2024年03月08日 10:44:12

Marga Klompé 大楼由 Powerhouse 公司设计,是欧洲第一座完全由实木建造的大学建筑。这座几乎实现能源中性的新建筑坐落在蒂尔堡大学森林覆盖的校园内,占地面积 33 x 33 米。大楼内有一个门厅、一个礼堂、13 个报告厅和可容纳约 1000 名学生的自习空间。其独特的建筑风格既是对校园内不朽的哥本哈根大楼的致敬,同时也是欧洲大学校园高度可持续发展的典范。

Marga Klompé 大楼由 Powerhouse 公司设计,是欧洲第一座完全由实木建造的大学建筑。这座几乎实现能源中性的新建筑坐落在蒂尔堡大学森林覆盖的校园内,占地面积 33 x 33 米。大楼内有一个门厅、一个礼堂、13 个报告厅和可容纳约 1000 名学生的自习空间。其独特的建筑风格既是对校园内不朽的哥本哈根大楼的致敬,同时也是欧洲大学校园高度可持续发展的典范。
Marga Klompe? Building, designed by Powerhouse Company, is the first college building in Europe to be entirely constructed from solid wood. The new, nearly energy-neutral complex is situated on a plot of land measuring 33 by 33 meters, within the forested campus of Tilburg University. The building accommodates a foyer, 1 auditorium, 13 lecture halls, and self-study spaces for approximately 1,000 students. Its distinctive architecture pays homage to the monumental Cobbenhagen Building on the campus while also serving as a model for the highly sustainable ambitions of university campuses in Europe.
现代主义与永恒 马加-克隆佩大楼的设计与蒂尔堡大学校园的现代主义建筑完美融合。其木质结构、墙壁、地板、楼梯、框架和饰面的可再生性体现了其循环利用的雄心壮志。大楼采用了独特的干式建筑系统,利用木质肋骨地板--用梁加固的 CTL 地板--实现了较大的自由跨度,满足了项目所需的高隔音要求。
葡萄牙天然石材的外立面具有很深的凹凸感,直接参考了 Jos Bedaux 于 1962 年设计的标志性建筑科本哈根大厦。天然石材的使用寿命长且可拆卸,这也印证了圆形建筑的雄心壮志。石质体量与周围的建筑相协调,与郁郁葱葱的林木环境形成鲜明对比。这座包罗万象的建筑与校园融为一体,并成为车站入口的标志。
Modernist and timeless The design of the Marga Klompe? Building seamlessly integrates with the modernist architecture of the Tilburg University campus. Its circular ambitions are reflected in the renewable nature of its wooden construction, walls, floors, stairs, frames, and finishes. A unique dry construction system has been implemented, utilizing wooden ribbed floors—CTL floors reinforced with beams—that enable large free spans to meet the high acoustic requirements necessary for the program. The Portuguese natural stone facade, featuring deep reveals, directly references the iconic 1962 Cobbenhagen Building by Jos Bedaux. The natural stone, with its long lifespan and ability to be disassembled, confirms the circular ambitions. The stony volume harmonizes with the surrounding architecture, forming an intriguing contrast with the lush, wooded environment. The all-encompassing building is integrated into the campus and marks the entrance from the station.

Powerhouse Company 以科本哈根大楼为空间品质的起点,但将设计带入了 21 世纪,选用了木材、水磨石和石膏板等天然圆形材料。从宽敞的报告厅到窗边的私密凹室,这些材料都发挥了突出的作用,营造出宁静的氛围。此外,木制家具也为宁静的学习空间增色不少。
Powerhouse Company took the Cobbenhagen Building as a starting point for spatial qualities but brought the design into the 21st century by opting for a palette of natural, circular materials such as wood, terrazzo, and plasterwork. These materials are prominently featured and contribute to a serene atmosphere, from the spacious lecture halls to the intimate alcoves by the windows. Additionally, wooden furniture has been used to enhance the tranquil study spaces.

可持续性。玛尔格-克隆佩大楼的设计以 Trias Energetica 原则为基础,采用了可持续发展的最新理念,包括低能耗和巧妙利用自然资源。建筑的立方体造型和中央中庭最大限度地减少了通过外墙流失的能源。精心布置的开口确保了稳定的室内气候,而不会产生额外的能源消耗。隔热性能良好的建筑外围护结构为低能耗做出了被动贡献。
Sustainability. Marga Klompe? Building is designed with the latest insights in sustainability based on the Trias Energetica principle, including very low energy consumption and smart use of natural resources. The cube shape and central atrium of the building minimize energy loss through the exterior walls. Strategically placed openings ensure a stable indoor climate without additional energy consumption. A well-insulated building envelope does the rest for a passive contribution to low energy usage. For this purpose, a special material has been chosen: the insulation partly consists of recycled denim jeans. Textile waste that would otherwise be incinerated is now used to create cotton insulation. It is sustainable and has proven to be an excellent way to improve the building's acoustic comfort.

设计最大限度地增加了光伏电池板的数量,并集成了节能装置。通风和照明采用智能控制系统,可根据实际需求进行调节。供暖和制冷则由带热泵的高效地面蓄热系统提供。尽管非常重视能源效率,但室内环境还是达到了 Fresh Schools A 级标准。玛尔加-克隆佩大楼获得了英国建筑性能评估体系(BREEAM)颁发的杰出证书,几乎实现了能源中立。
The design maximizes the number of PV panels and integrates energy-efficient installations. Ventilation and lighting feature smart control systems that adapt to actual demand. Heating and cooling are provided by an efficient ground storage system with a heat pump. Despite the strong emphasis on energy efficiency, the indoor climate meets Fresh Schools Class A standards. The Marga Klompe? Building can proudly boast a BREEAM Outstanding certificate and achieves nearly energy neutrality.

循环目标。我们仔细考虑了建筑设施如何为循环做出最佳贡献。由于建筑设计考虑周到,可以最大限度地减少气候装置的使用。对空气质量的严格要求促成了通风和气候系统的整合。此外,中庭还被巧妙地用于利用回风。这大大减少了所需的管道系统,使循环评估结果令人印象深刻,MPG 得分为 0.5,BCI 得分为 0.61,MCI 得分为 72%。
Circular ambitions. Careful consideration has been given to how building installations can contribute optimally to circularity. Thanks to the thoughtful design of the building, the use of climate installations can be minimized. Stringent requirements for air quality have led to the integration of ventilation and climate systems. Furthermore, the atrium has been cleverly utilized to harness return ventilation. This has resulted in a significant reduction in the required ductwork, contributing to an impressive circular assessment with an MPG score of 0.5, a BCI score of 0.61, and an MCI score of 72%.

玛尔加-克隆佩大楼不仅是一座圆形建筑,还具有气候适应性和自然包容性。由 Studio REDD 设计的缓坡景观一直延伸到外墙,其中包括一个播满野花的洼地。这块洼地不仅是一个美学元素,还具有排水和渗透系统的功能,可以收集雨水并将其渗透到地下,而不是直接排入下水道系统。这有助于降低洪水风险,促进更健康的生态系统,同时可持续地与校园和自然环境相连接。
In addition to being circular, the Marga Klompe? Building is also climate-adaptive and nature-inclusive. The gently sloping landscape, designed by Studio REDD, extends to the facade and includes a wadi seeded with wildflowers. This wadi serves not only as an aesthetic element but also functions as a Water Drainage and Infiltration system, capturing and infiltrating rainwater into the ground instead of directly draining into the sewer system. This contributes to reducing flood risks and promoting a healthier ecosystem while sustainably connecting with the campus and the natural environment.

多学科合作。在建筑师、结构工程师和安装顾问的紧密合作下,玛尔加-克隆佩大楼以创新的解决方案实现了最佳效果。大礼堂上方的阶梯教室采用 CLT 带肋地板,跨度达 9.2 米,令人印象深刻。这使我们能够满足挠度、振动和声学方面的要求。
Multidisciplinary. Thanks to the close collaboration between the architect, structural engineer, and installation consultant, the Marga Klompe? Building has been realized, with innovative solutions leading to an optimal result. The lecture halls above the large halls have impressive spans of 9.2 meters, achieved with CLT ribbed floors. This enabled us to meet requirements for deflection, vibrations, and acoustics. By raising the ribs higher and spacing them further apart, the floor gained more mass for better acoustics, while the space between the beams could be utilized for ventilation ducts, lighting, and other technical provisions. The acoustic wooden lattice ceiling between the beams subtly conceals the technology, while the beams themselves remain beautifully exposed, integral to the architecture.

名字里就有 玛尔加-克隆佩是荷兰第一位女部长,1982 年被当时的蒂尔堡天主教大学授予荣誉博士学位。克隆佩倡导建立一个有意义的社会,并为社会问题挺身而出。这强调了她的愿景与大学愿景之间的联系,即社会参与是大学的核心。这是对蒂尔堡大学致力于通过教育、研究和积极参与校园活动来继承她的遗产的认可。
It's in the name. Marga Klompe? was the first female minister in the Netherlands and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the then-Catholic University of Tilburg in 1982. Klompe? advocated for a social and meaningful society and stood up for social issues. This emphasizes the connection between her vision and that of the university, where societal engagement is central. This recognizes Tilburg University's commitment to continuing her legacy through education, research, and active involvement on campus.









建筑师:Powerhouse Company


面积:5000 m2


摄影:Sebastian van Damme


