Hide bureau是一家位于乌克兰利沃夫的设计与视觉工作室。创立于2014年,致力于为每个客户创造独一无二的设计,以及为每个项目找到创造性和个人的解决方案。 Hide bureau is a interior design and visualization studio in Lviv, Ukraine,Founded in 2014.. Our company focuses on creating individual design for each client, as well as finding creative and individual solutions for each project.
Hide bureau是一家位于乌克兰利沃夫的设计与视觉工作室。创立于2014年,致力于为每个客户创造独一无二的设计,以及为每个项目找到创造性和个人的解决方案。
Hide bureau is a interior design and visualization studio in Lviv, Ukraine,Founded in 2014.. Our company focuses on creating individual design for each client, as well as finding creative and individual solutions for each project.
Hide bureau 最新项目,位于基辅的小型公寓,设计师运用极少的材质与空间变化,克制的造型,少而精的色彩和纹理,精炼的设计语言, 勾勒出一个干净利落的居住空间 。
Hide bureau's latest project, located in the small apartment in Kiev, stylist is applied very few materials and space changes, the modelling of restraint, fewer but better color and texture, refining the design language, the outline of a clean living space.
这个家依然不大,屋主人希望拥有独特气质,而且宁静惬意的家, Hide bureau 将它的主题定义为“诗性黑白”,通过极简的设计手法,考究的细节与精湛的工艺,给予这个家独一无二的调性。
This home is still small, the owner wants to have distinctive temperament, and quiet comfortable home, Hide bureau defines its theme as "poetic black and white", through the minimalist design technique, exquisite detail and exquisite craft, give this home unique tone.
The project was inspired by Louis Kahn’s Art Gallery with his clean, holistic and monumental approach. Furthermore clients were keen for the home to have a timeless aesthetic, surfaces throughout – including the the ceiling – have been painted bright white.
An open-plan kitchen and living room are anchored by a dining table and island,. It is surrounded by dark metal chairs by leibal.
The main highlight of this project is the dry tree branch hanging over the dining area and the kitchen island. In the back of the room located the kitchen which also has white shades. Built-in cabinets are designed to blend in with the white-painted walls, while a dark island with a black stone provides a stark contrast.
At the centre of the living space is a lounge area. Across the floor there's rug harmonizing with nice white walls. And the floor-to-ceiling curtains carve up the interior of this open-plan apartment.