土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构资料库 \ 日本幼儿园:单层木结构建筑


发布于:2023-09-27 15:46:27 来自:建筑结构/结构资料库 [复制转发]

分区规划,促进不同年龄组之间的互动 - 这是东京武藏村山市一所幼儿园的搬迁和新建项目。该地区环境优美,住宅区向武藏野高原和狭山蔓延。以前的建筑是两层 RC 结构,儿童活动被分隔在上下两层。客户希望新建筑采用单层木结构,以丰富不同年龄段儿童的互动和体验。
Zoning to create interaction among different age groups - This is a relocation and new construction project for a nursery school in Musashimurayama City, Tokyo. The area has a generous atmosphere, with residential areas spreading toward the Musashino Plateau and Sayama Hills. The previous building was a two-story RC structure, and children's activities were divided between the upper and lower floors. The client wanted a one-story wooden structure for the new building to enrich the interaction and experiences of children of different ages. By placing the nursery room, hall, and other childcare functions on the first floor and the reception desk and other staff functions on the second floor, the zoning was designed to prevent the division of children's activities and create an environment that facilitates interaction among different age groups.

整个场地就是一个 "操场",孩子们可以在里面和外面走来走去--由于要求采用单层木结构、自行车停车位的数量、所需的儿童看护区以及场地条件,从设计之初就预计学校操场将非常紧凑。
因此,在设计之初,我们就预料到学校操场将是紧凑型的,而不是建造一个单一的大型操场,小型操场将分散在整个场地内。具体来说,必要房间的体量被分散,"操场 "则散布在这些房间周围,形成了一个将内部和外部缓缓连接起来的循环系统。设计的目的是通过扩大整个学校的活动范围,为孩子们创造一个可以自由支配时间的幼儿园。
The entire site is a "playground" that allows children to walk around both inside and outside - Due to the requirement for a one-story wooden structure, the number of bicycle parking spaces, the required childcare area, and the site conditions, it was anticipated from the beginning of the design that the school yard would be compact. Rather than creating a single large playground, small playgrounds were scattered throughout the site. Specifically, the volume of the necessary rooms was dispersed, and the "playground" was scattered around them, creating a plan with a circulation system that gently connects the inside and outside. The aim was to create a nursery school where children could spend their time freely by expanding their sphere of activity throughout the school. The plan was designed to stimulate the five senses and create a variety of play activities through the use of openings that allow easy access from the nursery rooms and hall, uneven planes, different textures of the yard pavement, and trees that bear flowers and fruit at different times of the year.

托儿所和 Himawari 厅的横梁被设计成暴露在外,木材的温暖气息笼罩着整个空间,而每个体量都有不同的结构,使每个地方都各具特色。不仅建筑内部使用木材,外部和墙壁也使用木材,营造出温暖的木质内外氛围,使幼儿园建筑无论触及何处都充满童趣。
Five wooden houses in the shape of a nursery school - The height of the flat roof was kept low, and the high ceilings and five house-shaped volumes on the second floor were designed to match the scale of the surrounding detached houses to create a gentle structure that blends in with the townscape. The beams in the nursery and Himawari Hall were designed to be exposed, and the warmth of the wood envelops the space, while each volume has a different structure to give each place its own character. The use of wood not only for the interior of the building but also for the exterior and walls creates a warm wooden atmosphere both inside and out, making the preschool building child-friendly wherever it is touched.

A small-volume preschool building and garden - To make the kindergarten blend in with the community, the volume was scattered throughout the site, and the yard was created in the margins of the volume. We proposed a nursery school with a walkway that connects the small garden with an alley-like walkway, allowing the children to walk inside and outside. The project owner felt that a large yard for sports events was not necessary for daily childcare, and the idea that the yard should be small enough to allow the children to expand their play was the key to this project.








面积:808 m2

摄影:Masaki Hamada (kkpo)

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    manqini225 沙发


    2023-11-24 08:03:24

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    青竹子 板凳


    2023-09-29 11:08:29

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