The first construction section of the China Academy of Art's (CAA) Liangzhu Campus Phase I in Hangzhou was completed in 2022, followed by the second section completed in August 2023, resulting in a fully operational campus with 180,000 sqms of building area.
校区鸟瞰 ?田方方 / Bird 's-eye view of the campus
国美良渚校区全景 ?田方方
Panoramic view of CAA Liangzhu Campus
At the onset of the Liangzhu Campus design competition, participating teams were required to conceive an innovative educational system aligned with social-economical development. This educational paradigm, proposed by Atelier FCJZ, encompasses several key facets that have been set into motion: 1. embracing hands-on pedagogy; 2. integrating architectural studies into the general education; 3. prioritizing research-led coursework at advanced levels; 4. encouraging students to organize interest clubs; 5. abolishing conventional departmental structure; 6. pioneering the concept of living and learning intertwined, which impacts campus planning directly.
非常建筑提出的教育体系 ?FCJZ
Education system proposed by FCJZ
建筑通识课上学生用一层模型研究良渚校园的使用方式 ?中国美术学院 / Architecture as general education: Students build a ground floor model to program their experience at Liangzhu campus
在居学成为校园空间组织的指导思路的同时,“开放”构成建筑设计意图的另一条主线。我们将开放定义为: 1. 空间在物理层面上的开放,2. 空间内容的可变性,3. 使用者,包括校方及师生,参与对空间使用的再设计。
While living-learning guides the spatial organization of the campus, another main thread shaping the architectural proposal is openness. We define openness as: 1. openness of physical space. 2. changeability of content in space. 3. participation of users, including the students and faculty, in re-imaging how space is utilized.
从西侧看校园 ?田方方 / View of the campus from west
Roofed by a series of arches, the open and stretching studios encourage students and faculty to step out of their relatively private environments and engage more in public domains. In addition to everyday research and creative activities, design reviews are now a common event in the studios. Depending on scale, reviews within a class typically use the studio space in an east-west direction, while inter-class or inter-level reviews are more likely to occur in an north-south direction.
横向连续的工坊 ?田方方
工坊半室外空间 ?田方方
Semi-outdoor spaces of studio
工坊内一层教室及通往二层空间的楼梯 ?田方方
Exhibitions, conferences, film screenings, drama or dance performances, large-scale installations, and even badminton and other sports are now also happening in the studios. Facilities such as cafeterias, cafes and convenient stores have been incorporated into the studios as well.
工坊中的视频展示 ?燕飞 / Video projections in the studio
As the dormitories are located above the studios, students can descend from their living quarters to the workshops within minutes. This spatial arrangement has also led to changes in students' daily routines, as they can get up at 8:15 am and still make it to their 8:30 am classes. To facilitate breakfast for students, food stalls are available outside the studio entrances.
学舍一层教室外的回廊 ?田方方
廊下的早餐摊 ?李诗琪 / Breakfast stalls under the arcade
Within the dormitories, there are spacious, double-height shared spaces every other floor, breaking away from the conventional double-loaded corridor layout, allowing students to study, discuss, or relax together. There is also a suggestion for students to design and build furniture for these spaces themselves in the future.
学舍内的共享空间 ?李诗琪 / Shared space in the dormitory
The spatial organization of the library is vertical, consisting of nine towers; eight of them are dedicated to study and research, each capable of accommodating a large research project or several independent study groups within. While the ninth tower is a view-finder, essentially a pure architectural space, serving as a place for anyone to have a break and meditate. Additionally, there are a number of view-finders on the dorm roofs that will be activated by the university.
鸟瞰图书馆 ?田方方 / Bird 's-eye view of Library
从左至右:展览馆、图书馆、报告厅 ?田方方
图书馆主入口 ?田方方 / Main entrance of Library
图书馆立面局部 ?田方方 / Elevation close-up of Library
图书馆室内 ?田方方 / Interior of Library
第九座塔中的“探索器” ?田方方
View-finder in the ninth tower
The exhibition hall comprises two distinct types of spaces: expansive open areas on the ground floor for larger-scale exhibitions; linear, compact spaces on the upper floor tailored for smaller-scale exhibitions and activities.
展览馆东南立面 ?田方方
Southeast facade of the Exhibition Hall
展览馆南立面 ?田方方
South elevation of Exhibition Hall
展览馆室内 ?张永和 / Interior of Exhibition Hall
As a typical lecture theater, the usage of the auditorium per se is specific. However, the program in the lobby can still be flexible, such as a venue for exhibitions or parties. There is a coffee shop on the mezzanine floor of the lobby, and it is open regularly even when there aren't any events taking place in the auditorium.
报告厅主立面 ?李诗琪 / Main elevation of Auditorium
报告厅阳台 ?李诗琪 / Balcony of Auditorium
报告厅门厅 ?田方方 / Lobby of Auditorium
报告厅剧场 ?李诗琪 / Lecture theater in Auditorium
The gymnasium is essentially a single large space covered by a series of vaults. Its simplicity lend well to high adaptability. Currently, it serves as a venue for various sports training and competitions usually and also hosts large-scale events such as conferences, celebrations, and banquets frequently. Unlike the typical auditorium, spatially the gymnasium's flat floor invites multifunctionality and its natural lighting creates an agreeable ambiance.
体育馆南立面 ?田方方 / South elevation of Gymnasium
体育馆室内空间 ?田方方 / Interior of Gymnasium
体育馆作为大型活动的室内场地 ?李诗琪
The design of the administration building diverges from the traditional office layouts of double-loaded corridors or open floor plan. Instead, it features sectionally a staggered single-loaded corridor formation to provide rich spatial experiences. The administrative office is designed with flexibility in mind, potentially accommodating uses such as teaching or research in the future.
行政楼东南立面 ?田方方
行政楼里的单边走廊 ?田方方
Situated within the landscape of the Liangzhu campus, this building stands alone, distinct from the main school building complex. It is purposed for leisure and evokes the ambiance of traditional pavilions or tea houses without a precise definition. Despite its modest size, this building demonstrates a spatial configuration that is not dictated by the concrete folded plate structure and reflects a commitment to openness and freedom, a core principle of the architectural approach for the Liangzhu campus, by Atelier FCJZ.
鸟瞰师生活动中心 ?田方方
师生活动中心外景 ?李诗琪 / Exterior of Activity Center
师生活动中心室内 ?李诗琪 / Interior of Activity Center
在良渚,内容 - 国美师生的教学、研究、创作及日常、课外生活 - 与建筑的对话正在进行中。从工坊空间层出不穷的使用方式到室外环境中涌现出的丰富多彩的装置,从学生们在不同建筑局部的种种投影到国美95年校庆将图书馆整体地转化为影像的屏幕,都体现出艺术学人对建筑的理解和想象。
At Liangzhu, there is an ongoing dialogue between architecture and content, which includes teaching, learning, research, creation as well as extracurricular life of CAA students and faculty. From the myriad uses emerging from the studio spaces to the diverse installations appearing in the outdoor environment; from the various projections of students in different areas of the buildings to transformation of the entire library into a continuous screen for the occasion of the CAA's 95th anniversary celebration, these interventions collectively showcase the art students' unique perspective and creative vision of architecture.
学生在楼梯扶手上编织图案 ?王志磊
校园内的装置设计 ?燕飞
夜晚的灯光及投影 ?李诗琪
In response, the architects of Atelier FCJZ have designed trompe l’oeil window frames in the studio to blur the boundaries between the 2D and 3D spaces. We are confident that interaction between different actors in the continuous design process will bring new revelationsto architecture.
总体总平面 Campus site plan ?FCJZ
校区首层平面 Campus 1st floor plan ?FCJZ
图书馆屋顶平面 Library roofplan ?FCJZ
展览馆 | Exhibition Hall
展览馆一层平面 Exhibition Hall 1st floor plan ?FCJZ
展览馆二层平面 Exhibition Hall 2nd floor plan ?FCJZ
展览馆三层平面 Exhibition Hall 3rd floor plan ?FCJZ
展览馆四层平面 Exhibition Hall 4th floor plan ?FCJZ
展览馆4-4剖面 Exhibition Hall section 4-4 ?FCJZ
报告厅 | Auditorium
报告厅地下一层平面 Auditorium basement plan ?FCJZ
报告厅一层平面 Auditorium 1st floor plan ?FCJZ
报告厅二 层平面 Audit orium 2nd floor plan ?FCJZ
师生活动中心平面 Activity Center plan ?FCJZ
师生活动中心剖面 Activity Center section ?FCJZ
Dormitory Building No.3 1st floor plan
Dormitory Building No.3 sections
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上海金融街融泰中心综合体项目? CreatAR GP最近完成了上海金融街融泰中心综合体项目。该项目由金融街控股股份有限公司开发,位于上海火车站北部中兴路和恒丰路的交叉口。两个地块的总建筑面积为264,000平米。 ? CreatAR
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