寄情山水的文会之地 : 松茗园
2023年11月15日 10:11:43

王羲之的兰亭序描绘了千年前一场临水而娱的上巳节雅集,以山水之美和欢娱之情,抒发他对于生死无常的感慨。这次的造园概念正是来自于这场雅集。整体布局沿一条U形水系展开,园内户外活动沿水岸展开,茶室依水而落,自由布置。 Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Lanting Pavilion" depicts a gathering by the water for the Shangsi Festival a thousand years ago. Through the beauty of the landscape and the joy of the gathering, he expressed his feelings about the impermanence of life and death. The concept for this garden design comes from this gathering. The overall layout is based on a U-shaped water system, with outdoor activities in the garden unfolding along the water's edge. Tea rooms are located by the water, freely arranged.


Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Lanting Pavilion" depicts a gathering by the water for the Shangsi Festival a thousand years ago. Through the beauty of the landscape and the joy of the gathering, he expressed his feelings about the impermanence of life and death. The concept for this garden design comes from this gathering. The overall layout is based on a U-shaped water system, with outdoor activities in the garden unfolding along the water's edge. Tea rooms are located by the water, freely arranged.


△ 项目区位分析 

△ 项目流线分析 

△ 模型外部空间  △ 模型外部空间 


The project is located in the Chrysanthemum Garden area on the north side of Jiading Ancient City, about 2 kilometers away from the ancient city. The east and south sides of the site are internal roads, and the northwest side is by the water.





  The northern entrance is the main entrance. One enters the garden from the courtyard through a moon gate to the south, providing a progressive experience.




The southern entrance corresponds to the parking lot on the east side of the road. To set the tone for the subsequent entrance into the "natural wilderness" of the garden, an initial shadowy mountainous entry experience is created. After passing through this entrance corridor, one suddenly enters an open space in the mountains.    





从各种兰亭主题的绘画中也不难看出,其表现的也是在郊野山林的某个水边的场地——“会于会稽山阴之兰亭……”。文中的“崇山峻岭”、“茂林修竹”、“清流急湍”放在画面中也主要表现后两者。   而我们进一步让到访者置身于自然的感受就是将场地外部的环境与园内做了切分。

From various paintings themed on the Lanting gathering, it's clear that the scenes often take place by the water in a rural mountain forest, as referenced in the phrase "meeting at the Lanting in the shadow of Mount Kuaiji...". The phrases "lofty mountains," "lush forests and tall bamboo," and "clear and rapid streams" are mainly portrayed as the latter two in the artwork. To further immerse visitors in nature, we distinguish the external environment from the garden. 

  △ 明·文徵明 兰亭修契图
△ 元·赵孟頫  修禊
△  拙政园十二景图——槐幄图

  西侧利用水系与植物,北侧是假山与地形,南侧以植物,东侧则是“茂林修竹”。   这样,利用“自然”的元素使得人们始终沉浸在园内“山野”里。   如《园冶》所写:   “俗则摒之”,我们将一部分外界环境隔离,身处园内,视线基本被园内景致所吸引。
The west side uses water systems and plants, the north side has artificial mountains and terrains, the south side has plants, and the east side is full of "lush forests and tall bamboo". In this way, using "natural" elements, people are constantly immersed in the "wilderness" of the garden. As written in "Yuan Ye (The Craft of Gardens)", "expel the mundane", we isolate a part of the external environment, so within the garden, one's view is mostly drawn by the garden's scenery.   





Similarly, in the choice of materials and craftsmanship, it consistently reflects the "natural wilderness". The main stones used in the garden are yellow stones, while the partial corridors and retaining walls use raw stones, both expressing a "rustic" charm. The roof of the tea room mainly uses a thatched roof, blending the building with its surroundings. For plants, besides the Osaka pines specified by the owner, mixed woods are mainly used, and moss is used as ground cover, further enhancing the wild charm of the environment.



Ultimately, through this project, we aim to explore the relationship between man and water, as well as man and nature, in the context of the literati. We also contemplate how gardens can be presented in contemporary times and the roles they might play.




