2017年09月28日 11:40:58

在西长安街延线石景山游乐园南游园的带状节点设计中,通过重新布局以一个年轻的现代城市视角看待长安街,将郁闭的空间局部打开,以轻松流畅的形式化解长安街庄重严肃的仪式感。 In the West Chang’an Avenue extension, South square of Shijingshan Amusement Park, through the re-layout, We place a young modern city perspective on Chang’an Street, the closing space can be opened, in a relaxed and smooth form to release Chang’an Street sense of ceremony.

In the West Chang’an Avenue extension, South square of Shijingshan Amusement Park, through the re-layout, We place a young modern city perspective on Chang’an Street, the closing space can be opened, in a relaxed and smooth form to release Chang’an Street sense of ceremony.
▼鸟瞰图,广场绿地位于t,the green space along with the Chang’an Avenue

▼长安街城市界面打开至游乐园南门的入口,open the city interface with entrance of the amusement park from Chang’an Street.
▼入口花池,entrance flower pond
▼不同颜色的地面铺装增强视觉效果,different colors of pavement enhance the visual perception
▼设计师试图将各个元素一体化,用一条在绿地里穿梭起伏的景石序列来承载观赏、种植池、座椅、步道等功能,designers try to integrate the elements, with a stone sequence that in the green space ups and downs to carry ornamental, planting pool, seats, trails, and other functions.
▼石材界定出步行与绿化空间,呈现出行云流水的感觉,stone defines the walking and green space, It seems to be flowing
▼舒缓地形与石材、种植交,stone and plant embedded in soothing terrain

▼石材延伸到绿地中成为植物造景的一部分,stone extends to the green area to become part of the plant landscape
▼设计用了黑(黑色露骨料混凝土)白(非线性曲面石材)灰(混凝土铺装)三种材料,统一的色调统一了空间的视觉体验,流畅的石材使得场地灵动而有张力,designed with black (black truffle concrete) white (non-linear curved stone) gray (concrete pavement) three kinds of materials, unified color unified space vision, while hand-polished stone shape makes the site simple and elegant.

▼曲面设计,surface design

▼模型打样,model proofing
▼施工效果,construction results
▼平面图,master plan


