2024年05月26日 23:12:45

 废弃厂房改造康养配套  Renovation of Abandoned Factory for Healthcare Facilities ▲改造后的康养综合配套服务中心鸟瞰Aerial view of the renovated comprehensive healthcare service centre ?梁文军,栖城设计

Renovation of Abandoned Factory for Healthcare Facilities

▲改造后的康养综合配套服务中心鸟瞰Aerial view of the renovated comprehensive healthcare service centre ?梁文军,栖城设计
▲改造后的康养综合配套服务中心The reconstructed comprehensive healthcare service centre  ?梁文军,栖城设计 

Healthcare Facilities+Urban Renewal

At the beginning of 2019, we started the design of "Weifang Zhongyi Blue Town · Peach Blossom Comprehensive Healthcare Service Centre". We had a deep impression of the site condition: the site is located in the only national 3A-level Qinglong Lake Scenic Spot in Anqiu, Weifang City. The surrounding natural conditions are superior, and the five existing buildings in the project plot form a strong contrast. Their original functions are scientific research workshops and offices, and the completion status of the buildings varies: some have just completed the main body of the structure, and some have completed the facade.

▲项目建设中,建筑位于场地南侧最高处The project is under construction, it is located on the highest spot in the south of the site ?梁文军,栖城设计
▲项目临近青龙湖景区,服务整个康养小镇The project is closed to Qinglong Lake Scenic Area, serving the entire healthcare town ? 栖城设计 

Our client has put forward two requirements: first, the existing buildings should be renovated to create characteristics while controlling the cost; second is that the buildings can be used as the main comprehensive supporting facilities of the whole healthcare town in the future, including fitness centre, nursing home and other functions, and hoping these facilities can continue to operate. The challenge of the project lies in the "chemical reaction" between healthcare facilities and urban renewal, activating the idle life of the elderly by activating the idle factory buildings.

▲改造前的厂房The Factory before being renovated ? 业主提供
▲刚建成便被闲置的厂房The factory that has just been built and became vacant ?梁文军,栖城设计
▲改造后运营中的康养配套Healthcare facilities in operation after renovation ?梁文军,栖城设计 

The Compound Corridor + Public Sharing

We started with the renovation of the largest building on the site. The building area is 15,000 square meters, adjacent to the city's main road, with a huge volume of 160 meters expanding horizontally. We thought that if the building volume could be weakened, and at the same time, it would be fun and interesting, and the users could even enjoy the lake view. This contrast between the before and after may be the easiest reason to attract the elderly.

▲康养配套功能分布Healthcare Facilities distribution? 栖城设计GN Architects 

The climatic conditions of Anqiu are suitable for living, and there are many sunny weather. After the spring in March, the daytime temperature can reach about 20 degrees, which is suitable for outdoor activities. At the same time, it is considered that the elderly in the north also have the habit of "basking in the sun" in winter. Therefore, we demolished the middle building above the second floor and turned it into a more loose space where the inside and outside are blended, so that the perceived volume of the building is only "left" two-thirds.
▲原建筑部分拆除,新增复道及“功能盒子”Part of the original building was demolished, and a new road and a "function box" were added? 栖城设计GN Architects 

At the same time, we took the experience of the compound corridor in Yangzhou He Garden as the starting point, designed the vacant part in the middle into a garden that can be walked around, and connected different "function boxes" with three-dimensional corridors, so that users can travel up and down the elevation, or stay, and see the lake view in between the blank space.

▲游廊顶视图The top view of compound corridor  ?梁文军,栖城设计
▲位于二层的平台及游廊The platform on the second floor, and the compound corridor?梁文军,栖城设计 

In terms of the function, the whole building emphasizes on sharing. Combining indoor and outdoor spaces with different attributes, various activities will be held regularly. The building faces the city directly without a fence. The surrounding citizens can reach the outdoor activity area on the second floor through the large outdoor steps facing the square.

▲位于二层的平台及游廊The platform on the second floor, and the compound corridor?梁文军,栖城设计 

The public restaurant on the first floor and the standard basketball court on the second floor are not only the core functions of the healthcare facilities, but also the first choice for the surrounding residents to come here for consumption and exercise; the open and shared attitude makes the building not only a living room for the interaction between the elderly in the community and the city, but also a space carrier for the leisure and entertainment of the surrounding citizens. From the perspective of building renovation, every space deserves to be used, and the circulation space, platform, and stairs can all be used as informal social places.

▲面向城市开放的二层户外活动区Two-story outdoor activity area open to the city   ?梁文军,栖城设计 

Economy + Gentle Facade

Rehabilitation projects are sensitive to economics, especially urban renewal projects. It is not advisable to encourage owners to make adventurous attempts. The biggest cost input of the project is in structural reinforcement and demolition, so we followed the principle of making full use of the original structural conditions in the design, and reduced the overall reinforcement and renovation expenses of the building by rationally planning the space layout and optimizing the functional combination. 
For functions such as the compound corridor elements and the newly built gymnasium, the steel structure is used, and the corridor column type is expressed by three small-section columns, which not only meets the structural needs, but also is slender and beautiful.
▲构造及立面材料推敲 Structural and Facade Material Deliberation ? 栖城设计 

In the fa?ade approach, we have abandoned "bias" and tried to achieve a "gentle fa?ade" with the most common materials and simple craftsmanship.
In our vision, the overall project changes the original red and white color contrast, and uses the warm pottery wood color, which is more in line with the soft sense of the healthcare service space. Due to the fact that the building load does not support any dry-hanging system, through the comparison of various materials, we finally used long-scale bricks as the main material, and collaged with three similar warm colors. The rhythm and color proportion are attached to form a fa?ade that has a main tone on the large surface and details when viewed close-up.

▲康养综合配套服务中心立面局部Part of the facade of the comprehensive healthcare service centre ?梁文军,栖城设计 

Presentation and Future

Renovation projects will often encounter some unexpected situations, which require close communication between the construction team and the design team. For example, there have been problems such as insufficient load of the original structure and unrealizable decorative wall shape. After comparing and selecting the effect, we decided to use a lightweight metal grille surface shape instead; and coordinate the folding and edge forming and installation methods, etc. The final presentation of the project is a test of design patience and adherence to the design starting point.

▲林子里的康养中心  Healthcare facilities in the woods  ?梁文军,栖城设计
▲立面Fa?ade  ?梁文军,栖城设计

We may not be able to lead a certain trend through the completion of several designs, but we hope that we can present a project through careful design, bring positive thinking and positive results to an area, and get appropriate answers. At present, the project has been put into use, and the public facilities are open to the city. It is believed that it can provide the elderly with better, convenient and comfortable elderly life services.


▲项目总平面图Project Masterplan ? 栖城设计

▲功能分布图 Function Distribution ? 栖城设计

▲立面图Elevation? 栖城设计 


