Poland Enclave in the Clouds private house 位置:波兰 华沙 分类:住宅装修 内容:实景照片 设计团队:HOLA Design 图片:17张 安装图酷APP可以免费下载无水印高清大图,点此了解详情 下载原图 标签:住宅装修实景照片 Enclave in the Clouds,是由HOLA Design设计团队打造的一栋位于波兰华沙的私人住宅。住宅的整体风格优雅而现代。经过精挑细选的各式家具物件,无论是款式颜色,还是质地纹理,都与这个时尚而且稍显非主流的家居空间完全符合,它们互相交织着营造出带有远东文化特色的寓所。室内的大部分家具摆设都是设计团队特意给这里量身定制的。
位置:波兰 华沙
设计团队:HOLA Design

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Enclave in the Clouds,是由HOLA Design设计团队打造的一栋位于波兰华沙的私人住宅。住宅的整体风格优雅而现代。经过精挑细选的各式家具物件,无论是款式颜色,还是质地纹理,都与这个时尚而且稍显非主流的家居空间完全符合,它们互相交织着营造出带有远东文化特色的寓所。室内的大部分家具摆设都是设计团队特意给这里量身定制的。
客厅的主要特色是那面几何图案的镶嵌镜面墙,这面墙不仅仅只起到装饰作用,还可以恰当的协调房间内各功能区的比例。卧室里有一面铺满樱花的背景墙,好像这里的温度就是四季如春的樱花盛开时节一样。床头上面的那副手绘墙,则是完全按照客厅的玻璃墙框架设计的。床头周围的设计细节,是由HOLA DESIGN团队专门设计,并请一个专业木工施工团队制作的。
Enclave in the Clouds is a private residence located in Warsaw, Poland.The elegant contemporary home was designed by HOLA Design.Carefully selected furnishing elements, items tasteful both in their form, color scheme as well as texture complete the space maintained in a modern, slightly informal style with capably intertwined into the arrangement reminiscences of the Far East culture.Most of the furnishing elements were created according to the studio’s individual designs, specifically for this project.
The living room is dominated by a mirror wall with an engraved geometric design. This wall not only constitutes a decorative element of the room, but also corrects its proportions.The bedroom is a room most saturated with a climate of the cherry blossom land. A painting on the wall above headboard is placed in a frame corresponding to mirror frame in the living room.The portal element surrounding the bed’s headboard was individually designed by HOLA DESIGN and made by a carpentry studio.

波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅客厅实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅客厅实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅客厅实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅客厅实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅客厅实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅局部实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅局部实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅局部实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅餐厅实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅卧室实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅卧室实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅浴室实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅浴室实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅浴室实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅局部实景图
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波兰Enclave in the Clouds私人住宅局部实景图
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