2011年03月15日 20:48:32


Product design and process plan process which include all the technique activities and management activities is the core of product development process. It’s the representation of Product design and Process plan behaves of certain organization. It a creative activity which carry out by certain organization with resources, tools and methods. The results of this process are Product design and process plan documents and data. Product design and process plan process is a practice process and a technology and management structure integrated with engineering technology, methods, tools and persons. Now, Product design and process plan process has been paid more and more attention. It is recognized to design, improve and manage the process is more helpful for the product quality and product time than to improve prove product and service. The concept Process Engineering has been imported in product development process. Process engineering composed with many activities includes process definition, process optimization and process control. So the Product design and process plan process engineering indicate all the activities such as process modeling, process analysis, process carrying out, process improving, process maintenance and process rebuilding. The research work done show as bellow:Study the multi-view modeling of Product design and process plan process. The system structure is built. Through analysis the process’s characteristic, the W2H model has been proposed as s main element to description process. We point out in this paper that the main problem need to be solved of Product design and process plan process is“Who”does“what”and“How”to do.3D spatial management model has been built Based on W2H model. It is a visual model which is easy to be understand and suitable for trace and management the process. Analysis the relation between the W2H model element though anglicizing the section and the projection of the 3D spatial model. The Product design and process plan process could be traced and watched from Task, organization and process. The 3D spatial model support process to be plan, analysis, improve, and manage.Study on the iteration in the concurrent design process. A Petri net based [url=] 更多[/url]

