2022年12月16日 10:44:40

该项目旨在建设一个新区,其首要目的是重振与自然环境的关系,并满足当今社会最深刻的愿望。 This project to build a new district has been designed first and foremost to reinvigorate the relationship with the natural environment, as well as satisfy the most profound aspirations of today’s society.


This project to build a new district has been designed first and foremost to reinvigorate the relationship with the natural environment, as well as satisfy the most profound aspirations of today’s society.

所选择的概念包括在新的城市公园周围建造建筑物。生活将围绕着一个中心的、完全的行人专用区和高大的树木组织起来。这一选择有两个目的:满足居民和游客与自然接触的愿望,并成为Issy les Moulineaux镇历史的一部分。

The concept chosen consists of constructing buildings around a new urban park. Life will be organized around a central, fully pedestrianized area with high trees. This option has two aims: satisfy the wish of both residents and visitors for greater contact with nature, and be part, almost an extension of the history of the town of Issy-les-Moulineaux.


This town developed based on a series of park estates belonging to the castle and religious community estates, which have now almost disappeared but still have vast green spaces which make up the green fabric of which the creation of this new park is part and parcel. This contextuality is essential because the town has its own specific identity and wishes to create a truly urban character.

尽管该地区是一个飞地,但C?ur d39;Issy项目通过在整个场地延伸相邻街道以及建造与现有周边街区大小和形状相同的街区,使市中心的连续性得以重建。最后,新公园和小镇之间的关系通过创建城市门户得以表达,这些门户提供了通往小镇的通道和视野(教堂塔楼、引人注目的树木和小镇的文化遗产……)。

Although the territory is presented as an enclave, the C?ur d’Issy project enables the town center’s continuity to be recreated by extending adjacent streets throughout the site as well as constructing blocks of the same size and shape as existing surrounding blocks. Finally, the relationship between the new park and the town is expressed through the creation of urban gateways which provide access and views over the town (church towers, remarkable trees, and the town’s cultural heritage …).


The park will therefore be the heart of the district. Surrounding buildings with differing heights will open up this green space towards the sky, favoring natural sunlight and making it a true green valley. The design provides an outside extension to housing in the form of patios shaded by pergolas. In the park, special care has been taken with pathways, mineral and plant floors, as well as with different species and floor coverings.


This project is also characterized by its diversity: functional, generational, and social. It combines homes for sale and social housing, organized in 5 blocks, with office buildings spread out over the site in 3 units. Ground floors are occupied by stores, restaurants, and bars which overlook the central park. There is also a school complex (pre-school and primary), a nursery, sheltered accommodation for the elderly, a digital creation workshop, and cinemas.


Just a few years ago this type of program would have also included a shopping mall and other facilities. Here, it is the exact opposite: the park is a tree-lined promenade that runs along all the ground-floor stores.

该项目占地面积为105 000 m2,占地面积为3公顷,将为居民提供一个既密集又开放的建筑形态和景观区。它有一系列的开口、阶梯式建筑、规模和层次,给人一种宽敞的视野,建筑种类繁多。C?ur d39;Issy是在小镇的历史传统中想象出来的,这里的绿地和建筑质量一直是人们关注的主要问题。

This project, covering 105 000 m2 of floor area on a 3 ha plot, will provide inhabitants with a district that is both dense and open with its architectural morphology and landscaping. With a range of openings, terraced constructions, scales, and levels, it gives a spacious vision with great architectural variety. C?ur d’Issy was imagined in the town39;s historic tradition where green spaces and architectural quality have always been a major concern.

建筑师:Valode & Pistre
面积:105000 平方米


