软件简介: The new OnyxGARDEN SuperBundle 2 for 3ds Max is a cost saving collection of essential tools for a serious CG artist. The package contains the lates TREE STORM 2010 plugin for Max and six stand-alone plant creators/generators/editors with corresponding libraries of more than 460 ready to use trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos, flowers, grasses, and grass covers! Furthermore, the SuperBundle 2 includes our new Onyx2Max import plugin for bringing Onyx plants to Max
The new OnyxGARDEN SuperBundle 2 for 3ds Max is a cost saving collection of essential tools for a serious CG artist. The package contains the lates TREE STORM 2010 plugin for Max and six stand-alone plant creators/generators/editors with corresponding libraries of more than 460 ready to use trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos, flowers, grasses, and grass covers! Furthermore, the SuperBundle 2 includes our new Onyx2Max import plugin for bringing Onyx plants to Max
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