嬗变中的现代性 上海 淮海公寓保护与更新设计
2023年07月17日 10:09:38

1.嬗变中的现代性:赉安的淮海公寓 1. a masterpiece between Art Deco & Modernism 淮海公寓主体建成于1935年,是由万国储蓄会投资建造、由赉安洋行(Leonard,Veysseyre & Kruze Architects.)设计的著名高档公寓,当时名为盖司康公寓(Gascogne Apartments),上海市第二批优秀历史建筑和徐汇区登记不可移动文物。

1. a masterpiece between Art Deco & Modernism
淮海公寓主体建成于1935年,是由万国储蓄会投资建造、由赉安洋行(Leonard,Veysseyre & Kruze Architects.)设计的著名高档公寓,当时名为盖司康公寓(Gascogne Apartments),上海市第二批优秀历史建筑和徐汇区登记不可移动文物。
The main building of Gascogne Apartment was built in 1935. Financed by International Savings Society, it was designed by well-known Leonard Veysseyre & Kruze Architects (LVKarchitects).Having been one of the most renowned luxurious apartment buildings in the history, it was announced as Excellent Historical Building of Shanghai (2nd batch) and was registered as Immovable Cultural Relics of Xuhui Distict.


LVK architects was one of the most representative architectural studio in Shanghai by the time. They had completed 123 design projects in Shanghai during the year of 1920-1946, among which Gascoigne Apartment is one of the most prominent edifices.


淮海公寓是赉安从Art Deco转向现代主义实践的产物,但仍带有明显Art Deco的流线型风格与竖向线条的印记。基于“形式与设计、材料与物质、用途与功能、传统与技术、地点与背景(奈良真实性文件,1994)”等多方面分析,结合历史文献资料的研究,我们总结出淮海公寓在平面、立面、材料等方面的总体特征与价值,进而甄别出公共外廊与住户阳台、入口雨棚与台阶、顶层挑板、白色竖向装饰带、半圆形楼梯间、立面钢窗等主要建筑构件的具体特征与历史价值。相较于同样由赉安设计、稍晚建成的现代主义风格的麦琪公寓,淮海公寓不论从总体的空间与材料上,抑或是在局部构件上,都呈现出明显的从Art Deco向现代主义风格蜕变中的独特设计语言表达,这种两种语言之间的摇摆与融合则是淮海公寓最独特的魅力。而这种嬗变中的现代性也成为我们开展保护修缮以及更新设计工作的依据。
Gascoigne Apartments was born during the time when LVK architects turns their design style from Art Deco to Modernism, although they were still strongly labeled with Art Deco elements. Following historical literature studies, we have deducted general characteristics and value of Gascogne Apartments regarding aspects such as layout, fa?ade, building materials. More detailed characteristics and historical value were collected and categorized relating to public passage, balcony, canopy, white vertical decorative strip, semicircle staircase, steel window, etc. Comparing to Magy apartments, a later masterpiece bearing typical modernism style from LVK architects, Gascogne Apartments was more of a transitional piece of architectural work referring to general design and decorative details. This transitional feature therefore provides a referential base for our renovation and preservation work.


2. Reveal the layered authenticity for a responsible renovation
We plunged into the literature of Gascogne Apartments and old photos from local residents, trying to restore the critical part of the building following the original detail, material and craftsmanship. Some other detail repair with no further information is based on the study of some LVK architects' contemporaneous buildings with the same style.


Gascogne Apartments experienced at least 3 main renovations and expansions during the time from 1991 to 2007. We extracted relevant information of those renovations by means of data browsing, data analysis and interviews. More detailed information such as cracks in the fa?ade, contaminated condition was more cautiously acquired and then being analyzed. A result of this analysis was categorized to protect and restore the authenticity of the building with a least intervention during the whole work.


The courtyard of Gascogne Apartments did not belong to LVK architects' design scope. Despite the lushness of big trees, the peripheral part of planting including shrubs and groundcovers was severely deteriorated. The existing look of simplified classical south court, the material and style of main gate were all inconsistent with the general building appearance. Therefore how to solve the problems called 'error' by our design team is also one of the most significant parts of the preservation and renovation work.


3. Fulfil the integrity by landscape renewal
In fact, Gascogne Apartments did not hold complete integrity in terms of overall appearance before our renovation design. This is due to the absence of systematic landscape design rather than landscaping and facility error which was added lately.


With the respect to historical district and historical building appearance preservation, the renovation work reconstructs an experience sequence that is “streetscape-alleyway-apartments gate -central courtyard garden-apartment building”. The renewal of the apartments gate appears to be a primary work concerning this sequence. We try to approach a balance between practical spatial requirements such as vehicular lane, columns, pedestrian passage and aesthetic aspects like an inviting vibe and grandness of the entrance. We design the gate's figure according to the outline of the main building, and fill the figure with vertical lines extracted from the l anguage of the fa?ade in addition.


The secondary key point is the renewal of the central courtyard garden which is even more important. To initiate the design, we firstly extended the symmetrical layout of the fa?ade to the ground level. We use the shape of the canopy formed by externalizing the octagonal foyer to design the landscape outline of the courtyard center. The fountain statue is maintained and lifted, and the foundation is widened to increasing the volume of general massing. In this way the fountain and statue are able to effectively talk to building behind, therefore become an essential element in the reconstructed landscape sequence. Considering the detailed design of the central landscape space, we take the simplified lining in the fa?ade and the general modernism spirit of the building as inspiration. More contemporary landscape design details are also deliberately applied to create an identifiable renovation from historical architecture.


4. 跨时代合唱:鲜活的摩登
4. the contemporary MODERN is a living MODERN
As a prominent representative apartments building at 1930s, Gascogne Apartments has attracted numerous celebrities to stay in its history. The consulate general of Switzerland, Indonesia also used to be located here. The apartments later was served as the official residence of consulate staff for a long period. Because of the high turn-over rate of the tenants and multiple times of decoration, the original interior decoration of 1930s has been to a large extend missing. Considering the current requirement of functioning as a high quality service apartment after this renovation, some more contemporary functionality is highlighted for interior spatial renovation.


我们围绕作为公寓内部空间核心八角形门厅展开设计,以简洁的发散式布置的Art Deco元素强化空间形态,并融合具有现代主义气息的石材线条以及更经典的透光花窗、古铜金属、地面拼花等手法元素,打造传承历史建筑气息的公寓内部中心。在公共走廊及公寓套房方面,则采用更简洁的现代主义手法来达成最大限度降低干预、形成明快的居住体验的目标。这种将Art Deco与现代主义风格互渗与融合的尝试,是向赉安在摩登时代的淮海公寓设计实践的致敬与呼应。在保护修缮的基础上、当代使用目标的引导下,通过本次保护更新设计,让1935年的历史建筑、历次修缮更新的恰当积淀、当代更新的庭院景观与室内功能形成一场跨时代的合唱,是融入历史建筑文化语境、响应时间演进的鲜活的摩登。
We commenced the interior design from octagonal foyer at the very centre of the building. Some Art Deco elements filtered by Modernism are applied to strengthen the spatial morphology. Lines of modernism style are blended in to establish a historical interior centre of this building. With regards to public passage and standard Suite, a more simplified approach was adopted to avoid over-design and to create a pleasant and cozy experience. This method of our design which attempts to merge Art Deco and Modernism is an echo and a salute to the original design of LVK architects.
This preservation and renovation design by TJAIDC and VIASCAPE creates a cross-generational fusion which merges the historical building itself from 1935 and several renovations from 1991 to 2007 with the contemporary landscape renewal and interior functional upgrade. It celebrates a living Modern in the historical evolution of Gascogne Apartments.


















照明顾问:OUI light





