论文简介: This two-part Information Paper describes theevolution of Eurocode 1,summarises its contents,and gives some background information onits derivation. It describes the assumptions andrequirements of Eurocode 0 Basis of design,
This two-part Information Paper describes the
evolution of Eurocode 1,summarises its contents,
and gives some background information on
its derivation. It describes the assumptions and
requirements of Eurocode 0 Basis of design,
to explain the context in which Eurocode 1 is
intended to be used.It gives references, where
possible, to enable practising engineers to
obtain further insight into the basis and use of the Codes requirements.This rst part covers basis of design, dead, imposed, re,snow and wind loads. Part 2 covers thermal actions,actions during execution,accidental actions, traffic
loads on bridges, actions in silos and tanks, and actions induced by cranes and machinery.
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