America arabian library 设计方:rich?rd+bauer architecture 位置:美国 这是由rich?rd+bauer architecture设计的阿拉伯图书馆。该建筑具有强大的想象力,让人联想到一直被水自然侵蚀的峡谷山壁,并最终将水流入庭院的低矮边缘。一棵树成为了空间焦点。中央广场被用作图书馆和会议室的预功能和项目空间。两个细长的“峡谷广场”分别位于建筑的西面和南面,将建筑的休憩空间延伸至室外,最终将建筑对天空开放。
设计方:rich?rd+bauer architecture

A continuous thread of water echo’s the natural erosion of the canyon wall creating the powerful imagery of the building, and eventually pooling in the lower edge of the courtyard. A singular tree is the focus of the space. This centralized court is used as a pre-function and program spaces for the library and meeting rooms. Two slender “canyon courts” flank the west and south sides of the building, expanding library lounge spaces to the exterior and ultimately opening the building to the sky.
The LEED Certified building incorporates a subfloor mechanical, electrical and data distribution system, providing long term flexibility in a rapidly changing informational environment. Air stratification techniques minimize the cooling demand on high volume spaces while maximizing patron comfort. The building is lined with perforated hardboard and recycled cotton insulation to accommodate acoustical properties while reinforcing the homogenous notion of the canyon walls. A series of architectural ledges give way to internal clerestories, introducing daylight to the center of the space. The unique program of the library is based on contemporary bookstore concepts, and includes the popular library as well as café and bookstore elements.




