土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 北京城市副中心剧院“北京艺术中心”


发布于:2023-09-15 14:21:15 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

Viewing the Beijing Green Heart Grand Theatre from the Canal ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will

北京城市副中心剧院“北京艺术中心”项目施工已接近尾声,预计将于今年年底开放。空间的构造高品质地还原了我们最初的设计构想, 在施工收尾之际,设计团队记录了她即将展现的美。

The Beijing Green Heart Grand Theatre is nearing completion and will welcome its first visitors in late 2023. The high-quality construction of the space brings back our original design concept. As we approach the final stages of construction, design team captures the beauty of Green Heart Grand Theatre in its unfinished state.
 Rendering ?SHL ?Perkins&Will
    Beijing Green Heart Grand Theatre Aerial View ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will

Aerial View from South ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will

剧院建   筑沿曲折蜿蜒的大运河展开,将为市民和游客提供多元开放的交流平台和极致专业的表演空间,再次唤醒大运河两岸往昔的繁华胜景。  

Sitting along the banks of the UNESCO Heritage listed site, the project desires to revive the bustling waterfront and provide spaces for valuable interactions and world-class performances.

Green Heart Grand Theatre ?SHL ?Perkins&Will 
Rendering vs Photo ?Zhu Yumeng

 Rendering of Opera House ?BIAD


Connected by a platform, the three buildings each house a different type of performance venue, a Concert Hall, Opera House and Playhouse.

Rendering vs Photo ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will
Rendering of Concert Hall ?BIAD
 Acoustics Test of Concert Hall ?BIAD ?ECADI

Concert Hall Under Construction ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will


The project weaves the history and cultural tapestry of the site into new forms by sculpting monolithic volumes which resemble historical storehouses that once occupied the banks of the Grand Canal as it leads into the Chinese capital.

Rendering of Playhouse ?BIAD
Rendering vs Photo ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will

Fa?ade ?Zhu Yumeng


Targeting China's "Three-Star Green Building" standard, the design utilizes high-efficiency HVAC systems, with district heating using ground source heat pumps to supply 60% of the total hot and chilled water. Heat recovery technology is used to recover energy from 65% of the return air. Additionally, low-flow fixtures are used throughout the building, and non-potable outdoor and indoor water usage comes entirely from recycled greywater.

Fa?ade Detail ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will
Opera House Under Construction ?Zhu Yumeng

Playhouse Under Construction ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will


Beijing Green Heart Grand Theatre is expected to have a soft opening in late September 2023. Managed by the National Centre for the Performing Arts, its stage dimensions will align precisely, allowing seamless transitions and synchronized performances. Anticipated by 2027 are about 650 annual performances and 600 events.

Opera House Under Construction ?Zhu Yumeng ?SHL ?Perkins&Will

Beijing Green Heart Grand Theatre in the Morning Light ?Zhu Yumeng

Green Heart Grand Theatre - Model ?SHL ?Perkins&Will Containers of Culture ?SHL ?Perkins&Will Sketch Feb2019 - Chris Hardie ?SHL ?Perkins&Will Green Heart  


建筑设计 |  SHL, Perkins&Will

规模  |  总建筑面积125 350 ㎡,地上面积 81 930 ㎡,地下面积40 980 ㎡, 附属设施面积2 440

状态 |   2023年底建成

业主  |  北京市文化与旅游局

项目负责人 |   Chris Hardie, James Lu

主创建筑师 |   Chris Hardie, Rong Lu, Chao Chen

设计团队 |  Si mon Persson, Steven Yingnien Chen, Anna Nilson, Tim Kunkel, Han Lin, Bartek Winnicki, Li Wen, Chencheng Li, Xiaoshu He, Fangzhou Zhu, Trushit Vyas, Thomas Grannells, Lukasz Trucahlski

合作建筑师 |   北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司

景观方案设计  |   丹麦SLA景观事务所

结构方案顾问  |  施莱希工程设计咨询公司

剧院方案顾问  |  英国剧院项目咨询公司,Michel Cova咨询公司

声学顾问  |  华东建筑设计研究院,Kahle 声学

立面方案顾问  |   英海特工程咨询公司

施工方  |  北京建工集团

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