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环形售马场变儿童游乐场-澳大利亚The Sales Ring Playground

发布于:2022-12-01 09:09:01 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]


The History of the Sales Ring

Sales Ring游乐场旨在为所有年龄段的儿童提供一个游乐场,在这里可以庆祝Newmarket Randwick悠久而丰富的文化遗产。游乐场是新公园英格利斯公园的一部分,该公园已成为兰德威克郊区的新中心。

Newmarket Randwick场地于1860年首次有人定居,这里拥有Randwick早期和澳大利亚纯种马行业的非凡历史。

The Sales Ring Playground has been designed to provide a playspace for children of all ages, where the long and rich cultural heritage of the Newmarket Randwick site is celebrated. The playground is part of a new public park, Inglis Park, which has become the new heart of the suburb of Randwick. 

First settled in 1860, the Newmarket Randwick site has a remarkable history of Randwick’s early days and the Australian thoroughbred industry. 



Overview of the project



Site plan

最初的销售环位于一棵有130年树龄的莫顿湾无花果树下,它见证了纽马克特的每一匹马的销售。Arcadia团队看到了重新利用销售环 "骨骼 "的潜力,它是该场地以前历史的一个标志性元素,但没有被指定为受保护的遗产项目。我们的设想是利用这个框架创造一个悬空的攀爬和游戏结构,以一个巨大的双螺旋滑梯作为中心焦点,将这个结构带入其发展的下一个阶段。

The original sales ring sits under a 130-year-old Moreton Bay fig tree, witness to every horse ever sold on the Newmarket site.  The Arcadia team saw the potential to repurpose the ‘bones’ of the sales ring, which was an iconic element of the site’s previous history, however not designated as a protected heritage item. The vision was to use the framework to create a suspended climbing and play structure, with a giant double-helix slide as the central focal point to take the structure into the next stage of its life.


Sales Ring游乐场

Sales Ring Playground

“纽马克特 蓝”的游乐场

The Playground of Newmarket Blue

The Sales Ring为悉尼引入了一个创新的游乐空间,其元素吸引了所有年龄段的儿童,其设计巧妙地讲述了该地区丰富而非凡的故事。设计过程的一部分是设计团队所做的重要研究,这在游乐场的公共艺术和解释性游戏元素中显而易见。


The Sales Ring introduces an innovative play space to Sydney with elements which appeals to children of all ages, set within a design which creatively tells the precinct’s rich and remarkable story. Part of the design process was the significant research done by the design team, evident in the public art and interpretive play elements in the playground.

The playground connects users to the narrative of the site through a range of elements. The joy and excitement of the annual thoroughbred sales is celebrated by adorning the playground with the bright colours of the annual horse parade, the stud farms and the famous racehorses linked to Newmarket. 


Sales Ring游乐场

Sales Ring Playground

Sales Ring游乐场的本质是再利用和回收,将原来的结构剥离,留下结构塔和屋顶支撑,将游戏元素悬挂在地面上。从Young Street的原始路缘和排水沟中回收的历史砂岩、砖铺路和从马厩中回收的木材已被纳入游乐场设计中,并且该结构使用了销售环的原始遗产颜色,多乐士的“Newmarket蓝”。

The essence of the Sales Ring Playground is reuse and recycling, with the original structure peeled back, leaving the structural pylons and roof supports to suspend the play elements off the ground. Historic sandstone salvaged from the original kerb and guttering of Young Street, recycled brick paving and salvaged timber from the stables have been incorporated into the playground design, and the structure uses the original heritage colour of the Sales Ring, ‘Newmarket Blue’ by Dulux.


Sales Ring游乐场

Sales Ring Playground


Design for Children of All Ages



The playground has been designed so that children of all ages will join in and play. This ensures that large family and friendship groups will choose to visit as there is something which appeals to everyone.   

The auctioneer’s box caters for toddlers under three years of age, with play features that suit their unique needs and stage of development. This area is set apart from the rest of the playground.


Sales Ring游乐场

Sales Ring Playground



The lower terrace provides for pre-schoolers with swings, tunnels, low slides and a carousel. The upper terrace, with its netting and climbing structures, suspended swings, timber walkway and giant double-helix slides, appeals to the older and more adventurous kids. 

Children require a certain level of height and strength to reach the next stage without parental assistance. More daring children can be accompanied by their parents, who will find the play structures have been designed for comfortable use by adults as well. 



Children are playing

Sales Ring游乐场是一个区域性的游乐场,吸引了当地和远方的游客。游乐场位于英格利斯公园内,与邻近的Newmarket餐饮区的餐饮供应无缝连接。

如果说英格利斯公园被设计成纽马克特的中心,那么Sales Ring游乐场就是它跳动的脉搏。这个空间的成功体现在孩子们穿过结构时不断传来的脚步声,以及他们挑战自己将游戏提升到一个新水平时,发出的喜悦尖叫声。

The Sales Ring playground is a regional-sized playground which attracts visitors locally and from afar. Set within Inglis Park with its seamless links to the adjacent food and beverage offering of the Newmarket Dining precinct.

If the Inglis Park has been designed to be the heart of Newmarket, then the Sales Ring Playground is its beating pulse. The success of the space is evident in the constant beat of children’s footsteps as they run through the structure and the screams of delight as they challenge themselves to take their play to the next level.


Sales Ring游乐场

Sales Ring Playground


注:部分图片来源于 landezine ,其他来源于网络, 图文系园景人 (ID: xyzwin) 原创整理, 欢迎转载, 转载请输入“转载”授权,请注明来源!

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