土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ “花园式”办公设计——打破传统,无缝连接休闲、商业、社区等多功能的现代化办公楼


发布于:2021-08-09 09:23:09 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]





Located in the Xuhui District of Shanghai, China, the two-phased Golden Union Park is leading the transformation of an old industrial plant area into Shanghai’s new tech office district. The development includes three 72m tall towers in Phase One, five low-rise office buildings along with retail and hotel elements in Phase Two. In conceptualising office buildings of the future, the design merges the concepts of office and park to render an innovative office campus that connects leisure, commerce and communities. 

▲  设计理念
Design concept

▲  花园式办公园区
An innovative office campus

▲  项目所在地
The site

考虑到场地周边环境以及复杂的业态, 设计以环形动线在场地中构建了24小时的人行通道,搭配设有绿色植被的中央高架通廊,无缝衔接一期与二期建筑,最大限度实现场地内部的可达性与连通性,使其成为有机的整体,同时连接周边区域,为地块内外的业态功能和配套设施提供便利。 “我们将较高的办公塔楼设置在北部,可以俯瞰低层建筑群,每个建筑群都设有内部庭院,与中央人行通道相连。”Aedas全球设计董事祈礼庭(David Clayton)说道。

The master planning deliberates on site’s surrounding and seeks to maximise accessibility and connectivity: 24-hour walkways and circulation were designed to provide easy access to functions and amenities within and outside the site boundary. A central elevated walkway, installed with ample greenery, acts as the main gateway to circulate between the buildings across the two phases. “We place the taller office towers in the north as the backdrop of the development, overlooking the low-rise building blocks, each designed with their own courtyard that connects to the spine of the central walkway.” Aedas Global Design Principal David Clayton explained. 
▲  项目布局
The layout

▲  环形动线及极佳的连通性
The circulation and excellent connectivity

▲  立体多层通廊
3D connection



Inspired by the origami cut-and-fold technique, the design uses intersecting lines to shape the landscape and walkways that run through the campus of office buildings. The intersecting points become key spaces for programs, while the central green axis links the interior and exterior spaces visually, enhancing the integrity of the design. The cut and fold design sculpts negative spaces for balconies and stepping terraces that function as social hubs within the office while visitors could explore the many activities scattered through the multilevel walkway. 

▲  设计灵感
Design inspiration
▲  设计理念
Design concept

▲  以切分折叠塑造办公轮廓
Inspired by the origami cut-and-fold technique

Aedas全球设计董事林静衡(Christine Lam)说:"设计需要从实际使用出发,我们打造了一系列的公共休闲活动空间,如阳光活力草坪、滑板公园和水境庭院等,希望在快节奏的上海,营造出利于健康的工作-生活相平衡的环境。"

“True to the project’s principle, the design offers a slew of communal and recreational activities, such as sunshine lawn, skate park and water courtyard and more, promoting a healthy work-life balance in the face-paced city of Shanghai.” said Christine Lam, Aedas Global Design Principal.

▲  公共休闲活动空间
Public activity space

The Inno-Hub



To bring green landscaping into the office buildings, green atria are set on the south corner of each building, carving out social gathering spaces that serves to encourage communications, sharing ideas in a positive, laidback working environment. It is conducive to creating a visual of vertical greenery, in which spectators gaze move fluidly from the roof garden upwards through atriums and to balconies. The design includes rooftop gardens and internal courtyards that are semi-enclosed, idyllic spaces, featuring an amphitheatre which can be used to host activities such as seminars, press conferences, training and tech exhibitions. 

▲  一期的绿色中庭
Phase 1 design features

▲  内部庭院
Internal courtyard

▲  露天剧场

To identify different functional space without compromising the overall character of the development, the design applies distinctive facade treatment to office blocks, each with its own elevation, material and color palette, which produces in the end an altogether unique, coherent design language that hones every tower’s individuality.  

▲  一期办公塔楼
Phase 1 office towers

▲  绿色景观与办公塔楼有机结合
The combination of green entrepreneurs and office buildings


Within each of the low-rise office towers in Phase Two, a series of meeting rooms are designed as floating boxes contained in a glass atrium, which are shared common office facilities and conference equipment that help enforce an interconnected working office space.

▲  悬浮的玻璃中庭
Floating glass atrium
▲  公共会议空间
meeting rooms
▲  二期低层办公塔楼
low-rise office towers in Phase Two

项目不只是一个办公园区,更是一个开放的社区环境,为此设计打造了众多公共互动空间,以中央绿轴彼此连接,引导访客游览园区内的草坪、跑道和体育设施,以及展现艺术文化的表演艺术剧院。 为了吸引周边居民前往,设计在园区内打造了社区中心、商业零售以及宜人的书店,营造出丰富的空间体验。

The crux of the development lies in its social focus, exemplified by the numerous interactive features, and supported by the central green axis. It guides users along big gathering lawns, running track, and sports facilities in the office campus, as well as the performing arts theatre, which is installed to incorporate art and culture into the project. To fulfill its goal of being fully engaged with the neighborhood and create a mesmerizing journey, a community center, and an idyllic bookstore within the retail mall, are included in the design scheme. 

▲  表演艺术剧院
Performing arts theatre 

▲  商业零售业态
Retail section 


“Our vision for the Shanghai Golden Union Park is to blend the boundaries between work and social life, and set a new benchmark for a smart office hub.” —David Clayton, Aedas Global Design Principal.

▲  夕阳中的越界锦和尚城
Golden Union Park in the sunset


▲ 平面图

▲ 地下一层平面图

▲ 首层平面图

▲ 三层平面图

▲ 四层平面图

位    置: 中国上海
设计建筑师: Aedas
业    主: 锦和集团
建筑面积: 164,434平方米 
竣工年份: 进行中
主要设计人: 林静衡(Christine Lam),全球设计董事;祈礼庭(David Clayton),全球设计董事

Location: Shanghai, PRC

Design Architect: Aedas

Client: Golden Union Group

Gross Floor Area: 164,434 sq m 

Completion Year: On-going

Design Directors: Christine Lam, Global Design Principal; David Clayton, Global Design Principal 

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山东第一医科大学济南校区图书馆 AATU 项目名称丨山东第一医科大学济南校区图书馆 建设地点丨山东省济南市 建筑面积丨7万平方米 项目设计丨2018年6月 竣工时间丨2020年1月


经验值 +10