Sycamore953位于混凝土工厂和生产工作室之间,是一栋新的八层创意办公大楼,它的上升和悬垂在城市的密集区创造了一个标志性的存在。 Located amidst concrete factories and production studios, Sycamore953 is a new eight-story creative office building that rises and cantilevers to create an iconic presence in a densifying part of the city.
LOHA developed the massing of the new retail and creative office building through a combination of exterior and interior strategies. By maintaining a consistent floor-to-ceiling height for the garage levels, the office floors can begin to twist and pull apart, becoming incrementally taller to lift up from the parking base and create desirable spaces for creative work.
The facades will externalize this floor-to-floor relationship while helping to control the effects of sunlight and creating unity through the rhythmic sequencing of vertical fins.
Internally, LOHA designed a series of corten boxes containing conference rooms that dig into the mass, providing an interior courtyard and bringing natural light deep into the floor plate. This interior courtyard joins other gardens patios and landscape cuts interspersed throughout the complex, creating inviting outdoor communal spaces for all employees and visitors.
建筑师:Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects