*** ERROR *** The input areas do not meet the conditions required for the AGLUoperation. No new entities were created. The AOVLAP operation is apossible alternative 后来请教别人。他们说可能是我需要glue的面太多,而这些面之间的空间位置关系又比较复杂,建议一部分一部分的glue,
The input areas do not meet the conditions required for the AGLU
operation. No new entities were created. The AOVLAP operation is a
possible alternative
*** ERROR *** CP= 20.109 TIME= 16:38:47
Topological degeneracy detected for AOVL command. Try modifying
geometry slightly or loosening the tolerance (BTOL command). If BTOL
is relaxed, be sure to change the tolerance back to the default after