二版的氛围,可以看到海湾Baía de Todos os Santos。在这种氛围下,来自NR Arquitetura的这对建筑师在Maraú半岛巴伊亚的Barra Grande海滩上构思了一个项目。 The Living Barra Grande, ambiance for the 2nd edition of the exhibition Casas Conceito, has a view for the bay called Baía de Todos os Santos. In this mood, the pair of architects from NR Arquitetura has conceived a project inspired on the Barra Grande beach, Bahia, in the Maraú Peninsula.