土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 园林施工图 \ “桐”字拆解到空间演绎 | 华润桐乡杨家门商办景观设计

“桐”字拆解到空间演绎 | 华润桐乡杨家门商办景观设计

发布于:2024-01-23 15:26:23 来自:园林景观/园林施工图 [复制转发]

基地概括 Site Overview  
Yangjiamen Mixed-use Project is located in the heart of the historic city of Tongxiang. South of the project is the main city axis of Zhenxing Middle Road; the north side connects to the city green loop of Yangjiamen Road, and the west is adjacent to a future retail complex across the street. The layout consists of a central courtyard surrounded by buildings of various functions, and the public realm will cater for the needs of future high-end office users as well as the local community.

▽基地痛点分析 Site Problems

概念朔源 Concept Origin  
The design seeks to integrate the inherent cultural spirit of the city into the centrally-located project of Tongxiang, and the team was inspired by the profound meanings embedded in Chinese characters of the name of Tongxiang.

[Tong] consists of three components - [Mu], [Kou] and [Jiong]. During the ideation process, the design team found intriguing correlations with the site that are particularly interesting.
[木]部 = 即树,桐乡为梧桐之乡。古有梧桐,凤凰来栖。
Component of [Mu] = Meaning trees, also reflecting the name of Tongxiang being named after the city of Phoenix Trees.
[口]部 Component of [Kou] = 犹如一个院落,呼应本项目以院落为核的空间格局。
Component of [Kou] = Pictographically representative of a courtyard layout similar to the layout of the project.
[冂]部 Component of [Jiong] = 即内外之地。根据辞海的释义,我们从中发现了一段特别有意思的描述:
Component of [Jiong] = Meaning territories far and beyond the city limit. According to the definition based on Chinese dictionary:

A city surrounded by walls is called [Yi]; area in the vicinity of city wall is called [Jiao]; further out into the wilderness is called [Ye]; territories even further away is typically called [Lin]; and the territories that are extremely far is called [Jiong].
[Yi] = The City; [Jiao] = The Suburb; [Ye] = The Field; [Lin] = The Forest; [Jiong] = The Periphery

概念解读 Concept Interpretation  
Through the layering of [Yi], [Jiao], [Ye], [Lin] and [Jiong] as drivers of spatial systems, the design aims to achieve integratedness, stitching together strong multiplicity of textural and experiential qualities.

In this time and space where the old and the new co-exist, abstraction of spatial systems - [[Yi], [Jiao], [Ye], [Lin] and [Jiong] is critical in our approach when implementing design thinking into problem-solving of the site. The design reflect spatial compositions that aim to seamlessly blend different interface attributes into one cohesive public realm.

Spatial Systems of [Yi], [Jiao], [Ye], [Lin] and [Jiong]  (GIF动图)  

冂 [Jiong]
形象昭示外界面Project Signification Streetfront  
The south interface of the project is situated along Tongxiang City Axis - Zhenxing Middle Road, and the across the intersection there will be a commercial retail complex to be built in the future. The design of this streetfront interface is focused on project identity display. The design team integrates elements such as water features and signification signages to highlight the display quality of the space.

- 城市街角增加精神堡垒与水景彰显项目品质与昭示性
- 体量嵌合的空间构成,创造景观昭示面
- 利用高差创造水景的跌水面

外摆餐饮外界面 F&B Lifestyle Streetfront  
The west streetfront faces the future retail complex and consists of food and beverage businesses along the interface. The design takes into account of the existing landform and creates a series of outdoor dining areas, seating edges and steps to differentiate functions along the streetfront into outdoor dining zones next to the shops and circulation zone adjacent to the roadway.

- 种植区结合节点停留,形成一体化休憩型边界
- 前后错落的空间布局优化沿街游逛体验

郊 [Jiao]
树阵过渡广场 Transitional Tree Plaza  
The entry into the office lobby is relatively secluded and tucked away in the courtyard. The design creates a tree-lined plaza to connect the transitional in-between spaces, framing the space and acting as spatial guidance to provide a semi-sheltered arrival experience for the office users.

- 以树阵缝合界面形象,形成过渡型庇护空间
- 树阵廊道提供从城市界面的视线与动线引导

野 [Ye]
休憩办公中庭 Office Recreation Courtyard  
Although the courtyard is located at the center of the site, there are a number of unfavorable factors affecting the place-making of the space. The northern and western edges of the courtyard have back-of-house logistic functions; the eastern edge is adjacent to a vehicular ramp, and the southern edge is cut off by an internal vehicular road. Based on these unfavorable conditions, the design team strategically integrates layers of vegetational buffers to screen the views and creates an inward-facing layout that encourages users to rest, relax and communicate in the garden. The immersive experience consists of a flexible garden plaza at the center with outdoor workstations and pocket spaces allocated at landscape edges.

- 多层次的绿色基底消隐建筑后勤区观感
- 交织的软硬界面创造放松的空间过渡关系
- 中心区弹性休憩外摆,兼容小型商务聚会
- 与绿化相嵌的小组洽谈空间形成了向内围合的停留边界
- 中庭动线与弹性功能区相连接,动静分区有效过渡。
- 品质感的放松社交中庭结合可移动式家具

邑 [Yi]
景观入口大堂 Landscape Arrival Lobby  
The lobby entrance and drop-off area of the office tower is located on fire-fighting zone, and the views looking out from the lobby is a basement parking ramp. The design team integrates logo display walls to screen unfavorable views, and at the same time, strengthens the integrity framing the entry experience. At the center of the arrival space, a gently sloped water feature with a thin water membrane highlights the exclusivity for the office tower. As we shift away the views from the grand perception of the tower to the landscape space on the ground, the water feature becomes the dominant experiential element that showcases an impression of rippled light reflections, allowing joyful resonance with the natural setting.

- 消防登高面上的薄水面缓坡水景,结合于办公落客区中岛
- 对特色水景材质和细节的推敲,精致而稳重的属性得以彰显。
- 水面涟漪的光影与大堂对景景墙相互辉映

林 [Lin]
林下社区绿地 Forested Community Greenspace  
The northern edge of the site is a part of the city green loop that connects to the municipal green belt of Yangjiamen Road. The community center that sits at the streetfront activates future use of the public greenspace. The design team aims to encourage participation and interaction by introducing an activity lawn and a series of pocket seating spaces under the tree-lined forest. At the corner of the intersection , the design of dry fountain plaza and art sculpture highlights the community vibe of Yangjiamen and connects to the future entry plaza of the commercial complex across the street.

- 街角处设有雕塑旱喷广场,形成与对街商业广场空间序列的延续
- 林荫下的口袋休憩空间融合了细腻的铺砖肌理变化
- 叠合的台地地形高差处理,形成半围合的开放型公共空间
- 简约稳重的LOGO与种植搭配组合,彰显项目品质
- 活动中心建筑外的弹性草坪活动区,拉接多元活动
- 夜景的雕塑旱喷广场赋予全时段的活力氛围
- 简洁当代的空间气质,相互交融的空间界面



景观面积:15500 sqm
  • yj蓝天
    yj蓝天 沙发


    2024-02-14 08:20:14

    回复 举报



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