本帖最后由 dadfjlkajn 于 2013-10-18 11:26 编辑 “This is a happy and artistic space—a space for all. Kids love it and that's what’s important. The health concerns inherent with a hospital governed the choice of materials and the result shows that this landscape architect really knows how to design. It's very playful with innovative use of materials and colors that would appeal to children.”
“This is a happy and artistic space—a space for all. Kids love it and that's what’s important. The health concerns inherent with a hospital governed the choice of materials and the result shows that this landscape architect really knows how to design. It's very playful with innovative use of materials and colors that would appeal to children.”
—2013 Professional Awards Jury
皇冠天空花园(Crown Sky Garden)坐落于芝加哥市中心的23层的Ann & Robert H. Lurie儿童医院,该花园面向全院的职工、病人和他们的家庭。这座空中花园是建立在科研成果之上的,经过分析研究,能够更好地获取光线和思考的空间,缩短了患者的治疗恢复时间。该项目为医疗保健园林提供了一个新的示范。