2021年02月24日 13:23:13

圣塔伦住宅 设计 | DP arquitectos 房子坐落在一块土地的边缘,可以俯瞰乡村。它由北侧的服务区、中心的社交区和另一端的卧室区组成,都面对着宽敞的带游泳池的露台。 The house is located on the perimeter of an allotment, overlooking the countryside. It is organized with service area on the North side, social area in the center, and a bedroom area on the other end, all facing the generous patio with swimming pool.

设计 | DP arquitectos

The house is located on the perimeter of an allotment, overlooking the countryside. It is organized with service area on the North side, social area in the center, and a bedroom area on the other end, all facing the generous patio with swimming pool.

意大利 BN 别墅
设计 |  Didonè Comacchio Architects

Project for a contemporary villa located in the Venetian countryside based on a rational spatial layout where functions are divided in three main blocks: living area, sleeping area, ancillary area, divided by corridors that aim towards targeted views on the surrounding context.

巴西 IF之家
设计 |  Martins Lucena Arquitetos

Located in a residential condominium, the IF House was built to accommodate a young couple with children. The adopted architectural party was guided by the spatial and visual fluidity between the internal and external areas, creating wide, integrated and open environments, promoting a coherent dialogue with the local bioclimatic conditions. In the solidity of apparent reinforced concrete, lightness and spatial permeability were achieved by means of a reinterpretation of the modern architecture values: through a composition of simple volumes that interact with the light and shadows provided by the large cantilevered structures. In addition to the use of materials such as wood and hydralic tile, the project combines modernism with the regionalism from northeastern Brazil.

美国 bu1h 住宅
设计 |  Igor Sirotov Architects

项目采用的是简约风格,客户的心愿是一个白房子,内饰深色,空间美感自由。这个项目本身是非常独特的,因为客户是地质学家,他们正在为蝙蝠的保护而奋斗,在他们的房子旁边还有为这些美丽的生物设计的 "飞行室"。
The interior design is made in the style of minimalism. The wish of our clients was a White house with a dark interior and aesthetic free space. The project itself is very unique in that the customers are geologists, they are fighting for the population of bats and next to their house there are also "flight rooms" designed for these beautiful creatures! 

ZD 住宅
设计 |  Studio ZADES

The ZD house is located in a residential area of the town of Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or, near Lyon in France. The parcel, with a south orientation on the street side, which requires the establishment of a house at the back of the plot. This L-shaped layout frees up as much space as possible for the south-facing garden to enjoy the terrace and the swimming pool.

Baan 泡泡屋
设计 |  Nat Telichenko

Baan Bubble dome house with a magnificent sunset & lake view, designed in the spirit of retro-futurism; landscape with very special thematic terraces - a Chinese garden with a dragon trail, a classic Japanese Rock Garden, and Mediterranean line, where the Red Vine infinity pool is located. There’s a Bubble Boat attached to the house, snow-white ship with a deck terrace and romantic views of the pool and lake. Inside the ship there is a lounge zone for a beautiful, relaxing guest reception.

EV 住宅
设计 |  ARTSPAZIOS group

一个朝西的向下的地形姿态,沉思着地平线上被Serra da Estrela和Caramulo山所强调的山谷。这就是这个项目出现的情景,在一系列叠加的体量中,它的整体性不可逾越,但内部仍然可以渗透,定义了与室内空间内在的外部空间。 
“A downward topography gesture facing west, contemplating the valley underlined on the horizon by the Serra da Estrela and Caramulo mountain.” That’s the scenario in which this project emerges, in a sequence of overlaid volumes insuperable in its monolithic character, but still permeable within, defining exterior spaces intrinsic to the indoor space. 

高雄燕巢 焦宅
设计 |  橙田建筑

This project quite far away from the city is what most people in Taiwan would term the countryside. The property is adjacent to the low-density residential area of the Agongdian Reservoir in the mountains of Kaohsiung. At a glance it looks like an orchard with lots of hills. In front of the property, there is a private 6 meter road that takes into account: privacy and the safety of vehicles entering and exiting. The building is 6.5 meters away from the road. A green slope was created under the suspended wall on the second floor of the main building facing the southward hilly land. The natural grassy slope in the courtyard echoes the greenness of the hillside slope. A number of Taiwanese beech trees were also planted to further enhance the greenness of the property. All of this allows the inhabitants to easily view the change of seasons while creating a rare atmosphere that is impossible to achieve in a city-like environment.


The program from the client included 5 bedrooms, a garage, a pool and a strong wish of being able to enjoy both the sea and the mountain landscapes. In response to this requirement, we created a long platform which was quickly nicknamed “the catwalk” and which would connect both views. This platform was conceived as an outdoor space which would house the most important common areas (living and dining room) and could when necessary be protected from the wind through invisible sliding windows. In effect, the house was planned as a summer house in a local climate where people spend most of their time outdoors.

Patio House

项目坐落在西班牙米诺卡岛东北海岸的Coves Noves小镇的一个平缓的斜坡上,该地块有很好的地中海景观,但不幸的是,也有一个10层楼高的酒店射在地平线上,由于这个视觉障碍,而且邻居的房子离地块只有几米远,我们决定有意将视线引向特定的方向。因此,这栋房子利用坚实的玻璃墙,将不受干扰的景色框定在大海、森林和花园,同时隐藏了庞大的酒店建筑,并与邻居隔离开来。
Patio house sits on a gently sloping site located in Coves Noves, a small urbanisation on the north-east coast of Minorca’s island, Spain. The plot has great views over the Mediterranean Sea, but unfortunately has also a 10-storey hotel shooting up in the horizon; an old relic from times when landscape integration meant less. Because of this visual obstacle and since the neighbour’s house is only a few meters away from our plot, we decided to intentionally direct the views in specific directions. Thus, the house plays with solid and glazed walls that frame undisturbed views towards the sea, forest and garden while hiding the massive hotel construction and isolating itself from neighbours. 

Outside In 住宅
设计 |  Bedaux de Brouwer

This generous villa is made for a family of four, allowing for all rooms to be horizontally connected.A sustainable and spacious home that blurs the lines between interior and exterior space. In the center of the living area, a lush green patio is placed and floor to ceiling sliding doors give open views to the surrounding garden and swimming pool.

Sleepless 住宅
设计 |  WARchitect

这个项目的业主Narongvit先生是Sleepless society & Chandelier music的创始人及总监。在最初看到场地的位置后,就对这片场地一见钟情。从这里可以看到湖面的全景,这是他理想中的住所。项目被自然包围,在湖面和天空之间,就像住在一个美妙的私人度假胜地,让居住者流连忘返。房子中央的内院,连接所有空间,赋予了全天与绿景相连的条件。房子的围合空间让他更加放松和舒缓,这满足了他不仅专注于音乐创作的需求,也创造了一个与朋友聚会的区域。
The owner of this project, Mr. Narongvit (Founder & Director of Sleepless society & Chandelier music), fell in love at first sight after seeing this location. Panoramic view of the lake, spotting from this site, plays an important role in reminding him of his ideal house, where it has been blissfully surrounded by nature, between the lake and the sky, like staying in a wonderful private resort, which makes dwellers don’t want to go anywhere. The inner courtyard at the center of the house, connected all spaces, grants the owner to connect with green views all day long. The enclosing space of this house allows him to be more relax and relieve, which met his need to not only concentrating on composing music but also creating an area to party with friends. 

Jacaranda 住宅
设计 |  Estudio Galera

项目Jacaranda House坐落在两个住宅区(多户/单户住宅)边缘的非典型拐角处,住宅分三个大小的盒子体量堆叠在一起,但体量却因为空间的需要颠倒过来了,底部是最小的盒子,而顶部是最大的盒子。
The dwelling develops on three levels and the structural logic is inverted due to the needs of the program, ie. stacking the boxes, from the smallest one which is buried to the largest ones on top.  

设计 |  WARchitect

Our idea was not to make this house feel like a building, but to free it from form. We wanted it to be just a borderless box that emerges out of nowhere in the sky, as if the thickness of the wall and roof were non-existent, but still able to make holes in the ceiling to install curtains, air conditioners, and embed lights. Our intention was togive an illusion to onlookers that the entire ceiling was in the same straight line even thoughwe featureda drop ceiling and a slopethat was intentionally used to make the wall and ceiling look thin. Thesetechniques may not be new in architecture. However, with this rooftop house, it is more special since a short distance between the main structure and the exteriorhelps disguise the techniques we used.

Floating Walls 住宅
设计 |  Crest Architects

Nestled in the back drop of a metropolis, this residence promises an escape from the city life. The plot for this house sits in a densely populated locality. The major concern was finding an intimate space in the crowd and arriving at a visually engaging structure amidst the chaotic background. Designed around two landscaped courtyards, the building program is spread across three floors consisting of a parking area, formal and informal living, an open kitchen and dining, five bedrooms, a study and a semi-open terrace with a kitchenette. Both the courtyards have been strategically designed with skylights to bring in maximum light.  

设计 |  Costaveras Arquitetos

This project came about in the office commissioned by a young businessman, without children, fond of travel and modern architecture. The client challenged us to create a cinema house, literally, because he brought us as a reference a photo of a residence used as a location in a science fiction film. Challenge given, challenge accepted !! A lean needs program, very atypical, but proportional to the client's time of life, gave the premises for the design of the project. Volumetry is marked by the intersection of three volumes, which intertwine creating spaces according to their hierarchy. The plans formed by the prestressed slabs show the movement of architecture, defining the areas of permanence - seating on the balconies and gourmet space, in addition to marking the walk that circulates the main volume.

设计 |  JM Architecture

Lying on the slope of a hill, on the shores of Lake Lugano, the villa consists of two volumes organized on different levels due to the particular topography of the site.A polygonal shaped glass pavilion with rounded edges stands above a linear underground block. The living and dining room, the kitchen and storage spaces are located in the pavilion, while bedrooms, bathrooms and garage are in the lower level. Each level relates itself with independent outdoor spaces, which are closely related with the interiors.

设计 |  FGR Architects

FGR事务所在 Portsea的 Wildcoast大道上设计了一所房子,创建了一座矩形模块式住宅,在旁边众多建筑中脱颖而出。项目的设计仔细而周到,乍看之下,这套房子似乎是漂浮在空中,因为它位于一个山顶上。场地的坡度较缓,因此有条件创造6米高的悬挑。然而,这座住宅真正的美丽是在到达时才能体验,汽车必须从周围的园地中通过“战斧”式的布局,通过梨树林立的车道,最后通过一条石阶小道到达前门。
FGR Architects has brought the best of simple, minimalist design to Wildcoast Road, Portsea, by creating a rectangular module home that effortlessly stands out amongst the establishment. The design is meticulous and considerate where upon first look, the family residenceappears to be floating, as it sits perched on a crest. The unique land typology allows for a six-metre cantilever with the land gently cascading away. The true beauty of the home though is experienced in the journey of arrival. Cars must navigate a ‘battle axe’ layout from the surrounding parkland, moving through a pear tree-lined driveway before finally walking up a definitive trail of stone steps to the front door. 

设计 |  Wood Marsh

塔路住宅被构思成一座生活在其中的雕塑,它代表了客户和建筑师的共同信念,即当代艺术以一种深刻而有意义的方式丰富了生活。挑战标准的家庭观念,建筑的抽象形式围绕着坡地弯曲,参考了克里斯托的 "奔跑的栅栏",将概念艺术的公共界面引入场地立面。
Conceived as a sculpture to live within, the Towers Road House represents a shared belief between clients and architects that contemporary art enriches life in a profound and meaningful way. Challenging standard notions of domesticity, the abstract form of the building curves around the sloping site, referencing Christo’s Running Fence, introducing a public interface with conceptual art to the established suburb of Toorak. 

Jesolo Lido 海滨别墅
设计 |  JM Architecture

The clients, two brothers with respective young families, having had the rare chance to find a beachfront plot for sale, decided to join forces and invest for a new weekend house.  While thrilled to enjoy a summer place right on the beach, at the same time both families desired their own independency.  Since the narrow plot only allowed to have an eleven-meter wide building above ground, the obvious layout resulted into splitting the available width in two equal portions, in order to give a beachfront living area to both units.  According to the client’s wish to avoid any sort of hierarchy, both apartments share the same symmetrical layout, two-bedroom two-bathroom, and are identically furnished.

设计 |  K-Studio

Sitting on the ridge of the hill of Aleomandra in Mykonos yet almost entirely hidden from view, Villa Mandra looks straight out to sea and the sunset over the neighbouring island of Delos. A 6-bedroom holiday house built for a young, dynamic couple to enjoy with their family and friends, it celebrates its spectacular view from a grounded viewpoint blended into a sensitively landscaped, stone-walled garden that screens it from the road behind.

RockStar 别墅
设计 |  Alberto Rubio

项目由西班牙著名建筑师阿尔贝托?卢比奥(Alberto Rubio)设计,意在反映飞行中的白色海鸥的翅膀,令人眼花缭乱的起伏曲线代表着一座空间舒适的建筑空间,既是尖端设计的胜利,也是真正诱人的艺术杰作。
Boasting famed Spanish Architect Alberto Rubio’s iconic Seagull design, meant to mirror the wings of a white seagull in flight, the sweeping undulating curves of the dazzeling residence represent a liveable architectural sculpture that is both a cutting-edge triumph of design and a truly seductive masterpiece of art.

2021年07月24日 09:55:33

漂亮至极  谢谢分享  okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok


