2022年11月24日 14:55:40

保利置业·东莞南城CBD商业设计 置恩(上海)建筑设计 坐落于南城CBD北部首开区的重要绿轴节点部位,本项目占地面积为5044.96平方米,容积率为10,限高为150米。其北、东、南三面临街,西侧则毗邻绿轴城市公园,也是本项目最有价值的资源。这一特殊而且鲜明的位置给与了设计非常大的发挥空间。 Situated on an important green axis nodelocation in the Phase I area which is at the north part of the South City CBD,this project has a 5044.96m2 site, with FAR at 10 and 150m buildingheight limit. Its north, east, south sidesare facing city streets, and west side is adjacent to a city park on the greenaxis which is also the most valuable resource for this project.  This unique location offers tremendous designinspirations.




Situated on an important green axis nodelocation in the Phase I area which is at the north part of the South City CBD,this project has a 5044.96m2 site, with FAR at 10 and 150m buildingheight limit. Its north, east, south sidesare facing city streets, and west side is adjacent to a city park on the greenaxis which is also the most valuable resource for this project.  This unique location offers tremendous designinspirations.



Following the overall CBD developmentpositioning and Phase I program requirement, this project consists mainlyoffices, in addition to some serviced apartments and retails. Its retail levels are seamlessly connectedwith the basement retails underneath the park, and create a vertical shoppingenvironment with adequate accessibilities. On top of it, this project also follows the Phase I design guideline tocreate a pedestrian friendly and green community; and becomes a high densityvertical green city through master development, pedestrian walking system onboth street surface and elevated skybridges, and maximizing the value of thisland.


Inspired by Dongguan’s gateway locationwithin the bay area during the search for design ideas, and in response to thesite’s green oasis location context, the “Green Gate” concept is emerged and thus transforms the land’s essence into theproject.


The project design consists mainly threecomponents:


1.The 150m tower includes 20-story offices, 8-story serviced apartments and2-story egress floors; the serviced apartment levels are designed to be abovethe office levels in order to give more privacy and best take advantage of thepark view to maximize its value; also at level 25 and 29 terraced rooftop gardenare created for apartment leisure use which also become part of the building fa?adefeature;


2.Underneath the office floors are 3 levels of retail and culture spaces.  This design fully utilizes the comprehensivedesign concept to unify the tower and park together.  It not only connects the park withskybridges, but also provides 24-hour open public space on the ground level foreasy access to the park.  Meanwhile, thedesign of vehicle-pedestrian traffic separation, qilou also completes theconvenience of the entire community.



3.Another important development aspect is the overall comprehensive design forthe entire Phase I underground space. This project’s underground space is even more important as it not onlyconnects the other parcels’ basements at B3/B4 levels, it also connects to theentire CBD underground retail axis as it is adjacent to the important CBD greenpark.  All of these retail spaces extendand connect at the green park’s sunken plaza which not only becomes alandscaped retail exit but also provides another entry to the undergroundretail spaces.  This park also providesthe best view to appreciate the elegantly designed tower when people are doingactivities in it.


Architectural Concept:


“GREEN GATE” :Since the site sits on an important green axis open park node, it can have verygood sight line and strong visual impact no matter from what angle people seeit.  Meanwhile basing on the cohesivedesign approach, the design of the tower adopts the gateway concept.  When it’s a metaphor of gateway to the greenaxis, at the same time the design also transforms and mirrors the gateway imageto the park landscape design, and thus seamlessly untied the two distinctivesites together.



“CUBE CITY”: Theother goal of this project is to create an open architectural environment tomix the indoor and outdoor spaces together. Especially at its podium levels which are closer to the streets, thedesign breaks up the big mass into small volumes and creates cascading cubeforms, which not only creates flexible independent office or retail spaces butalso provides multiple green rooftop gardens. Starting from these green cubes, they not only continue to extend andscatter into the landscaped park, the green also climbs up along both sides’balconies on the tower and finally reaches to the top-level sky greengarden.  These green cubes enhance andoptimize the green concept for the entire project.


At last, this project is aiming to create ahighly efficient, people friendly, green city’s gateway following the thoroughunderstanding of the entire South City CBD’s design guideline for this high-densitydevelopment project.

总设计师:Jaewon Lee(美国注册建筑师)


