▲ 轻松柔软的校园主入口 ?张超
在高速发展的城市中,高密度和标准化也渗透到了小学校园的建设中。新沙小学是深圳市规划和自然资源局福田管理局发起的“福田新校园行动计划——8 1建筑联展”活动中的一所校园,尝试探索城市中小学校园的新类型。
Project background. Xinsha Primary School is a part of the "8 1 Futian New Campus Action Plan" initiated by the Shenzhen Municipal Planning Bureau, trying to explore a new type of Primary school campus under the high-density requirement. The campus occupies an area of 11,000 square meters. A new school building with a total construction area of about 37,000 square meters was designed on the demolished old school site, accommodating 36 classes and 5 reserved classrooms.
▲ S型教学楼布局 ?张超
▲ 沿新洲三街的社区公共空间 ?张超
▲ 野生感的街景 ?张超
In order to rebuild the harmonious relationship between the campus and the neighborhood, we decided to avoid using fences and designed an arcade instead. The picture of the ideal school in our imagination is that children are running and playing all over the campus with vigorous and smiling faces. Therefore, the design of the main entrance as its representation presents a natural and soft atmosphere like a park landscaped entrance.
▲ 入口树形柱和“小动物”扶手 ?张超
▲ 沿新洲三街的社区公共空间 ?一十一建筑
The relationship between the campus and the city. The benches arranged along the arcade provide a resting space for students' parents and community residents with the shade and a shelter from the rain. Looking up, you can see students playing on the platform and hear their romp. There are lush roadside trees more than 10m high along the street. And, in order to echo this wild streetscape, the ceiling of the arcade is made of wood-textured concrete, and the walls are made of rough-textured terracotta tiles.
▲ 抬高的校园平台 ?张超
▲ 城市十字路口街角 ?张超
Planning regulations and special approval. The library and restaurant arranged along the street on the first floor of the arcade are separated from the outside by just a wall. We developed two designs of the wall in order to deal with the sensitive edge of the campus: one is a large fixed glass that ensures lighting and sight; the other is the louver made of horizontal terracotta bars and operable glass windows inside that ensure the natural ventilation with safety. The arcade space is within the site boundary and is owned by the school. Through its community sharing to improve the urban space, the school was granted special approval by the Planning Bureau of “less building step-back”, gaining a large platform at the second-floor level.
▲ 骑楼的设计 ?一十一建筑
▲ 从街上看骑楼内的图书馆 ?张超
▲ 从图书馆室内看两种开窗 ?张超
Theme playground. Children are natural explorers. They like to use space freely to create original play and learn in the play. We have designed a variety of "themed playground" spaces for the school, and these themes are not obtained through commercial thematic decorations, but through the design of spatial forms. Children can freely develop related play and activities in different theme playgrounds. On the campus of this school, there are “Green forest”, “Village alley”, “Triangular hills”, “Dome castles”, “Hill road”, “Rooftop farms”, etc. We carried out architectural design from the perspective of the landscape, making hard buildings soft, coordinating the scale of buildings and people, and creating a rich spatial experience.
▲ 设计策略:平台建筑和主题游乐场 ?一十一建筑
Architectural space and children's body. Our team is responsible for the architecture, landscape, and interior design of the entire campus. In the design process, making scenes of lively activities with smiles on children’s faces is one of our goals. If children engage in happy activities outside the classroom in their daily lives, their concentration and enthusiasm for classroom learning will naturally increase. When we set this goal, the architectural design method will be adjusted accordingly: the design that can make children smile should be closer to the children's body and experience, stimulating their exploration and imagination. Following this idea, we began to consider the size of the space suitable for children and focused on the color and texture of the material. This design method is closer to landscape design than architectural design.
▲ 分散在校园各处的主题游乐场 ?一十一建筑
绿森林 :位于南庭院首层,正对着图书馆。尺度为13米×26米的庭院里种满各种茂盛的花草树木。庭院抬高到距离地面75厘米的高度,学生围绕着庭院散步时,视线聚焦在这些植物上。一条穿梭在树木之间上到二层的弧形步道,让孩子们多维度地感知和体验真实的自然。
▲ 南庭院绿森林 ?张超
▲ 绿森林浮桥 ?ACF
▲ 南庭院绿森林 ?张超
三角山丘 :北庭院设计有山丘微地形和三个锥形天窗,孩子们可以围着天窗奔跑,用身体感知地面的高低起伏。一个大斜坡将二层北院和下面的裙楼架空层连接,为裙楼深处带来采光和通风,增强了校园大平台上下的联系和互动。
▲ 北庭院 ?张超
▲ 三角山丘 ?张超
▲ 锥形天窗 ?ACF
▲ 锥形天窗山丘下方裙楼架空层活动区 ?张超
▲ 文体综合楼“红堡” ?ACF
平台外侧的护栏代替窗间墙成为重要的建筑立面表情。我们避免采用“框架柱 细杆”的传统护栏样式,而用粗细圆柱前后错位排列成三维空间,以弱化护栏作为“围挡”的隔绝感。栏杆选用亮绿色,强调了平台的存在感。
Platform architecture. Because of the design of corridors and balconies surrounding the functional rooms, the teaching building appears layered slabs. According to the building regulations, the minimum height of the window sill is 90cm, and that of many new schools is often designed higher than 1.2m. It is difficult for students to look out the scenery even if they stand up. Thanks to the external balconies, the window sill of the classroom of Xinsha Primary school is only 50cm high. The first-grade students can see outside while sitting on their seats, and the classrooms are thus opened to became an activity space on the platform. The external balconies also have the advantages of horizontal shading, allocating plants, cleaning the external windows, and maintaining the air conditioners.
▲ 舞蹈教室,屋顶为木模板清水混凝土拱顶 ?ACF
▲ 没有盒子,只有活动空间 ?一十一建筑
▲ 50cm高的教室窗台 ?一十一建筑
▲ 平台上的景观装置 ?张超
平台外侧的护栏代替窗间墙成为重要的建筑立面表情。我们避免采用框架柱 细杆的传统护栏样式,而用粗细圆柱前后错位排列成三维空间以弱化护栏作为“围挡”的隔绝感。栏杆选用亮绿色,强调平台的存在感。
Guardrail design. The guardrail of the teaching building replaced the solid balustrade wall and became an important building facade expression. We avoided using the conventional guardrail style of frame columns thin rods and used thick and thin columns to be arranged in three-dimensional space to weaken the sense segregation and strengthen the sense of lightness. The bright green color was applied on the railings to emphasize the presence of the continuous platform.
▲ 护栏设计 ?张超
▲ 玉田村的5个“小动物” ?一十一建筑
▲ 玉田村的“小动物” ?一十一建筑
Landscape installation. On the entrance steps of Xinsha Primary school, there are a few walking grass-green "little animals", which are like handrails and sculptures, and they are not "architectural" at all. Such "little animals" hide in small public spaces on campus, waiting for students to find them and play with them. The prototype comes from the five special-shaped stools designed for the Yutian Village Community Project in Shenzhen. They play hide-and-seek in the urban jungle of the city village. On this basis, Xinsha has developed a total of 49 landscape installations of various shapes. The design has two meanings. First, these installations can be used as landscape furniture or amusement facilities, and can also create a place for communication. When interacting with them, children use their bodies to perceive the space and create a new play together with friends; Second, these installations create a space suitable for the scale of children. From the perspective of children, the teaching building appears too large and monotonous, while landscape installations can connect large architectural spaces with small children's bodies.
▲ 平台上的景观装置 ?ACF
▲ 平台上的景观装置 ?张超
▲ 平台上的景观装置 ?张超
Structural and BIM design. Shenzhen Tianhua is responsible for the design and submission of the construction drawings. In terms of structural design, the teaching building of Xinsha Primary School mainly adopts a frame-shear wall structure. Special structures such as large span steel beams(indoor play court and swimming pavilion), steel-concrete composite structure(4m’s cantilevered arcade), concrete-filled steel tube columns(the tree-shaped column at the entrance,) thin-shell concrete (red fortress,) is adopted to meet the needs of the various spaces. The clear space height is guaranteed by strictly controlling the beam height and some embedded pipelines through concrete beams.
BIM forward design as applied in this project. In the design stage, each discipline performs spatial integration and pipeline synthesis in the 3D model. The deliverables are 3D BIM models and 2D drawings. 3D drawings are provided for construction and used to guide on-site construction. BIM makes the collaboration of all professions more smooth and makes the communication between architects, clients, contractors, and other related parties more efficient.
8 1联展的另一个目标是探索向城市开放的校园。新沙小学的建成环境带有明显的开放感,将来可以从管理上进一步将学校开放给社区共享。除了通向二层校园的入口山道,我们还设计了首层入口,连通裙楼内贯通南北的6m宽中央长廊,沿着长廊可以直达裙楼内的图书馆、食堂、多功能厅、室内恒温泳池和体育馆,且不会和上方的教学流线交叉,方便在节假日开放给学生和社区使用。
Community sharing. Another goal of the “8 1 New Campus Action Plan” is to explore campus design that is open to the community. The built environment of Xinsha Primary School has a clear sense of openness. In the future, the school can be further opened for community sharing with the management arrangement. In addition to the main entrance leading to the second-floor platform, we also designed the first-floor entrance, which connected to the 6m-wide central corridor in the podium. It can directly reach the library, canteen, multi-function hall, indoor swimming pool, and gymnasium, and will not cross the teaching flow line above, which is convenient for students and the community to share this campus during holidays.
▲ 总平面图 ?一十一建筑
▲ 一层平面 ?一十一建筑
▲ 二层平面 ?一十一建筑
▲ 三层平面 ?一十一建筑
▲ 北院剖面南院剖面 ?一十一建筑
设计单位:一十一建筑 11ARCHITECTURE
主创建筑师:谢菁、FUJIMORI Ryo
代建单位设计 / 工程总负责人:喻强 / 赵俭