土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构新鲜事 \ 法国高层公寓:露台形式的立面设计


发布于:2022-12-07 09:42:07 来自:建筑结构/结构新鲜事 [复制转发]

在历史名城的边缘,圣洛克区(ZAC St Roch),一个在铁轨上征服的领土,促进了一个新的充满活力的、开放的、混合的和可持续的地区的出现。这个由SERM(蒙彼利埃地区设备公司)开发的大型项目位于SNCF火车站、Comédie和历史中心附近,地理位置优越,占地15公顷,很快将获得EcoCité标签。

On the edge of the historic city, the ZAC St Roch, a territory conquered on the rails, promotes the emergence of a new animated, open, mixed and sustainable district. Ideally located in the immediate vicinity of the SNCF train station, the Comédie and the historic center, this vast operation developed by SERM (Société d'équipement de la Région de Montpellier) covers 15 hectares and will soon receive the EcoCité label.


In this urban puzzle under development, lot III occupies a particularly strategic and privileged place, because, with its height of 50 meters, it symbolizes the gateway to the new district and as such must link two urban histories: that of the historic center and that of this new center turned towards the future, a vector of a unique real estate offer. A challenge!

作为蒙彼利埃市中心的一个良好信号,标志性的Higher Roch塔楼是这个位于ZAC三号地块的庞大项目的组成部分之一,这个项目名为City Roch(12600平方米),包括一个3480平方米的R+6办公楼(Roch Office),一个1780平方米的商业基地(Roch N'store),以及一个SO ROCH辅助住宅楼(1776平方米)。

High Roch塔楼包括76个住房单元,分布在16层,面积为5560m2。SOGEPROM-PRAGMA公司和VINCI Immobilier公司在共同推动下,正在实施由Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés建筑公司签署的项目。

A well-tempered signal in the heart of Montpellier, the emblematic Higher Roch tower is one of the components of this vast program on lot III of the ZAC, a program called City Roch (12,600m2) comprising a 3480m2 R+6 office building (Roch Office), a 1780m2 commercial base (Roch N'store), and a SO ROCH assisted housing building (1776m2). The Higher Roch tower comprises 76 housing units distributed over 16 floors for a surface area of 5560m2. SOGEPROM-PRAGMA and VINCI Immobilier, in co-promotion, are carrying out the project signed by the Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés architectural firm.

他们一起孜孜不倦地工作,以实现多种混合,或称 "多元混合":当然是功能性的,但也是社会性和代际性的。

Together, they have worked tirelessly to achieve multiple mixes, or "poly-mix": functional, of course, but also social and generational.


The uniqueness of City Roch. The design of the mineral base of City-Roch echoes the historic, low-rise city. The contemporary city, densified in height, is answered by the tower with its undulating forms and whose interior-exterior porosity and reconnection with the vegetation are subtly worked.


The first register on which the architects have worked, which addresses the historic city, the lower city, is materialized by a concrete base of stone color, with variable heights. Its development at the foot, like a ribbon of stone, and its architectural orthogonality bring together all the programs that make up the block. It integrates a base of shops and the R+6 office building facing the station.

第二个登记册,是针对远方的,针对上层城市的,其几何形状发生了变化,变得自由和有机。这就是Higher Roch塔,它包含76套公寓,分布在16层。  它的楼层和露台的起伏形式,让人想起水平的曲线,被堆叠起来并连续偏移。这些悬垂物通过一个巨大的金属网相互连接。

The second register, which is addressed to the distance, to the upper city, whose geometry changes, becomes free and organic. This is the Higher Roch tower, which contains 76 apartments spread over 16 levels.  The undulating forms of its floors and terraces, which recall the curves of levels, are stacked and successively offset. These overhangs are connected to each other by a giant metal mesh.


The dwellings have been designed with the climate in mind; it is a Mediterranean tower that values the uses and fluidity between inside and outside thanks to the presence of very generous terraces.


Thus, the ou     tdoor spaces are designed in continuity as living rooms, generously sized, between light and shade.

建筑师:Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés
面积:12600 m2

  • 阿巅2019
    阿巅2019 沙发


    2022-12-19 13:11:19

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