园冶杯参赛作品 | 北京新隆福文化中心景观设计
2022年10月27日 09:00:03

隆福文化中心——旧地标的重获新生 Longfu Temple -- Reborn from Old Landmark   新隆福文化中心——旧地标的重获新生 Longfu Culture Center -- Reborn from Old Landmark


Longfu Temple -- Reborn from Old Landmark


Longfu Culture Center -- Reborn from Old Landmark


As an ancient poem says, "So many noble people have wandered about here, with the fragrance of incenses lingering on their clothes." For centuries, Longfu Temple has witnessed the prosperity of Beijing, the capital of China. Today, its glory has been shaded by the towering skyscrapers as a result of the rapid development of the city. People can only catch a glimpse of Longfu Mansion, previously well-known landmark of Beijing, from the gaps between quadrangle courtyards and Hutongs. The traces of time are still deeply imprinted on Longfu Temple. Standing here quietly, the temple accepts the fact of being forgotten, and waits peacefully for rebirth. With the completion of the renovation of Longfu Cultural Center, the sleeping Longfu Temple wakes up again within the skeleton of reinforced concrete, and continues to write its own chapter in this ancient city.


Longfu Cultural Center is located on the roof of Longfu Mansion, originally an important department store of Beijing, built in 1980s on the site of ancient Longfu Temple


Project Narrative

Historical Evolution


Longfu Cultural Center is located on the roof of Longfu Mansion which is in the historical core area of Beijing, 1 km away from the Forbidden City. Longfu Mansion was originally a department store built in 1980s on the site of Longfu Temple which had its heyday in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Surrounded by protected quadrangle courtyards, Longfu Mansion occupies the commanding height of Beijing's inner city center. The previously prosperous Longfu Mansion was burned down in a fire in the 1990s. Since then, with the change of modern lifestyle, the business district of Longfu Temple has been on the decline. It can no longer reproduce the prosperity of the past, and gradually withdraws from the life of Beijing people.


Longfu Temple has a history of 600 years


Design Strategy


Since history can't be rewritten, it's better to apply something new. Abandoning the plan of “restoring the old as the old”, we only retained the frame of the original mansion and reconstructed the facade, and roof courtyard of the mansion. In this way, Longfu Mansion resumes its past glory while leaving no regret.


The replanned and constructed three-entry palace-style courtyard is enclosed by red walls


Contemporary Minimal Design

建筑师的初衷是在隆福大厦的屋顶复原隆福寺,为了适应隆福文化中心作为公共文化建筑的功能,我们摈弃了在屋顶重新建造皇家园林的手法 而是采用了用克制的空间布置,为可能发生在这座屋顶院落中的多元活动预留出灵活利用的开阔空间。同时我们以非对称的图形构成将景观引入中心对称的传统建筑布局中,在大殿两侧对称的甬道外侧,分别布置了形式极简而禅意现代景观元素。寥寥松竹,轻薄水面,草坪花箱、建构了现今这个简洁克制的现代庭院,挑战楼体结构的限制。

The architect's original intention is to restore Longfu Temple on the roof of Longfu Mansion. In order to adapt to the function of Longfu Cultural Center as a public cultural place, we abandoned the idea of rebuilding a royal garden on the roof, but adopted the restrained space layout to reserve a flexible open space for the diversified activities that may take place in the roof courtyard. Meanwhile, with asymmetric space composition, we introduce the landscape into the traditional centrosymmetric architectural layout. On the outside of the symmetrical paved paths leading to the main hall are the modern landscape elements with the minimalistic style and Zen's spirit. A few pines and bamboos, shallow water, lawn and flowering trees constitute today's simple and restrained modern courtyard, accommodate with the limitations of building structure.


Contemporary Minimal Landscape In a Traditional Architectural Setting


A few pines and bamboos, shallow water, lawn and flowering trees constitute today's simple and restrained modern courtyard, Zen's spirit.


Roof Plan


With asymmetric space composition, we introduce the landscape into the traditional centrosymmetric architectural layout.


Minimal Landscape Space


Night Scene Lighting Effect


In order to present the unique vision of Longfu Cultural Center, we opened the red wall surrounding the temple and set up a overlook deck at the location with optimal view at both east and west sides. At sunset, looking out from the overlook deck outside the eastern and western red walls, we can see that the caesious dwellings in the old city are closely arranged, and the golden afterglow is reflected on the glass curtain walls of the towering CBD office buildings at the end of sight line, and also glitters on the glazed tile roofs of the houses in the old city. This is the unique scenery on the east-west viewing axis. It seems that the new city and the ancient capital are intertwined at this moment.


Commanding Height and Unique Vision of Beijing

隆福文化中心位于核心位置,拥有北京内城制高点, 视线连接北京的历史和未来。

Longfu Culture Center is located in the historical core area of Beijing. Surrounded by protected quadrangle courtyards, Longfu Mansion occupies the commanding height of Beijing's inner city center.


Most Popular City Viewing Spot


City Overlook Deck


In order to present the unique vision of Longfu Cultural Center, we opened the red wall surrounding the temple. This unique scenery on the east-west viewing axis seems intertwine the new city and the ancient capital.


Balance of Yin and Yang

阴阳为平衡为和谐,水的引入在风水上平衡了寺庙宏伟的“阳”,也希望水能够庇护这座曾经遭遇过大火的大厦 。在正中的院落中,有打通整座大厦办公中庭的天窗,我们把采光天窗设计为镜面水台。阳光透过薄水面洒进大厦中庭,整个大厦的办公中庭充满摇曳灵动的水光影效果。同时大殿的倒影也跃然水面之上。夜晚办公中庭的灯光也能照亮水台,使水台熠熠生辉。

Yin and yang are in balance and harmony. The introduction of water balances the grand "yang" of the temple according to fengshui theory. It is also hoped that water can protect the mansion that once suffered from fire. In the central courtyard, there is a skylight which goes through the office atrium of the whole mansion. We have designed the roof skylight as a mirror water terrace. The sunlight shines into the atrium of the mansion through the thin water surface, and the office atrium of the whole mansion is full of the flickering effect of light and shadow in water. At the same time, the inverted image of the whole mansion is also reflected in the water. At night, the light in the office atrium can also illuminate the water terrace, making it sparkling.


Night View of Longfu Culture Center


At night, the light in the office atrium can also illuminate the water terrace, making it sparkling. At the same time, the inverted image of the palace is also reflected in the water.


Reflection on Centered Mirror Pool Skylight


Tribute to Traditional Culture and Construction Technology

在现代极简的设计风格中,我们用传统建筑材料来传承历史。大殿两侧甬道和伫立在甬道尽头的排风井遮挡,我们选择了用传统工艺烧制的青砖,并结合参数化设计系形成独特的水纹肌理遮挡表面。夜幕时分,灯光透过风孔照射而出,如同摇曳的井中月色。 类似中国水墨画花纹的大理石和花岗岩在当代几何形式感中加入了有机肌理。

By virtue of the modern and minimalistic design style, we use traditional building materials to inherit history. The paved paths on both sides of the hall and the exhaust shafts standing at the end of the paved paths are covered by gray bricks fired with traditional technology, and the parametric design system is used to form a unique screening with water-wave texture. At night time, the light shines through the vent hole, just like the moonlight flickering in the well. Marble and granite, which have patterns similar to Chinese ink paintings, add organic texture to the contemporary geometric form.


Tribute to Traditional Culture and Construction Technology


By virtue of the modern and minimalistic design style, we use traditional building materials to inherit history, . The paved paths and the exhaust shafts are covered by gray bricks fired with traditional craft, and the parametric design system is used to form a unique screening with water-wave texture.



Detail Design and Seasonal Change

2015年开始的片区改造中 隆福寺地区引入了文化、商业、艺术、活动等先锋业态,为四合院保护区注入了新的活力,成为北京最有活力的文化社区。灵活的空间规和极具辨识度的设计,使隆福文化汇总新成为北京最炙手可热的文化艺术活动场所。

During the area renewal started in 2015, the Longfu Temple area introduced the pioneer formats of culture, commerce, art and activities which has injected new vitality into quadrangle courtyards protected areas, thus the Longfu Temple area has become the most dynamic cultural community in Beijing. Flexible space planning and highly recognizable design make Longfu Cultural Center become the most popular place for cultural and artistic activities in Beijing.



A Place to Integrate History with Contemporary Cultural Life


Longfu Temple area has become the most dynamic cultural community in Beijing. Flexible space planning and highly recognizable design make Longfu Cultural Center become the most popular place for cultural and artistic activities in Beijing.



A Place to Connect the History and the New City


Longfu Cultural Center is recording the changes of time and civilization in its own way, and is also integrating itself closely with the city in its own way.


Longfu Temple, which has gone through ups and downs, has taken on a new look thanks to the efforts of modern craftsmen with exquisite craftsmanship. We intended to open it and reshape it, but we worried that, by doing so, it might be out of accord with the times. Until now, it has reappeared in a brand new posture, even more elegant than before. Only when we are in it, can we realize that it is not we who are gazing at Longfu Temple, but it is Longfu Temple that is gazing at us. Longfu Cultural Center is recording the changes of time and civilization in its own way, and is also integrating itself closely with the city in its own way.



项目名称   北京新隆福文化中心景观设计
项目地点   北京市   东城区
项目面积      3500㎡
业主单位   北京新隆福文化投资有限公司
设计单位   望境景观设计(北京)有限公司
合作设计   万橡建筑设计咨询(北京)有限公司
主设计师   郭娃、王韵嘉
设计团队   张婧怡、巨倩、王静静
施工单位   北京三元绿化工程有限公司
项目经理   谢溢丰

设计时间 2016.09.01-2019.08.29



