土木在线论坛 \ 装配式建筑 \ 工厂化生产 \ 会呼吸的地下博物馆:米兰Luigi Rovati基金会博物馆

会呼吸的地下博物馆:米兰Luigi Rovati基金会博物馆

发布于:2023-06-05 10:50:05 来自:装配式建筑/工厂化生产 [复制转发]

Luigi Rovati基金会博物馆,是一座以再现辉煌的 伊特鲁里亚文化遗产 为主题,集陈列展览、收藏保护、科普教育、与科学研究为一体的 专题类历史文化博物馆


这是 米兰未来最重要的公共文化类建筑代表,也是 MCA最具启发性的项目之一。

Luigi Rovati基金会博物馆,已斩获 2020年美国建筑大师奖
The Luigi Rovati Foundation Museum is a thematic museum of history and culture with the theme of recreating the glorious Etruscan cultural heritage, combining exhibition, conservation, science and education, and scientific research.
A building that moves between past, present, and future.
It is the most important public cultural building of the future in Milan and one of the most inspiring projects of MCA.

The Luigi Rovati Foundation Museum, winner of the 2020 American Architecture Masterprize.


The museum is a vehicle to present the origins of civilization in a modern way, the visitor is able to recreate a glorious cultural heritage and gain inspiration from historical experience in order to enhance their ability to meet the challenges of the future. In addition, due to the complexity of the building39;s construction, "the future" is not only a concept of time but also a high demand for future innovation and technology.



Urban Lounge


Luigi Rovati基金会博物馆坐落于   米兰的威尼斯街   ,旨在寸土寸金的米兰市中心打造   一处精神憩室   ,使人们在   历史、艺术和科学等多方面获得对未来的启迪  
The Luigi Rovati Foundation Museum, located on Corso Venezia in Milan, aims to create a spiritual retreat in the heart of the city that will inspire the future in the areas of history, art, and science.

项目源自Luigi Rovati基金会的诉求,在不改变历史悠久的 19世纪Bocconi-Rizzoli-Carraro 宫殿 特征的前提下进行 修复与扩建 ,并改造成博物馆空间,集中展示伊特鲁里亚时期的重要馆藏。博物馆不仅是展览场地,更将成为 保护、研究和改善古代遗迹领域的文化中心 ,为探讨伊特鲁里亚文明的学者们提供研究和交流的学术空间,建立国际伙伴关系、组织专题会议和活动,传播历史文化知识。

The project was born out of the desire of the Foundation Luigi Rovati to restore and extend the historic 19th-century Bocconi-Rizzoli-Carraro palace without changing its character and to transform it into a museum dedicated to the important collections of the Etruscan period. The museum will not only be an exhibition space, but also a cultural centre in the field of conservation, research, and improvement of ancient monuments, providing an academic space for research and exchange among scholars exploring Etruscan civilization, establishing international partnerships, organizing thematic conferences and events, and disseminating historical and cultural knowledge.


Inspiration From History



—— Luigi Rovati 基金会主席Giovanna Forlanelli

伊特鲁里亚文明   是伊特鲁里亚地区(今意大利半岛及科西嘉岛)于 公元前12世纪至前1世纪 发展由来的文明。伊特鲁里亚人相信人在死后会到另外一个世界,因此伊特鲁里亚文明给人印象最深刻的艺术是 坟墓建筑 。伊特鲁里亚的坟墓造型有两种:一种是在大石块建造圆形的底层上方搭建拱顶,整个再用土覆盖成馒头形状。另一种是根据伊特鲁里亚的住宅形式,往地下挖一个四角形的底层,建造一个地下大厅。  

The Etruscan civilisation was a civilisation that developed in the Etruscan region (the present-day Italian peninsula and the island of Corsica) between the 12th and 1st centuries BC. The Etruscans believed that people went to another world after death, so the most impressive art of the Etruscan civilisation was the architecture of tombs. There are two types of Etruscan tomb shapes: one is a vaulted roof over a circular base built of large stones, the whole of which is then covered with earth in the shape of a steamed bun. The other is based on the Etruscan form of dwelling, where a quadrangular base is dug into the ground to create an underground hall.

设计从 伊特鲁里亚文明 中的建筑特色汲取灵感,暗喻了切尔韦泰里小镇的 伊特鲁里亚墓穴风格 ,旨在唤起人们与伊特鲁里亚文明的互动。该建筑展陈空间从地上宫殿一直延伸到地下,以 三个大型穹顶 为主要特色, 营造伊特鲁里亚文明的神秘氛围

The design draws inspiration from the architectural features of the Etruscan civilisation, alluding to the Etruscan catacomb style of the town of Cerveteri, and aims to evoke an interaction with the Etruscan civilisation. The building39;s exhibition space extends from the palace above ground to the underground, featuring three large domes that create a mystical atmosphere of the Etruscan civilisation.

基于伊特鲁里亚人相信死后会到达另一个世界的信念,建筑利用   室内明暗对比效果   ,展示出   尘世生活与极乐世界之间的巧妙平衡   。该效果由   大块明亮的石英砂岩   呈现,器皿陈列于   不同高度的透明展柜   ,似漂浮在空中,若隐若现。同时,   轻微的回声效果   也为空间营造了神圣氛围,增强情感共鸣。  

Based on the Etruscan belief in reaching the other world after death, the building uses the contrast between light and dark in the interior to demonstrate the delicate balance between earthly life and the world of bliss. The effect is created by large blocks of bright quartz sandstone, with vessels displayed in transparent display cases at different heights, which appear to float in the air. At the same time, a slight echoing effect creates a sacred atmosphere and enhances the emotional resonance of the space.


Function Layout

博物馆的设计包括: 整个场地的重新规划 19世纪宫殿建筑及花园的修复 地下两层扩建

地下扩建部分是藏品的主要展示空间;原宫殿建筑设置为与博物馆活动相关的功能,包括书店、设计商店、咖啡厅、图书馆、会议和活动空间、临时展览空间、餐厅和Luigi Rovati基金会办公室。
The design of the museum includes the re-planning of the entire site, the restoration of the 19th century palace building and gardens, and a two-storey extension to the ground floor.

The ground floor extension is the main display space for the collection; the former palace building is set up for functions related to the museum39;s activities, including a bookshop, design shop, café, library, conference and event space, temporary exhibition space, restaurant and offices of the Luigi Rovati Foundation.

博物馆首层门厅面积宽敞,书店和设计商店将咖啡厅与内部花园连接起来。使得博物馆成为一个 面向城市开放的空间 ,一处 艺术文化的城市休息室 ,吸引人们驻足探索。

The museum39;s spacious first floor foyer, bookshop and design shop connect the café to the interior garden. This makes the museum an open space for the city, an urban lounge of art and culture that invites people to stop and explore.

室外花园由 Greencure 进行景观修复,在米兰国家考古、美术和景观监管局的要求下,该项目以 维护现有树种为主 融入与城市环境相适应的植被和草坪 ,选择 耐旱植物 ,减少用水量。

The outdoor gardens were landscaped and restored by Greencure, at the request of the National Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Milan, which focused on maintaining the existing tree species, incorporating vegetation and lawns appropriate to the urban environment, selecting drought-tolerant plants and reducing water consumption.


Flowing Underground Space

Passing through the service centre, visitors follow a stone staircase into the underground exhibition space and begin their journey into Etruria.

3万块石片   层层向上叠加,形成 三个圆形 和一个大椭圆形的地下展区 ,给人一种被掏空的 矿穴空间 印象,呈现出 建筑的自然美 。博物馆石材全部选用来自托斯卡纳Firenzuola采石场的 pietra serena天然石材 。每块石材都是 单独设计、精准切割和组装 ,实现 形式上的连续 。同时,石片的 水平条纹营造出悬浮的效果 ,与石材中 云母的反射光斑 构成一种 自由流动 的感觉。

The 30,000 stone pieces are stacked upwards in layers to form three circular and one large oval underground exhibition area, giving the impression of a hollowed-out mining space and presenting the natural beauty of the building. All of the museum39;s stone is made from pietra serena, a natural stone from the Firenzuola quarry in Tuscany. Each piece of stone is individually designed, precisely cut and assembled to achieve formal continuity. At the same time, the horizontal stripes of the stone pieces create a suspended effect and a free-flowing feeling with the reflected light patches of mica in the stone.

每块石片 厚约 5 厘米 长约1 米 每相邻两片距离约 5毫米 。利用 天然砂岩的气性 和石片间的空隙 ,创建 会呼吸的墙面 ,空气可以从 集成装置自然流通到下部结构 实现良好的空气循环,充分解决了地下建筑的通风问题。

Each slab is approximately 5 cm thick and 1 m long, with a distance of approximately 5 mm between each adjacent slab. Using the airy nature of the natural sandstone and the gaps between the stone pieces, a breathing wall is created where air can circulate naturally from the integrated unit to the substructure, allowing for good air circulation and fully solving the problem of ventilation in underground buildings.

地下空间的施工,首先通过对现有建筑物周围插入 建筑桩 ,进行 结构加固 再进行挖掘与扩建 。最后,移除原先支撑整个建筑物的微型桩,建造地下空间的屋顶。地下的穹顶拱出地面, 在花园中形成了土包 既凸显了地下空间 也令人回想起切尔韦泰里墓穴的画面

The construction of the underground space began with structural reinforcement by inserting building piles around the existing building, followed by excavation and extension. Finally, the miniature piles that had previously supported the entire building were removed and the roof of the underground space was constructed. The underground dome arches out of the ground and forms an earthbag in the garden, which both accentuates the underground space and recalls the image of the Cerveteri catacombs.



展览是一场穿越   艺术与建筑     形式与物质     城市与文明   之间的旅程。   MCA     Luigi Rovati基金会   以及   意大利考古学家和艺术史学家Salvatore Settis教授   密切合作,对   1.5万多件   馆藏品进行深入研究,设计展陈方案。一方面将展览空间变成能够表现主题的有机组成部分,馆藏品似   漂浮在巨型透明展柜中     呈流线型排布   ,确保各个   空间的连续性   ;另一方面通过   融合历史、考古、数字技术   等多种方法,打造   动感和沉浸式体验    
The exhibition is a journey between art and architecture, form and matter, city and civilisation. MCA works closely with the Luigi Rovati Foundation and Italian archaeologist and art historian Professor Salvatore Settis to design an exhibition programme based on an in-depth study of over 15,000 objects in the collection. On the one hand, the exhibition space has been transformed into an organic component capable of expressing the theme, with the collection appearing to float in giant transparent cabinets and arranged in a streamlined manner to ensure the continuity of each space; on the other hand, a dynamic and immersive experience has been created through the integration of historical, archaeological and digital technologies.

建筑在声学方面也进行了深入精准的技术研究。博物馆采用的声学解决方案, 没有将穹顶自身结构发出的回音进行完全消音,而是将声音弱化 ,以保留参观者对穹顶的感知,同时营造神秘氛围。同时为了消除照明系统的反射作用,专业 定制的展陈玻璃 ,能够保持极高的清洁度。
The building has also been subjected to an in-depth and precise technical study in terms of acoustics. Instead of completely silencing the echoes emanating from the dome39;s own structure, the acoustic solution adopted by the museum attenuates the sound in order to preserve the visitor39;s perception of the dome while creating a mysterious atmosphere. Also in order to eliminate the reflective effects of the lighting system, the exhibition glass was professionally tailored to maintain an extremely high level of cleanliness.

  色彩特点     材料,   以及   各个展区之间的关系,   展览橱窗设计和空间布局在   美学、功能、技术和质量方面都符合国际最高标准,   同时将   创新和实验元素   引入博物馆学领域。
From the colour characteristics to the materials and the relationship between the various exhibition areas, the exhibition window design and spatial layout meet the highest international standards in terms of aesthetics, functionality, technology and quality, while introducing an element of innovation and experimentation into the field of museology.


Environmental & Energy Sustainability

项目在   服务工程     材料选择和使用策   略方面,对环境和能源的可持续性给予了极大的关注。该建筑正在接受   LEED v4 新建筑和重大改造SILVER认证   过程。
The project pays great attention to environmental and energy sustainability in terms of service engineering, material selection and use strategies. The building is undergoing the LEED v4 New Construction and Major Retrofit SILVER certification process.  

所有空调所需的热能和冷能都是通过 地源热泵和屋顶光伏系统 获得,以利用米兰优异的地热资源。不仅 减少了碳排放 降低噪音 还保证了建筑物室外空间的最大可用性

All the heat and cooling energy required for air conditioning is obtained through a ground source heat pump and a rooftop photovoltaic system to take advantage of Milan39;s excellent geothermal resources. Not only does this reduce carbon emissions and noise, but it also ensures maximum availability of the building39;s outdoor space.

室内空间采用 新风系统 ,净化、过滤空气中的粉尘颗粒和气态污染,保证优异的空气质量。对保存完好的历史墙 增加隔热措施 ,用 高热和视觉性能组件 替换所有门窗框架,引入太阳能和光舒适控制的 自动遮阳系统 ,同时使得建筑围护结构的性能得到了显著改善。

A fresh air system is used in the interior spaces to purify and filter dust particles and gaseous pollution from the air, ensuring excellent air quality. The addition of thermal insulation to the well-preserved historic walls, the replacement of all window and door frames with high thermal and visual performance components and the introduction of an automatic solar and light comfort controlled shading system have simultaneously resulted in a significant improvement in the performance of the building envelope.

“Luigi Rovati基金会博物馆的修复及扩建,诠释了改造更新、可持续性、能源策略和材料再利用等概念;为游客、研究和工作人员创造舒适的环境。


—— Mario Cucinella


▲  首层平面图

▲ 沿街立面

▲ 内花园剖面

▲ 地下博物馆室内剖面

▲ 二层室内剖面图


位置: 意大利,米兰

时间: 2022年

面积: 4000平方米

项目方: Luigi Rovati基金会

团队: Mario Cucinella, Enrico Iascone,  Giovanni Sanna,  Damiano Comini,  Lucrezia Rendace,  Maria Dolores Del Sol Ontalba,  Luca Sandri,  Donato Labella,  Michela Galli,  Dario Castellari,  Enrico Pintabona,  Irene Sapienza,  Martina Buccitti,  Wallison Caetano,  Eurind Caka,  Flavio Giacone,  Ernesto Tambroni,  Chiara Tomassi,  Davide Cazzaniga,  Silvia Conversano,  Yuri Costantini ( 模型) Andrea Genovesi  (模型)

视觉效果: Pictury, MCA Visual -  Alessia Monacelli,  Walter Vecchio

摄影: Duccio Malagamba, Giovanni de Sandre

景观设计: Greencure

结构工程: Milan Ingegneria  S.r.l.

工程服务: Manens – Tifs S.p.A

LEED顾问: Manens – Tifs S.p.A

石材和穹顶工程: Casone Group S.r.l.,  Elios Engineering

修复工程 Chiarugi Simone Restauri Mobili Antichi,  Gasparoli S.r.l.

声学 Biobyte S.r.l.

灯光 iGuzzini illuminazione S.p.A,  Enrico Colombo S.p.A.

多媒体/科技 Dotdotdot S.r.l.,  Zeranta Edutainment S.r.l.

平面/标识: Zup Design S.r.l.,  Silvia Gherra – silosilo studio

承包商: Ediltecno Restauri  S.r.l., Aertermica S.r.l.

无障碍设施: Associazione L’abilità onlus | Fondazione De Agostini

消防安全: Gae Engineering S.r.l.

现场监管: Engineer Walter Incerti – IZed Partners

健康与安全: Engineer Claudio Caramia – Arkein Studio

项目管理:   Engineer Giovanni Canciullo
外部门窗:   Capoferri Serramenti S.p.A
博物馆陈列:   Goppion S.p.A,    Nexhibit Design S.r.l
室内设计:   Brass Style S.r.l., Realize S.r.l., Vanossi Arredamenti S.r.l, Zero Otto Arredi S.r.l.

餐馆及咖啡厅室内设计: Flaviano Capriotti Architetti, Giorgio Mantegazza – Attua Project

  • 没有不可能


    2023-06-05 11:00:05

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