又是一年秋风劲,不是春光,胜似春光。 金秋十月,苏州园林设计院再次收获累累硕果。10月12日, 2020年度 国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)AAPME国际大奖 评选结果公布。因疫情影响,本次颁奖活动在线上举行。 苏州园林设计院 荣获多项殊荣,其中 虎丘湿地公园荣获杰出奖,河北省第三届(邢台)园林博览会荣获荣誉奖 。
金秋十月,苏州园林设计院再次收获累累硕果。10月12日, 2020年度 国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)AAPME国际大奖 评选结果公布。因疫情影响,本次颁奖活动在线上举行。 苏州园林设计院 荣获多项殊荣,其中 虎丘湿地公园荣获杰出奖,河北省第三届(邢台)园林博览会荣获荣誉奖 。
Wildlife, Biodiversity, Habitat Enhancement or Creation
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虎丘湿地公园 位于苏州市的西南角,城市规划将其定义为苏州“四角山水”空间布局的重要组成部分,也是苏州加快生态文明建设的重要载体。着重营造多样生境,为丰富生物多样性奠定基础,旱生植物群落、旱生+湿生植物群落、湿生植物群落组合,形成一个多种植物生境的湿地系统。
建设以前的鱼塘水体流动性较差,不同区域水质相差较大,通过水系梳理、环通让水体充分流动起来,恢复水体原有生态机能,对水质改善、水生动植物多样性提升有着显著作用。同时还可消纳部分城市雨水,引入至人工湿地,净化再排出,实现雨水在城市中的自由迁移。不同形态水体的结合、大水面及湿地的营造使其在蓄洪排涝方面具有更强的适应性。本公园以 净、渗为主,滞、蓄、用、排为辅方式。
建成后的虎丘湿地公园将与虎丘风景名胜区联动,打造 城市文化客厅 ,成为苏州的 城市生态地标和旅游胜地 。Huqiu Wetland Park is located in the northwest corner of the ventilation corridor in Suzhou. Urban planning defines it as an important part of the spatial layout of the “Four Corners Landscape” in Suzhou. The design is based on the texture and characteristics of the site, and aims to restore a large area of abandoned artificial fish ponds to a “near-natural” state of the water environment system (including island-shore-river-lake-bay-beach water forms) and regain newborn.
Before the transformation, large-scale fish ponds in site had poor water mobility. Water quality varies greatly in different areas. After the transformation, the wetland park allows the water body to fully flow, which plays a significant role in improving water quality and enhancing the diversity of aquatic and vivid plants. The combination of different forms of water bodies and the construction of large water surfaces and wetlands make the park more adaptable to flood storage and drainage. The park is mainly based on cleanness and infiltration, supplemented by storage, stagnation, use and discharge.
After completion, the Huqiu Wetland Park will be linked with the Huqiu Scenic Area to create an urban cultural living room and become an urban ecological landmark and tourist attraction in Suzhou.
Economic Viability
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邢台园博园规划率先响应习近平总书记关于公园城市建设的号召,坚持“公园城市”设计理念;秉承“太行名郡·园林生活”主题,探索了绿色与发展的价值转换,实现了生态与城市的有机融合。邢台园博园 2019年8月建成,总占地面积4621亩,水系面积约 1600 亩。场地面积中有40% 处于原有邢东煤矿塌陷区范围内。
Xingtai Expo Park locates in central area of Xingtai that also known as the city new district. The project is located in the coal mining subsidence area and becomes a part of Xingtai central ecological park after reconstruction. This park provides high quality urban public space and a water system ecological purification mode. Furthermore, this park is a low-cost while high efficiency beneficial exploration of environmental
improvement. This project will play an important role in constructing a garden city for Xingtai. Meanwhile, this garden is a demonstration area of Xingtai for transforming “garden in city” to “city garden”.
Xingtai Expo Park covers area of 308 hectares, including 107 hectares water area. 40% of area locates in former Xingtai east Coal mining subsidence area. This project is the first coal pit subsidence area ecological restoration demonstration project and the largest city park in southern parts of Hebei province.
时间承载着奋进的重量。 苏州园林设计院 全体设计人员始终以奔跑的姿态不断前行,为项目建设贡献力量。此次 国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)AAPME国际杰出奖、荣誉奖 的获得,体现了苏州园林设计院对项目质量、品质、可持续发展目标的执着追求,也更加激励我们在未来的奋斗之路上继续不忘初心,坚守匠心,向更高远的目标前进。