2024年06月18日 14:09:32

南京宪法公园的建筑设计和绿博园的城市客厅设施 张雷设计研究 azLa 建设背景 Construction Background 宪法是国家的根本法,是治国安邦的总章程。全面贯彻实施宪法,是全面推进依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的首要任务和基础性工作。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次强调,坚持依法治国首先要坚持依宪治国,坚持依法执政首先要坚持依宪执政。党中央、国务院转发的“七五”“八五”普法规划强调,要“创新载体阵地”“全面落实宪法宣誓制度”“在新市民仪式、青少年成人仪式、学生毕业仪式等活动中设置礼敬宪法环节”。


张雷设计研究 azLa


Construction Background


Constitution is the fundamental law of the country and the general statute for governing the country and the state. The full implementation of the Constitution is the primary task and fundamental work of comprehensively promoting the rule of law and building a socialist state under the rule of law. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that adherence to the rule of law requires adherence to the rule of the constitution, and adherence to governing by law requires adherence to governing by the constitution. The "Seventh Five-Year Plan" and "Eighth Five-Year Plan" of the Party Central Committee and the State Council emphasize the need to "innovate carrier positions" and "fully implement the constitutional oath system ". Also, it needs to “set up a link to salute to Constitution in new citizen ceremony, youth-adult ceremony, student graduation ceremony, and other activities ".


Well, learning, implementing, and executing the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech, especially how to publicize Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law for the general public in a more lively form, to make every citizen deeply aware that adhering to the rule of the country and governing in accordance with Constitution requires adhering to the leading position of the CPC as determined by Constitution without wavering, adhering to the state system of the people's democratic dictatorship and the NPC congress system as determined by Constitution, that is an important task for the promotion and education of the rule of law at present and in future.

由于南京没有宪法宣传教育的专门场所,需要建设一个融习近平法治思想的宣传阵地、弘扬宪法精神的重要载体、全体市民礼敬宪法的庄严场所、法治文化的城市地标等为一体的功能齐全的综合性的宪法公园,让老百姓潜移默化感受宪法、崇尚宪法、礼敬宪法。 南京宪发公园项目自2021年11月25日核发建设工程规划许可证,12月3日取得桩基施工许可证,12月4日第八个“国家宪法日”正式开工建设,2022年12月4日建成并对外开放。

Since Nanjing has no specific place for constitutional propaganda and education, it needs to build a fully functional and comprehensive constitutional park that integrates Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law, the important carrier for promoting the spirit of the Constitution, the solemn place of saluting Constitution for all citizens, and the urban landmark for the culture of the rule of law into a whole, so that people can imperceptibly learn, revere, and salute Constitution.  The Nanjing Constitutional Park project was issued with a construction planning permit on November 25, 2021, and a piling construction permit on December 3. The construction officially began on December 4, the eighth National Constitution Day, and was completed and opened to the public on December 4, 2022.



Project site selection

南京市人大常委会会同市规划和自然资源局在综合考虑城市公共空间、区位特点、功能定位、近期可实施性等基础上,确定在位于江苏大剧院西侧至夹江段的绿博园内建设具有南京特色的宪法主题公园。 宪法公园选址,以绵羊草坪为主要建设区块,规划用地面积约64530平方米,一期总建筑面积31162平方米,其中地上建筑面积6921平方米,地下建筑面积24250平方米,结合总体规划及周边现状环境,将宪法公园与绿博园城市客厅提升工程统一建设,宪法公园遵循“三结合”原则,打造属于市民的城市公共文化客厅。

The Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress, in conjunction with the Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, comprehensively considering urban public space, location characteristics, functional positioning, and recent implementation feasibility, decided to build a constitutional theme park with Nanjing's characteristics at the location from the west of the Jiangsu Grand Theatre to the Jiajiang section in the Green Expo Park.  The site of the constitutional park uses the Sheep Lawn as the main construction area. The planned land area is approximately 64,530 square meters and the total building area in phase I is 31,162 square meters, within which, the building area above ground is 6,921 square meters and the building area below ground is 24,250 square meters. Considering the overall planning and the current surrounding environment, to build the constitutional park with the upgrading project of Green Expo Park urban living room, the design of constitution park follows the principle of "three combinations" to create an urban public cultural living room for the public.


The combination of legal culture and the natural environment: Nanjing City and the Yangtze River are interdependent and coexisting. Yangtze River has nurtured Nanjing's living regional civilization, profoundly influenced the city's urban construction and development pattern, and provided a spatial corridor and an innovative carrier for the current and future development of the city's ecological civilization as well. As an important urban public cultural facility, the location of the Constitutional Park, which is adjacent to the river, fully reflects the riverside city cultural characteristics of Nanjing, and further develops the "two banks of the river" into a fully functional, popular and vibrant new area, which will be a model for combining rule of law culture with the natural environment.


The combination of legal education and livelihood activities: Green Expo Park City Living Room is adjacent to the under-construction Metro Line 9, and its east side is Yangtze River Avenue. It provides convenient transportation and a perfect slow-walking system along the river. The transportation accessibility is high and the sense of experience of the waterfront landscape is strong. A variety of leisure activities and public facilities ensure the long-lasting vitality of the area, making it a popular destination of leisure and recreation for public visits. The park makes full use of the ecological space and culture, sports and leisure activities of the Green Expo Park, making the general public learn, understand, think about, and study the law, nourishing the spirit of the constitution and belief in the rule of law in a quiet and leisurely manner, and cultivating legal literacy and the spirit of the rule of law in leisure and entertainment.


The combination of the legal landscape and current landscape: the Green Expo Park has the perfect infrastructure and superior landscape and ecological resources. On the basis of not changing the original layout of the Green Expo Park, not changing the current form of the park, and not changing the overall appearance of the park, the design fully utilizes the existing infrastructure and resources to combine constitutional elements with the natural landscape, giving the park a new vitality.


At the level of urban space, Constitution Park extends the Hexi cultural and sports axis to the tributaries of the Yangtze River and connects to the riverfront green axis. It has enabled the new-built thematic landscape space on the axis such as National Flag Plaza, Oath Plaza, Water Plaza, and Green Slope Lawn linking with the characteristic landscape nodes such as rule of law propaganda and education, Yangtze River protection, urban recreation, and ecological conservation. It creates a benchmark for the combination of the rule of law landscape and the original landscape of Green Expo Park.


City Living Room

南京市规划和自然资源局2021年组织编制了《南京魅力滨江2035》南京滨江核心段详细规划和城市设计,通过建设一江两岸九大“城市客厅”,以点带面拉动滨江空间品质的提升。 魅力滨江2035九大城市客厅分别为: 河西鱼嘴城市客厅、欢乐滨江城市客厅、绿博园城市客厅、宝船遗址公园城市客厅、下关滨江商务区城市客厅、上元门城市客厅、幕燕风貌区城市客厅、江北新区定山城市客厅和绿水湾城市客厅。

City Living Room - In 2021, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources organized the compilation of The Nanjing Charming Riverfront 2035, a detailed planning and urban design for the core sections of the Nanjing Riverfront, to promote the quality of the riverfront space by the constructions of nine "urban living rooms" on both sides of the river.  The nine urban living rooms in Charming Riverfront 2035 are Yuzui City Living Room in Hexi, Happy Riverside City Living Room, Green Expo Park City Living Room, Treasure Ship Heritage Park City Living Room, Xia Guan Riverside Business District City Living Room, Shang Yuanmen City Living Room, Muyan Style District City Living Room, Ding Shan City Living Room in Jiangbei New District and Green Water Bay City Living Room.


With the unique ecological resources as the background, the Green Expo Park City Living Room is spatially linked to the "Jiangsu Grand Theatre", the largest theatre complex in Asia, creating an ecological, green, and energetic riverside fashion and culture living room. Integrated with Metro Line 9 Riverside Park Station and the comprehensive enhancement of "Ginkgo Li" and "Sheep Lawn", it builds up a public vitality zone on the cultural and sports axis of Hexi New City, from Jiangdong Middle Road to Olympic Sports Centre, toGrand Theatre, to Green Expo Park, and to the Ecological Technology Island.


The construction of Nanjing Constitution Park at the core of the Green Expo Park greatly enriches the cultural connotation of the city's living room. It is the window for the city of promoting and showing the spirit of the rule of law, and it is an effective supplement for further enhancing the service functions of the city living room and improving public service facilities. Making Nanjing Constitution Park the core, the Green Expo Park City Living Room will become a public activity place with comprehensive cultural functions and convenient access for the public, which will well meet the diversified needs of education, innovation, exhibition, sightseeing, leisure and mass activities, and show the history and development, future and culture of the city.


Cultural and Sports Axis


Nanjing Hexi New City Urban Cultural and Sports Axis evolved from the New City Century Axis in 2004. The axis starts from the New Town Building, connecting the Olympic Sports Centre and the Jiangsu Grand Theatre to the west, and extending to the Left Bank Flower Sea in themed landscape areas at riverside, with a total length of about 3.0 kilometers. The Eco-Tech Island on the other side of the tributaries of the Yangtze River has reserved a plot for an urban landmark site in the master plan, which will serve as a counter-view to this important urban development axis, and highlight the importance of the development of urban public space. The axis is surrounded by public cultural buildings such as the Jinling Library, Nanjing Women's and Children's Activity Centre, and the Christian Mission Church, and it is an important part of the Hexi New Town layout called "one district, three centers, two belts, four axes, four gardens, and two special zones".


河西文体轴线规划之初便十分重视城市公共空间的营造,市民可以借助步行系统从奥体中心西广场开始,漫步银杏里街区,穿越江苏大剧院和扬子江大道快速路,到达绿意盎然的绿博园,并继续漫步至长江边左岸花海景区,感受滨江优美景致。   绿博园城市客厅位于河西城市文体轴线与滨江风光带的交汇点,场地的轴线仪式感与生态优越性,为宪法公园的建设提供了得天独厚的条件。   宪法公园的实施增添了文体轴线的体验内容和多样化场景,提升了轴线的文化内涵,进一步确立了其南京标志性城市公共文化轴线的地位,极大的提升了河西滨江风光带的文化活力。

At the beginning of the planning, Hexi's cultural and sports axis paid great attention to the creation of urban public space. By the pedestrian system, people walk from the west square of the Olympic Sports Centre, stroll through Ginkgo Lane block, cross Jiangsu Grand Theatre and Yangtze River Avenue Expressway, reach the lush greenery at Green Expo Park and continually promenade to Left Bank Flower Sea along Yangtze River to experience the beautiful scenery of the riverfront.  The urban living room of Green Expo Park is located at the intersection of the Hexi city cultural and sports axis and the riverfront scenic belt. The axial ritual and ecological superiority of the site provide unique conditions for the construction of Constitution Park. The implementation of Constitution Park adds experiential content and diverse scenes to the cultural and sports axis, enhances the cultural connotations of the axis, further establishes its status as an iconic urban public cultural axis in Nanjing, and greatly enhances the cultural vitality of the riverfront scenic belt in the west of the river.


The Olympic Sports Centre on the cultural and sports axis is vivid and lively, with two giant arches clad in 'Jingling Red' of nearly 400 meters spanning over the main stadium, representing the passion for sports. The overall design of Jiangsu Grand Theatre adopts the shape of "lotus leaf water drops", with four "water drops" showing a petal-like texture, which is full of elegant literary atmosphere; Constitution Park is spatially carrying on, connecting the city to nature, and its form should complement the "lotus leaf drops" of the Grand Theatre on the east side, and the place should express the constitutional elements and reflect the spirit of the Constitution. The space is created with a unique and contemporary spatial vocabulary, highlighting the new influence and spatial vitality of the city's iconic cultural and sports axis.

Combining single cultural buildings with urban public space, and integrating environmental resources and spatial elements on a larger urban scale is an effective way to create an iconic urban memorial site. The surroundings of the site of Nanjing Constitution Park have superior landscape resources and mature public space. In the beginning, the design does not confine to Constitution Park itself but conceives a 1.8km-long axis and spatial movement from Ginkgo Lane to the Eco-Tech Island, which will extend the urban space and natural landscape, complement the Jiangsu Grand Theatre in terms of architectural form, and enrich the western part of the river in terms of business dynamics.


The square and circle form


The design symbolizes the spirit of the Constitution and embodies constitutional elements through the combination of square and circular spatial forms and numerical metaphors. The spatial forms of the circular sky and rectangular earth embody traditional Chinese philosophical thought, and the spatial forms of purity, basic core, origin, cohesion, inclusion, integrity, and completeness help to express the supremacy and fundamental nature of the Constitution and create a classic monumental public space in the city which can stand the test of time.



宪法公园的空间流线从银杏里开始,穿   越江苏大剧院,到达国旗方阵和下沉水景组成的圆形宪法公园入口广场,拾级而上跨越万景园路进入宪法公园中心区域,宪法公园的主体建筑为直径100米的圆环形宪法教育展厅,圆环形展厅围合了近1000平方米的方型宪法主题广场,主题广场可举办宪法宣誓、儿童成人礼等大型活动,广场四周的浮雕景墙北面主题是国旗、国徽、国歌,西面正对主入口轴线景墙的主题为“一切权力属于人民”,南面浮雕景墙表现宪法的最高性和人民性,东面景墙上的电子屏可以播放宪法主题教育及活动视频。

The spatial flow of Constitution Park starts from Ginkgo Lane, crosses the Jiangsu Grand Theatre, reaches the circular entrance square of Constitution Park composed of the national flag square and sunken water feature, and then crosses Wanjingyuan Road to enters the central area of Constitution Park. The main building of Constitution Park is a circular constitutional education exhibition hall with a diameter of 100 meters. The circular exhibition hall encloses a square-shaped constitutional theme plaza of nearly 1,000 square meters. The theme square can be used for large-scale activities such as the constitutional oath and children's coming-of-age ceremony. The theme of the northern relief wall around the square is the national flag, the national emblem, and the national anthem, and the theme of the western relief wall facing the main entrance axis is "All power belongs to the people". The southern relief wall shows the supremacy of the constitution and people, and the electronic screen on the eastern wall shows videos of constitutional education and activities.


The rectangular green valley on the north and south sides of the exhibition hall is the spatial carrier of the activities of the citizens at the Green Expo Park City Living Room. The green valley is high on north and south ends and low in the middle, forming a green slope facing the circular exhibition hall, and highlighting the iconic nature of the main building. The ancillary functions of the Green Expo Park City Living Room are arranged underground, including ancillary commercial, parking, and event facilities. They are directly connected to the Jiangsu Grand Theatre-Nanjing Constitution Park Station of Metro Line 9 for easy access by the public. The green slope is linked to the underground space by four circular sunken plazas, showing an integrated design of buildings and landscaping above and below grade.


The flow continues westwards through the water courtyard to the roof of the preserved building named Listening Waterfall, and the spatial axis continues to extend across the river to Eco-tech Island. At the end of the axis, where it is planned a landmark tower on the Constitution Park phase II, to form a three-kilometer-long completed urban public space axis from the New Town Building to the landmark tower. The design adopts light-transmitting concrete and stainless steel paving in the lighting system on the active line at the first and second floors, to outline a red "light of the Constitution" lit up by modern architectural language. At night, the LED lights underneath the light-transmitting concrete are illuminated. The "red lantern" shape of the facade of the constitutional exhibition hall, together with the red line of the "Light of the Constitution" that is running throughout, make the image of Red China.


At the first site visit, the designers stepped on the roof of the preserved building called “Pavilion of Listening to the Waterfall", looking back to the east to see the "lotus leaf drops" of Jiangsu Grand Theatre. When they walked straightly to the river bank at the same elevation as the roof, they saw the sea of flowers on the left bank. Looking far ahead to the Eco-tech Island on the other side of the tributary river at the west, they saw a wonderful view of the sunset. The main flow of visitors to Constitution Park is raised to the second floor at the same height as the riverbank, allowing citizens and visitors to walk from Ginkgo Lane through Jiangsu Grand Theatre, to Constitution Park, and to the riverbank directly. The ground floor of the Constitution Exhibition Hall is the open floor, releasing more ground space and greatly enriching the public space at the Green Expo Park's urban living room.


Digits metaphors

设计通过数字隐喻体现宪法元素,形成纪念性与体验性的空间叙事。中华人民共和国第一部宪法“54宪法”、现行宪法 “82宪法”、12月4日国家宪法日、两个100年奋斗目标等纪念性数字,结合建筑空间的实际要求,采用适宜的几何模数和构图,体现南京宪法公园空间场景和宪法元素结合的独特性。

The design embodies the constitutional elements by digits metaphors, to form a commemorative and experiential space narrative. Commemorative digits, such as the first constitution of the People's Republic of China which is short for "54 Constitution", the current constitution which is short for "82 Constitution", National Constitution Day on December 4, and the two 100-year goals, are combined with the actual requirements of the architectural space. Appropriate geometric modulus and compositions are used to reflect the uniqueness of the combination of spatial scenes and constitutional elements in Nanjing Constitution Park.


The elevation of the entrance square is 8.2 meters and its 82-meter diameter circular space is defined by two curved scenic walls. On each side of the pond, there are 50 red flags, which makes a 12.4 meters high flag matrix of 100 flags in total. The main building of the Constitutional Park, the Constitutional Hall, has an outer ring of 100 meters in diameter and an inner ring of 82 meters in diameter. The main backdrop of the Oath Plaza relief walls is 8.2 meters and 5.4 meters high. The landmark tower at the end of the axis on Eco-tech Island is 8.2m in diameter and 82m in height, etc.


Environmental landscape


Located in the Nanjing Green Expo Park, Constitution Park is surrounded by nature and lush greenery. The landscape design focuses on strengthening the urban cultural and sports axis, highlighting the sense of ceremony in Constitution Park and creating a more distinctive and pleasant scene for the urban living room of Green Expo Park. The design uses Nanjing's characteristic sphere-free hanging bell trees to outline the outer boundary, and the dense planting forms a combination of colorful foliage to enclose the space, making Constitution Park stand out from the atmosphere of the Green Expo Park all year round. The design uses ginkgo arrays partially at the entrance space to reinforce the sense of ritual of the axis, and both sides of the central axis echo the Ginkgo Lane on the east side of the Jiangsu Grand Theatre to achieve an effective combination of function and look.


The open lawn makes the main building more prominent and also provides a rich resting and playing area for the urban living room of Green Expo Park, where children play and chase on the lawn and sandpit freely and happily. It fully reflects the vibrant vitality of the open democracy of Constitution Park.

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