白工6913 Lv.2
2021年05月18日 08:39:17

日本建筑师藤本壮介(sou fujimoto)展示了他的“深圳改革开放展馆”的设计方案。该项目将引入一个世界级的、大型的、现代化的展览综合体,以彰显中国城市的前瞻性特征。 通过其明亮和半透明的立面,该作品将成为一个展示和宣传改革开放成就的“窗口”,一个欢迎重要来宾的场所,一个收集证据和研究材料的机构,一个展示城市创新和国际化现代化的地标,是展示深圳公共文化和城市文明的载体。这一消息标志着藤本壮介设计深圳展览馆的国际竞赛方案的完成。

日本建筑师藤本壮介(sou fujimoto)展示了他的“深圳改革开放展馆”的设计方案。该项目将引入一个世界级的、大型的、现代化的展览综合体,以彰显中国城市的前瞻性特征。


japanese architect sou fujimoto presents the proposed design of his ‘shenzhen reform and opening-up exhibition hall.’ the project will introduce a world-class, large-scale, and modernized exhibition complex which celebrates the forward-thinking characteristics of the chinese city. defined by its luminous and translucent facade, the work will become a ‘window’ displaying and publicizing the achievement of reform and opening-up, a site welcoming significant guests, an institution collecting evidence and research materials, a landmark presenting an innovative and international modernization of the city, and a carrier showcasing the public culture and urban civilization of shenzhen. the news marks the completion of sou fujimoto’s scheme for an international competition to design the shenzhen exhibition hall. 



sou fujimoto‘s exhibition hall will be located in shenzhen’s futian district, the designated ‘urban core’ of the city. the structure is situated in the middle of xiangmihu area on the north side of shennan avenue, sitting right along the ecological axis. seeking to express a natural elegance, the design team emphasizes the harmonious relationship between the landscape and its surrounding context, which creates a humble appearance with a village-like interior organization. the entire building can be understood as ‘gardens within a box,’ while its openness and transparency also echoes the theme of reform and opening-up. the multilayered fa?ade system provides a variety of spatial expressions with constantly changing light conditions. 


地点:中国 深圳


