依然带有VDLA之前项目的味道,但似乎不如以前的精彩!但每个场地和设计都有其自己独有的特点,适合就好!下面这段英文,大家就自己翻译吧 Project StatementOn a steep and challenging site, a peaceful sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of city life was required. In two small and precise gestures, the landscape intervention creates a safe and holistic environment for celebrating essential blissful moments.
Project Statement
On a steep and challenging site, a peaceful sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of city life was required. In two small and precise gestures, the landscape intervention creates a safe and holistic environment for celebrating essential blissful moments.
“A breath of fresh air. The success of this design is all about the simple ground plane. There are so many beautiful gestures, it’s extraordinary design with a limited palette. The small, newly planted pine trees will mature into a fabulous bosque. There are so many integrated transitions among the living spaces that were designed by the landscape architect. The designers made the inclusion of security elements look effortless. ”
—2011 Professional Awards Jury