岭南的四季总是不太分明, 秋天一般来得稍晚一些, 当秋日的晓风吹过, 晴朗的夜空月朗星稀, 大自然不经意的的馈赠, 激发着生活的灵感与想象力! . .
时隔三年,广州南沙绿城美的·晓风印月(大区)终于呈现了,在12月的晴空万里, 晓风是自然秩序的质朴,印月是皎洁夜空的优雅。
△ 广州南沙晓风印月项目区位(图源绿城)
项目整体设计风格保持了邦景一贯的自然主义主张,景观空间秉持着自然质感的特性,也充满了精致工艺的优雅质感。 我们希望用现代设计语言对话工艺美感的理性,呈现多层次的、现代简洁的项目气质,在都市中寻得自然的别致意境。
度假生活犹如“户外会客厅 ”一般,接纳到访的客人,当泳池边淡蓝色的帷幕与躺椅映入眼帘,忽然间,繁忙城市人那颗皱巴巴的心被这里舒缓的氛围抚平,归家的旅程从这里开始。
The holiday life is like an "outdoor meeting room", welcoming guests. When the light blue curtain and lounge chairs come into view by the pool, the wrinkled heart of busy city people is suddenly comforted by the soothing atmosphere here, and the journey back home begins here.
Tranquil and poetic space atmosphere, perfect integration of holiday wind and natural forest belt; In the main scene, the calm swimming pool water is like a natural waterscape corridor, where water and trees complement each other, eliminating the cold feeling of urban architecture and integrating more natural elements, making the living space become a part of the natural vacation.
In order to reflect the leisure feeling of holiday style, landscape swimming pool has become the most participatory water feature. The multi-participation landscaped pool is paired with a casual Southeast Asian courtyard, a sea breeze of coconut palms and modern and simple outdoor furniture. In this way, while enjoying the sunshine pool, the shade is comfortable and leisurely, which highlights the beautiful sense of light in the park. The water is full of water and you enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoon.
Warm afternoon sunshine, in the garden atmosphere, warm and free, sharing a unique sense of hierarchical courtyard time.
Functional requirements will change with the space, and the natural landscape elements should also be embellished with fresh functional space. Bright and clear order frames the beauty of the project activity space. The colorful floor paving and the extensive use of the guided plastic track become the symbol of the vitality of the project. Through the clear design logic, the final presentation is a dynamic space with a sense of movement, which fits in with modern life.
架空层将共享功能动态化演绎,构建一个通透、开放、包容的景观联系; 满足视线对景、空间围合、场景转换之外,将休闲功能辐射到周边景观,将社交更加灵动的叠加到一个动态的空间中。
The whole overhead layer builds a rich immersive scene, while the color themed wall and white landscape soft decoration create a leisure space full of activities. It also divides sufficient functional modules for different livin g atmospheres. Good space should be based on people's life activities. Good design provides a rich carrier for community life. You can sit and listen to the wind, take a short rest and talk, and play and gather together...
Children's playground, mommy's living room, fitness gym, art corridor...... Showing endless pictures of life.
The Xiaofengyinyue is full of height, with rich physical and spiritual connotations, representing the ultimate measure of material and the high level of spiritual yearning. Therefore, in the landscape context of "the morning wind prints the moon", the landscape environment provides a spiritual corner of self, love, inspiration, exploration... This is a blessing and freedom for every neighbor.
The wind is the simplicity of returning to the origin of life, while the moon is the elegance of reflecting the spiritual space.