该宿舍楼是为位于珀斯的西澳大学的圣凯瑟琳学院的DandjooDarbalung项目而设计,该项目在纽恩纳语中的含义是“混合在一起”,旨在为本土的学生提供平等的入学机会。 建筑的目标之一是无缝地融入原有的校园,并通过包容性、文化理解和敏感性,消除任何种族隔离的观念,提高整个学院的生活和学习体验。 The accommodation building at St Catherine’s College, UWA Perth was purposefully planned for St Catherine’s DandjooDarbalung program, which in Nyungar means ‘mixing together’ and which aims to provides equity of access for Indigenous students. Part of the building’s ambition is to seamlessly integrate itself into the existing campus and enhance the living and learning experience for the entire College, informed by inclusivity, cultural understanding and sensitivity, and countering any perceptions of segregation.
该宿舍楼是为位于珀斯的西澳大学的圣凯瑟琳学院的DandjooDarbalung项目而设计,该项目在纽恩纳语中的含义是“混合在一起”,旨在为本土的学生提供平等的入学机会。 建筑的目标之一是无缝地融入原有的校园,并通过包容性、文化理解和敏感性,消除任何种族隔离的观念,提高整个学院的生活和学习体验。
The accommodation building at St Catherine’s College, UWA Perth was purposefully planned for St Catherine’s DandjooDarbalung program, which in Nyungar means ‘mixing together’ and which aims to provides equity of access for Indigenous students. Part of the building’s ambition is to seamlessly integrate itself into the existing campus and enhance the living and learning experience for the entire College, informed by inclusivity, cultural understanding and sensitivity, and countering any perceptions of segregation.
新建筑的主要规划策略是在一扇门后创建一个家庭,由不同设施的房间组成的层次结构,围绕着一个多功能的共享空间。 这创造了一个对公共空间有归属感和个人责任感的家庭,鼓励学生走出他们的房间,进入公共空间。 这也意味着一个家庭可以由具有不同大学经验的学生垂直组成,从而创造出一个更符合本土亲属观念的小社区。
The principle planning strategy of the new building was to create a household from a hierarchy of rooms with different amenity placed around a shared common space with multiple purposes, behind a common front door. This created a household with a sense of belonging to the common space and a greater sense of personal responsibility to it and encourages students out of their rooms and into the common space. It also meant a household could be a vertically composed of students with various university experience, creating small communities with a social structure more aligned with the indigenous idea of Kinship.
建筑文化理解的核心是创建Banksia形式,这是一个开放的四层结构,位于建筑和校园网络的交汇处,隐藏在扩大的网格和绿色植被中,并与相邻的机构建筑的刚性形成对比。Banksia的底层和二层是一个看台式的论坛,三层是中央外部的社交学习和沉思空间,顶部是一个外部开放但有遮蔽的文化仪式空间,设有火源和吸烟点。 主导造型在学院贯彻,从而创造了一个重要的地标,强调了设施的文化重要性。
Central to building’s cultural understanding is the creation of the Banksia form, an open four storey structure centrally located at the confluence of the building and campus networks, veiled in expanded mesh and green vegetation, and creating a counterpoint to the rigidity of the more institutional adjacent buildings. On the ground and first floor the Banksia is a bleacher seat forum, the second level the central external social learning and reflection space, and the top is an externally open but shrouded cultural ceremony space with a fire and smoking pit. The dominant form imposes itself on the College creating a significant landmark that reinforces the cultural importance of the facility.
这座建筑的一个关键体验在于其景观和建筑形式上的开放性和与周围环境的联系。 室内外空间的界限模糊,通过个人的职业和归属感来承认本土身份的重要性,而不是通过建筑来规定身份。 精心的规划集中在维护现有的成熟树木上,创造了人性化的庭院,这是圣凯瑟琳校园的一个鲜明特征。 屋顶和高架露台花园为居住者和更广阔的校园提供了更高的舒适性。
A key experience of the building is the openness and connection to its surrounds, both in landscape and built form. Interior spaces blur with the outside, acknowledging the importance of indigenous identity through an individual’s occupation and sense of belonging, rather than the identity being prescribed through the building. Careful planning focused on maintaining all the existing mature trees, has created human scaled courtyards which is a distinct feature of the St Catherine’s campus. Rooftop and elevated terrace gardens provide enhanced amenity for both the occupants and broader campus.
本土庭院被新的住宿建筑Dandjoo Darbalung房间环绕并与它直接相连。DandjooDarbalung房间是一个灵活的管理空间,专门用于运行程序。 该空间直接与免费的学习中心相邻,该空间与经过翻新的 Prescott 大楼底层的补充学习中心直接相邻,该中心已从宿舍改造成校园学习中心,如今位于校园的主干道上,中心确保校园内没有学习设施不平等的现象,并提高了学习的认可度。
The Indigenous courtyard is bounded by the new accommodation building the DandjooDarbalung room which it directly connects with. The DandjooDarbalung room is a flexible and managed space specifically for running the program. This space is directly adjacent a complimentary learning centre the reconditioned Prescott Building groundfloor which has been repurposed from accommodation to a campus learning centre, ensure there is no learning facility inequality on campus and raises the profile of learning, which is now on display on the major routes of the campus.