土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构设计软件 \ CAD2XTRACT: XTRACT截面转换插件 [AutoCAD转任意截面到XTRACT]


发布于:2023-06-13 09:50:13 来自:建筑结构/结构设计软件 [复制转发]

  • 程序图标  ( Program Icon )
  • 程序介绍  ( Program Introduction)
XTRACT是一个功能十分强大的截面分析软件,在做结构设计和分析时经常用到。然而XTRACT自带的截面建模功能比较弱,尤其是在创建任意形状截面的时候。为了提高效率,我编制了CAD to XTRACT插件,其利用了AutoCAD强大的绘图功能,在工程师熟悉的AutoCAD上绘制好截面,然后转换成XTRACT模型。下面介绍一下插件。
XTRACT is a powerful sectional analysis program, it is frequently-used in structural design and analysis. However, the build-in tools for creating section in XTRACT is not very convenient , especially in the creation of an arbitrary cross-section. Based on this consideration, I developed a AutoCAD plugin — CAD to XTRACT for rapid creating section , which is simple and powerful. You can draw the section in AutoCAD and used the CAD to XTRACT plugin to export the XTRACT files. Here is the introduction of this plugin!
  • 程序界面  ( Program Interface  )
  • 程序使用 ( Step to Use  )
(2)打开AutoCAD 2010,输入命令:【Netload】,导入插件:CADTOXTRACT_cad2010_x64_20160217.dl
  ( PS. 不同的版本AutoCAD找相应版本的.dll文件)
(3)输入命令:【CX】,弹出CAD to XTRACT插件界面
(1)First,draw the section in AutoCAD in units of N-mm. Sectional edges and openings  must be drawn with a closed pline, and the rebars must be draw with Circle command.
(2)Open AutoCAD 2010 , input command  [Netload] , and load the plugin - CADTOXTRACT_cad2010_x64_20160217.dl.
( PS. The version of AutoCAD and the .dll file  must match each other. )
(3)Input command :【CX】and pop up  the CAD to XTRACT interface.
(4)Compelete the definition of materials through the GUI of the plugin, and complete the definition of the section by picking the pline and circle.
(5)Export XTRACT project file (.xpj) or section file (.sec).
(6)Open XTRACT and import the file exported. Until now, the work left before you can carrying out the analysis is to modify the material properties and define the load case. 
  • 例子  ( Examples  )
(1)例1 - 普通混凝土截面(   Example 1 - RC Section
(2)例2 - 型钢混凝土截面(   Example 2 - Steel reinforced concrete Section
(3)例3 - 圆形截面(   Example 3- Circular Cross-section
(4)例4 - 含开洞复杂截面(   Example 4 - Complicated Cross-section with Hole

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只看楼主 我来说两句抢地板
  • herry_f4
    herry_f4 沙发


    2024-11-12 15:02:12

    回复 举报
  • cof1661857692764


    2024-07-24 17:10:24

    回复 举报



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CSI OAPI EX3: 快速定义自定义截面

CSI API编程训练第三课,这次测试自定义截面SD Section的相关API,通过提供的API,快速建立SD截面。 以下是测试的两个截面的形式及参数。 编写测试程序如下: 通过程序设置参数,控制SAP2000建立SD界面,如下图所示。 截面SD1 截面SD2 测试过程中也发现,似乎无法通过API创建SD截面中的开洞,不知道有没有朋友做过相关测试,如果有可以给我指点一下,谢谢。


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