2022年09月08日 11:35:48

文体运动中心,贯彻健康日常 VCS体育建筑   文体运动在发生   什么样的变化?     随着疫情生活常态化,普通人日常生活对运动和积极生活的欣赏,逐渐内化。体育设施的要求,也从单一独立的场所正向社区活动的公共中心转变。在过去20多年的事件中,VCS也一直亲历文体运动的转变,  




随着疫情生活常态化,普通人日常生活对运动和积极生活的欣赏,逐渐内化。体育设施的要求,也从单一独立的场所正向社区活动的公共中心转变。在过去20多年的事件中,VCS也一直亲历文体运动的转变,   可持续性一直存在于VenhoevenCS的DNA中,除了巴黎2024   水上运动中心外,VCS对不同类型的可持续体育场馆还做了许多探索与实践。  
The normalization of life, the popularization of sports and social activities, the popularization of public-oriented activities, the popularization of social activities, and the enthusiasm of the masses. In addition to Paris April 4, 2024, VCS has also been conducting sports exploration and practice in various types of in-person museums in the Foreign Sports Center. Sustainabilityhas always existed in the DNA of VenhoevenCS. In addition to the Paris 2024Aquatic Center, VCS has also done a lot of exploration and practice ondifferent types of sustainable stadiums.  


Blasio inflatables, 1998,  Netherlands Architecture Institute Rotterdam in collaboration with the Blasio Foundation


规模:4600 m2  

The architects chose materials from renewable natural and local products that are free of chemicals and easy to adapt or reuse in the future - such as the wooden roof structure and the wood in the fa?ade. Efficient building energy technologies and a roof with photovoltaic panels minimize the energy consumption of the building, adapt to the environment in a sustainable way, strengthen the connection between the interior and exterior spaces of the building, and form a public whole with the pleasant green spaces surrounding the building.  
餐厅和阳光明媚的露台加强了现有与新事物之间以及内部和外部之间的联系。前院在水平和游戏元素上存在差异,也邀请户外游戏和会议。建筑群周围以前支离破碎的空间将很快形成一个宜人的绿色和公共整体。因此,该公园可以在Lokerse Feesten期间完全使用,并将成为整个节日区域的一部分。  
As a leading sports and exercise facility, Gymworld means an inspiring and sustainable environment for everyone. The sports center consists of several volumes, all of which are suspended from the ground. The composition is reminiscent of artificial clouds floating on land. Stairs and elevators protrude from the clouds, inviting visitors to enter.  
?  Architecture: VenhoevenCS /B2Ai architects / Image: Joris Bourgeois  


规模:5860 m2  
客户:ARTES, Municipality of Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve  
获奖:Gemma Smid Architecture Audience Award  

Piscine de Blocry拥有奥林匹克规模的游泳池(50×25米),可容纳各种运动的全国比赛,如长距离游泳,花样游泳和水球,将成为瓦隆最大的游泳池之一。然而,建筑体积非常紧凑。这可以最大限度地保护现有的树木和其他植被 - 因为该建筑位于拥有丰富和生物多样性森林的Natura 2000区旁边。  
With an Olympic-sized swimming pool (50×25 m), accommodating national competitions for a diverse range of sports such as long-distance swimming, synchronized swimming and water polo, Piscine de Blocry will become one of the largest swimming pools in Wallonia. The building volume, however, is very compact. This allows for a maximum preservation of the existing trees and other vegetation – as the building is located next to a Natura 2000 zone with a rich and biodiverse forest. Simultaneously we were able to bring the use of energy to a minimum and reach the high energy performance ambitions.  

Respecting the particular building context, the architecture is modest, with a fa?ade cladding of refined anthracite-coloured metal panels. The horizontal building volume is accentuated by large horizontal windows that provide daylight and panoramic views of the green surroundings. In the interior, contrasting colours and materials contribute to the articulation of different spaces and the orientation of visitors.  

The roof is constructed in wood, which adds to the building’s sustainability by reducing CO2 emissions and the long term storing of CO2. Other sustainable measures are the integration of energy efficient installations and solar panels fully covering the building’s roof.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS /B2Ai architects/ Image: VenhoevenCS, B1 Design (renders)  

规模:5100 m2  
获奖:Gemma Smid Architecture Audience Award  

As a leading sports and exercise facility, Gymworld means an inspiring and sustainable environment for everyone. The sports center consists of several volumes, all of which are suspended from the ground. The composition is reminiscent of artificial clouds floating on land. Stairs and elevators protrude from the clouds, inviting visitors to enter.  
Gymworld背后的设计灵感来自Constant Nieuwenhuys的艺术作品“New Babylon”。“New Babylon”是一系列相互联系的可变形结构,其中一些结构本身只有一个小城市的大小,漂浮在地面上。作为一种生活方式,它将主要回应对游戏,冒险,持续移动的需求,以及促进自由运动,自由奔跑和自由创造自己现实的条件。  
The design behind Gymworld was inspired by the artwork "New Babylon" by Constant Nieuwenhuys. 'New Babylon' is a series of interconnected deformable structures, some of which themselves are the size of a small city, floating above the ground. As a way of life, it will primarily respond to the need for play, adventure, constant movement, and conditions that promote freedom of movement, freedom to run, and freedom to create one's own reality.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS / Image: Photos by Ossip van Duivenbode and Marloes Koster  

地点:     比利时罗斯科  
规模:   3700 m2  
客户:   Municipality of Ronse    

Ronse的水上运动中心't Rosco是该市新的休闲景点。该综合体弥合了绿色和城市地区之间的过渡,是现有体育馆及其运动场的延伸。通过此扩展,在现有建筑和新游泳池的各种运动和使用选项之间建立了视觉和功能连接。  
Aquatic centre ‘t Rosco in Ronse is the new recreational attraction of the city. The complex, bridging the transition between green and urban area, is an extension of the existing sports hall and its sports fields. With this extension, a visual and functional connection is made between the various sports and usage options of the existing building and the new swimming pool. Thus, ‘t Rosco transforms from sports hall to sports complex.  
With strategically placed fa?ade openings and an alternation between open and closed volumes, daylight flows in from all sides. An extensive range of different window openings ensures that every type of use can count on an optimal amount of daylight and transparency. Glass openings are also used to allow internal visibility and contact with the outside world. In this way, transparency contributes to the interaction between the building and the environment and invites passers-by to exercise.  

? Architecture: VenhoevenCS /B2AI/ Image: Ossip van Duivenbode (photos); Mateja Pipan (photos)

该屋顶由层压木梁的正交网格构成。   1.75米×1.75米的网格不仅提供了结构,而且还有助于其他自由计划的组织顺序:   所有空间,   天窗和箱体体积都根据屋顶网格的尺寸量身定制。   根据活动的不同,房间可以断开连接或合并。   这种开放式结构在游泳池的开放式平面图和现有体育馆的隐蔽性之间提供了平衡。  
This roof is constructed from an orthogonal grid of laminated wooden beams. The 1.75 m by 1.75 m grid not only provides structure, but also contributes to the organizational order of the otherwise free plan: all spaces, skylights and box volumes are tailored to the dimensions of the roof grid. Depending on the activities, rooms can be disconnected or merged. This open structure provides a balance between the open floor plan of the swimming pool and the seclusion of the existing sports hall.  





规模:220000 m2  
客户:NV Plinius  

On the location of a former leisure park, a new city park has been realized. Plinius park is the new touristic entry to Tongeren, the eldest city of Belgium with a Gallo Roman and Medieval past. The Plinius park is a green oasis in the city with a characteristic atmosphere referring to the historic grounds, with an open air pool for recreation purposes.  
The old and still existing Beto castle sets an example for the design of the park and a new icon: the raised swimming pool is situated as a platform on top of the hill, offering a great view over the landscape, referring to the old castles. The Plinius spring feeds the water of the swimming pool and the pond in the park.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS /Landscape architect: OKRA Landschapsarchitecten/ Image: Ossip van Duivenbode (photos)  
To link the old Beto castle with the ‘new castle’, the swimming pool, the park connects the Haspengouw landscape with the historic centre of Tongeren. It is the start point of many touristic walks through the landscape of Haspengouw and Tongeren.  




规模:18700 m2  
客户:B?derBetriebe Frankfurt GmbH  

The route towards the entrance is designed as a pathway through a spectacular canyon. The visitor is naturally guided into the building, directly entering in the midst of the spectacle. Here, in the heart of the building, all facilities are connected: the reception, the entrances to all pool areas, the restaurant and offices. This central space excites and provides sight to the action, with the landscape of the surrounding parc as a stunning décor.  
This smart and compact design for the Rebstockbad lives up to all of the environ-mentally focused ambitions: the used materials are recyclable and the building generates and collects its own energy thanks to the use of renewable installation techniques such as geothermal energy, the reuse of rainwater and solar cells on the roofs.  
The use of perforated aluminium in the fa?ade’s texture creates a light and inviting ambiance in both daytime and nighttime. Over time, the facades will be overgrown by plants and other greens to further connect the building with the surrounding landscape of the park. This architectural design for the new Rebstockbad allows for a constant redirection in terms of perspectives and views; perfectly fitting to a building wanting to stimulate exercise.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS /MOW architekten/ Image: B1 Design (renders), VenhoevenCS & MOW (other images)  

规模:7100 m2  
客户:Sportfondsenbad Nederland and Municipality of Amsterdam, De Baarsjes district  
获奖:提名 阿姆斯特丹最具可持续性公共建筑 2008| 提名 密斯凡德罗奖 2007| 提名 荷兰建筑奖 2007  

阿姆斯特丹的De Baarsjes是一个多元文化的社区,是来自129个不同国家的人们的家园。这个综合体的每个元素都旨在吸引不同的目标群体,因此社区中的每个人都能够使用它。另一个额外的设计挑战是创造一个看不见的绿色建筑,以保持该地区的绿色特征。  
De Baarsjes in Amsterdam is a multicultural community home to people from 129 different countries. Every element of this complex is designed to appeal to a different target group, so everyone in the community is able to use it. Another additional design challenge was to create an invisible green building to maintain the green character of the area.  
该建筑被设计成一个城市 - 一个微型社会 -一个绿色山坡下的洞穴。该建筑充满了视线廊道,为建筑物中的各种游客,活动和文化提供了视觉通廊。阳光通过屋顶上的各种开口深入建筑物的内部。低矮的窗户享有街道和阳光露台的景致。人们可以享受这里的设施,但他们也可以看到许多其他活动,吸引他们的兴趣并激励他们使用这些设施。  
The building is designed as a city - a micro-society - a cave under a green hillside. The building is filled with sight corridors that provide visual corridors for the various visitors, events and cultures in the building. Sunlight penetrates into the interior of the building through various openings in the roof. Low windows offer street and sun terrace views. People can enjoy the facilities here, but they can also see many other activities that capture their interest and motivate them to use the facilities.  






规模:6850 m2  

Zoetermeer的新水上运动中心将嵌入Van Tuyllpark,这是Zoetermeer的绿色运动和休闲区。对于这种设计,VenhoevenCS的灵感来自“温泉”,这是一个传统的日本澡堂,热水来自间歇泉。因此,游泳池被设计成自然界中的木制凉亭。木屋顶和立面的玻璃开口让大量的光线通过,加强了泳池与绿色环境的关系。  
The new aquatic centre for Zoetermeer will be embedded in the Van Tuyllpark, the green sports and recreation area of Zoetermeer. For this design VenhoevenCS was inspired by the ”Onsen”, a traditional Japanese bathhouse with hot water originating from a geyser. The swimming pool is consequently designed as a wooden pavilion in nature. The glass openings in the wooden roof and in the facade let a lot of light through and strengthen the relationship between the pools and the green environment.   
During hot summer days, the facade of the recreational pools can be fully opened, allowing the visitor to swim in the open air and creating a passage to the sunbathing area. Even in winter the feeling of being outside remains: through the skylights a lot of daylight enters and the sky is always visible. This feeling is further enhanced by the lush green vegetation in the interior.  
The new aquatic centre is primarily intended for recreation: there will be various recreational elements, such as a large slide. There will also be a competition pool with eight lanes and a pool with a movable floor. This group pool can be used for swimming lessons or ‘aquagym’. In addition to swimming competitions, the competition pool also offers the possibility of line swimming and water polo.   
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS/ Landscape Architecture: bureau Wissing/ Image: VenhoevenCS  



规模:1000 m2  
客户:Team Liquid Enterprise  

坎彭市的新游泳池不仅是实现现代游泳住宿的绝佳机会,而且还提供了一个很好的机会,可以将“Groene Hart”的绿地从封闭的场地再生为多功能休闲公园。  
The new swimming pool in the city of Kampen was not only a great chance to realize a modern swimming accommodation, but it also offered a good opportunity to regenerate the green area of the ‘Groene Hart’ from a closed off site into a multifunctional recreational park.  
The former ‘Steur’ site is transformed into a large green open space in the park, where the swimming pool, like a villa, overlooks its surroundings. The swimming pool forms a pavilion within the park, integrating the green space and pool into one.  
The pool offers a panoramic view over the area. In summertime, the glass facade can be fully opened, in order to link the interior recreational pools with the terrace and outdoor pools. In wintertime, the gates of the lawn are open. This allows the outdoor area of the pool to become part of the recreational route through the park.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS/ Landscape Architecture: bureau Wissing/ Image: Ossip van Duivenbode (photos)  




规模:18500 m2  

The new Amerena sports complex offers an extensive sports program of 10,500 m2. With its striking color and nighttime illuminated trim, the building is an eyecatcher from the entry of Amersfoort. From all sides the different functions in the building are recognizable by its distinctive fa?ade openings. On the Buurtas the building is open and inviting with the entrance and terraces. To the side of Waterwingebied and Spreeuwenstraat the building has a landscaped appearance with roof terraces and a green roof.  
The interior is light and the emphasis is on the quality and atmosphere of the areas. The viewing on use and users of the building plays an important role, as well as the reflection of the light and the particular view of the surroundings. The optimum facilitation of performance is the main focus of the Hogekwartier sports complex.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS /Landscape architect: MTD Landschaparchitecten/ Image: Ossip van Duivenbode (photos)  

规模:10000 m2  

旧的体育中心进行了彻底的改造和大规模的扩建,有一个新的(顶部)体育馆,几个健身房,新的更衣室和一个突出的新入口。De Meent促进顶级运动和休闲运动。将有单独的健身房,用于蹦床,体操,击剑,乒乓球和滑冰。促进体育教育是住宿的重要组成部分,但De Meent也为大型体育赛事提供了舞台。  
The old sports complex got a complete makeover and a large extension, with a new (top)sports hall, several gyms, new dressing rooms and a prominent new entry. De Meent facilitates both top sport and recreational sport. There will be separate gyms for trampolining, gymnastics, fencing and table tennis and ice skating. The facilitation of sports education is an important part of the accommodation, but De Meent also offers a stage for big sports events.  
The design of the new sports complex is intended to make people enthusiastic for sports. The architecture of the new building emphasizes Alkmaar’s sports ambition. Visual lines through the whole building show the different facilities and connects interior with exterior.   
Inside a ‘street’ functions as the backbone of the building, offering a clear route and accessible orientation. The ‘street’ does not only have a logistic function, but is also an important meeting place, where the social aspect plays an important role in the motivation for people to do sports.   
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS / Image: Ossip van Duivenbode (photos)Ossip van Duivenbode (photos)  

文体运动的新定义   "  


规模:1000 m2  
客户:Team Liquid Enterprise  

该设施位于新社区建筑Het Platform(也由VenhoevenCS设计)的中心地带,俯瞰着车站广场。由于位置和穿过建筑物的公共通道,Team Liquid俱乐部玩家可以训练和竞争,同时与充满活力的乌得勒支市保持联系。  
Situated in the heart of the new community building Het Platform (also designed by VenhoevenCS), the facility overlooks the Station Square. Thanks to the location and a public passage through the building, Team Liquid players can train and compete and at the same time stay connected with the vibrant city of Utrecht.  
This project Is the perfect illustration of how game design and digital art can become new and quintessential sources of inspiration for architects. The architecture here is the epitome of duality: between what is real and what can be imagined and where nothing is what it seems.  
对内饰材料的富有想象力的使用也创造了真实与想象之间的相互作用,大胆的颜色和材料选择突出了不同的空间和功能。氛围巧妙地从别致和动态到专业和专注交替,以反映空间的功能。黑色,白色,竹子,蓝色鬃毛和六边形被锻造成一个大胆而坚固的场景;而品牌的身份既明确地表现出来,也体现在隐藏的复活节彩蛋中。通过使用生物基和回收材料,高效安装,智能声学,照明和预制件元素,我们为Team Liquid创造了一个可持续,健康和舒适的工作空间。  
The imaginative use of the interior’s materials also creates an interplay between the real and the imagined, with a daring choice of colours and materials accentuating different spaces and functions. Atmospheres skilfully alternate from chic and dynamic to professional and focused to reflect the function of the space. Black, white, bamboo, blue manes and hexagons are forged into a bold, yet sturdy, mise en scene; while the brand’s identity is represented both explicitly and within hidden easter eggs. By using bio-based and recycled materials, efficient installations, smart acoustics, lighting, and prefab elements, we have created a sustainable, healthy and comfortable workspace for Team Liquid.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS /AHH Architects/ Image: Teo Krijgsman  



规模:12500 m2  

The developments around the Wagner square in Tiburg-North are intended to make the neighbourhood more attractive to a broader spectrum of the public. The Drieburcht Sports Complex, with its differentiated facilities, plays an important role in this development. Drieburcht is designed as an  an ideal society in miniature. While society outside the building may be divided into different groups living alongside each other (or with their backs to each other), inside the building we strive to bring people together in relaxed, informal ways.  
The atmosphere and activity in this building take on the form of ‘urban theatre.’ People initially come for the swimming or the fitness training, but keep coming back for the lively atmosphere. The most fascinating aspect is the view of each other, the seeing and being seen.   
尽管建筑物内部的景色非常壮观,但建筑物的外观也将令人眼前一亮。它与艺术家Jean-Luc Moerman合作创作,突出了体积的非凡相互作用,并为建筑项目提供了力量,速度和流动性,形成了建筑内部功能的完美补充。
As spectacular as the views inside the building are, the building’s exterior will also turn heads. Created in collaboration with artist Jean-Luc Moerman, it accentuates an extraordinary interplay of volumes and gives the building project a strength, speed and fluidity that form a perfect complement to the functions inside the building.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS/ Image: Filip Dujardin (photos)  

规模:16000 m2  
客户:Sportsbuilders NV, Stad Oostende, FARYS|TMVW and WoonWel  

By combining a large public swimming pool and 22 apartments in one building, the building blends perfectly into the existing urban context. At the same time, the building fits in with the green surroundings of the neighbouring golf course and the coastal strip. The apartments, housed in two separate volumes on top of the aquatic centre, contribute to the recognizability of the complex.  
The building presents itself in different ways in every way. In addition to warm indoor spaces, it also brings pleasant outdoor spaces to all residents, thanks to a green roof and planted trees. At the same time, the energy cost of the building is low because a large part of the required heat and electricity is generated by itself.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS/B2Ai architects  / Image: photo by Klaas Verdru  




高等教育的一部分 "


规模:5500 m2  
获奖:2019年格罗宁根最佳建筑二等奖(专业评审团)| 2019年格罗宁根最佳建筑二等奖(公共评审团)  

Sports spaces are clearly visible in all parts of the building. Outdoor sports activities take place on outdoor patios and most training rooms are located around the entrance plaza. In addition to the "regular" sports facilities, the energy-neutral building has additional educational facilities such as classrooms and examination rooms as well as a cafeteria.  
Inside, all spaces are light and free of unnecessary details. The combination of spaces that generate noise (motion) and spaces that require quietness (education) is a significant design challenge. Through the intelligent layout of the required space, and the material use of interior sound-absorbing wood panels, this style is perfectly solved. In order to provide Groningen with a future-oriented and sustainable building, a possible extension of the building has been integrated into the design.  
? Ar chitecture: VenhoevenCS /Landscape architect: Martijn AI/ Im age:   Photo s by Ossip van Duivenbod  

规模:8800 m2  

The building is located at the entrance to the campus, the new Sports Centre is designed as a training and sports facility, offering students more than a place to exercise or play team sports. The complex is shaped like stacked and connected "exercise boxes" behind a translucent skin, creating a sculptural effect. The poetic and light fa?ade will change with perspective, time, lighting and seasons and transform a simple sports building into a dynamic living object.  
The sports center is built around the inner street that connects the two main buildings. Internal streets are the backbone of the building, with entrances on either side, providing clear orientation. This street not only has a logistic function, but also an important meeting place, after all, socializing is an important motivation for people to do sports. At the same time, the building is designed to be energy neutral and will be constructed primarily from recycled building materials.  
? Architecture: VenhoevenCS  / Image: b1design (renders)  



规模:4500 m2  
客户: 巴黎萨克莱大学  

巴黎萨克莱大学校园位于巴黎西南部。科技园区是巴黎顶尖大学和研究所的所在地,在这个“法国硅谷”中,培训和研究加强了初创企业和扩大规模,反之亦然。与生活、饮食、购物和运动的纠葛,使校园本身就是一座城市。 MEGA 游泳和运动综合体被设计成一个开放、社交和运动的交汇点,紧凑而透明,并与 Plateau de Saclay 的景观交织在一起。

Campus Université Paris-Saclay is located just southwest of Paris. The tech campus is home to top Parisian universities and institutes and has been given the subtitle ‘innovation playground’. In this ‘Silicon Valley of France’ training and research strengthen start-ups and scale-ups and vice versa.  The swimming and sports complex OMEGA is designed as an open, social, and sportive meeting point, compact and transparent, and intertwined with the landscape of the Plateau de Saclay.


为了不扰乱土壤性质和地下水结构,水池不会开挖,而是放置在高原上,周围有高架。宽阔的楼梯和它们上方的悬臂形成了一种强调入口的欢迎姿态。 体积尽可能紧凑,为景观和生物多样性提供空间。 生态结构包括日光浴场、游戏场和运动场,以及精心挑选植被的花园,包括 为咖啡馆提供水果的果园。 花园中的水池缓冲雨水,也来自绿色屋顶,以供重复使用。

The wide stairs and the cantilever above them form a welcoming gesture that emphasizes the entrance. The volume is as compact as possible to give space to the landscape and to biodiversity. Included in the ecological structure are fields for sunbathing, games and sports and gardens with carefully chosen vegetation including an orchard that supplies the cafe with fruit. Pools in the gardens buffer rainwater, also from the green roofs, for reuse.


游泳池、 健康和健身将在矩形连接的体积中相遇, 与整个校园的建筑风格相呼应。立面由一条连续的玻璃条组成,上面是阳极氧化铝板,在季节和一天中的时间的影响下,周围的树木在其上玩着颜色和阴影的游戏。由于透明的底座,从街上可以看到竞技运动和游泳课程;在泳池中,沐浴者可以从略微升高的位置看到周围的绿色植物。康体设施位于大楼中心的封闭花园内。

In line with the architecture on the entire campus, OMEGA will have an abstract appearance. Swimming pools, wellness and fitness will meet in rectangular, connected volumes. The facade consists of a continuous strip of glass with anodized aluminum panels above, on which, under the influence of the seasons and the time of day, the surrounding trees play a game with color and shadow. Due to the transparent base, competitive sports and swimming lessons are visible from the street; in the pools, bathers have a view of the surrounding greenery from their slightly elevated position. The wellness facilities can be found in an enclosed garden in the heart of the complex.

? ? Architecture: VenhoevenCS  / Image: b1design (renders)  

最后作为VCS多年文体运动中心的集大成者,巴黎2020水上运动场馆, 被提名为MIPIM 国际奖项的最佳未来项目类别的四名决赛入围者之一。  
The MIPIM Awards 2022 shortlists are out! And we’re proud to find the Aquatics Centre for Paris2024 nominated as one of four finalists in the Best Futura Project category of this internationally renowned real estate competition.     
2022年09月08日 13:35:30



