2022年07月19日 10:26:32

  ? 试读体验,欢迎订阅 ? 三卤甲烷


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Jason Meeks

原文出处:J Opflow


Optimize Water Treatment Aeration Processes With Real-Time THM Data


本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J Opflow, 2022,4,本人为注册会员,正规渠道获取),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,仅用于行业交流和相互学习。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。


Abstract 摘要

Trihalomethanes (THMs), the most common type of regulated disinfection byproducts (DBPs), can be a challenge for water utilities. A utility that fails to reduce the presence of THMs once they've been created risks violating regulatory compliance and jeopardizing public health. Online THM analyzers were recently installed at the City of San Luis Obispo, Calif., water treatment plant to monitor water quality in real time.


In the United States, aeration is widely adopted as a solution to lower THM levels in water distribution networks and storage systems. However, utilities spend a significant amount of operating capital to mitigate harmful THMs with aeration because it's an energy-intensive process. If a utility overtreats, it wastes a lot of money; if it undertreats, it might violate regulations. Thus, managing a cost-efficient, effective aeration system depends on understanding the THM profile of incoming water as well as treated water throughout the distribution network and storage systems.




Located on California's Central Coast, the City of San Luis Obispo's water treatment plant is a 16-mgd facility with a distribution system span of more than 180 miles. The plant receives water from three different surface water reservoirs with varying levels of naturally occurring organic material in the feedwater. The facility uses ozone for primary water disinfection; however, secondary disinfection is done with free chlorine.


In 2014 and 2015, the city experienced high THM levels. In the wake of these events, staff began to research processes and practices that could prevent high-THM recurrences. To ensure DBP regulatory compliance, the city chose in-tank aeration to mitigate THMs. Although the process effectively removes THMs, it uses a lot of energy. Faced with energy costs of approximately $10,000 per month, San Luis Obispo began searching for a solution that would help reduce energy expenses while optimizing the treatment process.


Aeration system manufacturers often talk about percent THM reduction. However, to optimize the treatment process, utilities are better served with data on the absolute level of THMs leaving storage tanks or reservoirs regardless of levels entering or forming within them. Understanding real-time THM levels can be difficult because they change rapidly and are influenced by varying water quality parameters, including temperature, pH, precursors such as organic matter and bromide, chlorination levels, rain events, and more, along with water demand and age.


These frequent and significant THM fluctuations, occurring even within the same day, can be difficult to capture with quarterly regulatory grab samples. As a result, an immediate operational response to fluctuating DBP levels is impossible because of the turnaround time for THM results from external laboratory analyses. This lack of real-time influent and effluent THM data limits the operational certainty of a utility's DBP mitigation efforts.




Because of these concerns, many utilities are turning to online THM analyzers to monitor water quality in real time and manage their aeration processes in a sustainable, effective manner. There's a direct correlation between an aeration system's cost-effective operation and a utility's ability to understand THM levels in real time.


The City of San Luis Obispo selected a THM-100 online THM analyzer from Aqua Metrology Systems (www.aquametrologysystems.com) to effectively manage its water treatment process and inform the city's reservoir management strategy. The analyzer delivers accurate, reliable high-density THM data with an average sample time of less than 120 minutes.

圣路易斯奥比斯波市选择了Aqua Metrology Systems公司的THM-100在线三卤甲烷分析仪,以有效地管理其水处理工艺,并为该市的储水库管理策略提供信息。该分析仪可以提供准确、可靠、高密度的三卤甲烷浓度数据,平均采样间隔不到120分钟。

The analyzer comes standard with sampling every 4 hours and can be adjusted for more or less frequent intervals. In addition to the online samples, manually collected grab samples from other locations in a network can be collected and analyzed with the THM analyzer alongside samples taken automatically by the monitor in its online mode.


The city's online THM analyzer is connected to a supervisory control and data acquisition system, allowing operators to track daily, weekly, and seasonal trends when switching between water sources. Before the online analyzer's installation, the city's water treatment plant operators had to conduct grab samples every week from various sites in the distribution system. Also, they would randomly pick sections in the distribution system to sample each week to gain a better understanding of what was happening in the distribution system network.




Thanks to the fully automated THM monitor, the city analyzes three water treatment plant samples and performs up to four bottle grab samples from the distribution system each day. With the online analyzer, the operations team can see aeration system performance in real time, including on their cellphones, which gives them peace of mind and allows them to focus on other important aspects of their jobs.


In addition to delivering accurate, reliable THM results, the energy savings realized from better managing the aeration process have surpassed the City of San Luis Obispo's investment in the online analyzer. With the use of real-time THM data, the city has been able to achieve a more sustainable, cost-effective aeration process.


A 2-mgd storage facility at the San Luis Obispo water treatment plant where the online THM analyzer (inset) is used to control the THM removal equipment. Photos by Jason Meeks, City of San Luis Obispo

圣路易斯奥比斯波水处理厂的一个2百万加仑每天的储存设施,应用在线三卤甲烷分析仪(插图)来监测三卤甲烷的去除。图片来源:Jason Meeks,圣路易斯奥比斯波市



