芥末虾 Lv.2
2024年03月06日 10:03:09

该项目位于雅加达封闭式社区住宅区的一角,与同一区域内的其他项目相比具有独特性。它被一片绿色开阔地环绕,外部景色非常自然,树木繁茂,是住宅区中相对安静的一角。项目的任务是为一个年轻的家庭创造空间,由于业主对独特的当代艺术物品很感兴趣,因此可以在房子周围摆放许多特定种类的物品。最初的想法是认真对待这种显著的兴趣,将其融入整体空间和建筑中。 Situated on the far end corner of the gated community housing area in Jakarta, the site was unique compared to the other sites within the same area. It was surrounded by a green open area, giving the site a very natural view outside, with a lot of trees and a relatively calm corner of the housing complex. The brief of the project is to make space for a young family, with a lot of possibilities to place specific kinds of objects around the house because of the owners’ interest in distinctive contemporary art objects. The initial idea is to take this notable interest seriously to be incorporated into the overall spaces and architecture.


Situated on the far end corner of the gated community housing area in Jakarta, the site was unique compared to the other sites within the same area. It was surrounded by a green open area, giving the site a very natural view outside, with a lot of trees and a relatively calm corner of the housing complex. The brief of the project is to make space for a young family, with a lot of possibilities to place specific kinds of objects around the house because of the owners’ interest in distinctive contemporary art objects. The initial idea is to take this notable interest seriously to be incorporated into the overall spaces and architecture.

由于可利用的面积有限,再加上希望在整个房屋内实现博物馆般的体验,因此我们采用了 "raumplan "的策略,既能在不同空间之间完美地移动,又能带来巨大的空间体验。房间之间的顺序自然流畅,形成了一个相互交织的紧密环路,同时也为在房屋的统一体量内更自由地移动提供了可能。设计的理念是创造一个交错的空隙,垂直延伸空间感,以帮助平衡在房间每个角落的水平视线平面上的主要艺术品摆放。

With limited area to work with, combined with the museum-like experience wanted to achieve throughout the house, the strategy is to adopt a raumplan, which offers the possibility of moving flawlessly between spaces and still allows immense spatial experiences. The sequence between rooms flows naturally and forms a close loop of intertwined areas while still offering the possibility of moving with greater freedom inside the unified volume of the house. The idea is to create an interlocking void that extends the sense of space vertically to help balance the major placement of art objects on a horizontal eye-plane at each corner of rooms.


Inspired by traditional atrium (atria) space, which gives building emphasis on the feeling of space and light, the primary strategy is to create a large space in the middle of the house, allowing occupants to enjoy a private space with monumental experience and a clear view throughout the house. Thus, each plane and level of the house is understood as a continuum, an inseparable space where art objects are randomly displayed, hoping to be discovered as people move within the spaces. This notion of peoples’ movements within the spaces is also taken quite literally, translated into the staircase design, which is placed at the very center of the atrium space, which serves as the central open core of the house. It allows the movement of the eyes and the body to the 360-degree view of the spaces, setting up the stage of sensation from enjoying art, architecture, and nature to be experienced as the body moves within the spaces.

进入住宅的过程是一系列体验的展开,沿着狭窄的楼梯向上,大门朝向侧面,而不是传统意义上的朝向正面,大门本身有些伪装和低调,最后遇到巨大、开放的住宅核心、 纵向一直延伸到天窗,横向延伸到 15 米宽的无柱泳池,将整个室外景观框定在绿色开放区域,模糊了室内外区域的界限,让室外空间成为室内空间的一部分。

The procession entering the house is a series of experiences that unfolds itself, ascending a narrow flight of stairs, with the main door placed facing the side rather than traditionally facing the front, with the door itself somewhat camouflaged and subdued, before finally encountering the huge, open core of the house, spanning all the way to the skylight vertically, and horizontally to the 15 meters wide-free of columns-opening to the swimming pool on the side of the house, framing the entire outdoor view to the green open area, and blurring the boundaries between indoor and outdoor areas, allowing outdoor space to be a part of the indoor space.



建筑师:DP HS Architects


面积:1200 m2


摄影:Don Pieto


