常用灭火器分类及各类灭火器的主要用途有哪些? 1.分类: 按灭火器充装灭火剂不同。灭火器可分为7类: (1)功清水灭火器; (2)酸碱灭火器; (3)化学泡沫灭火器; (4)空气泡沫灭火器; (5)二氧化碳灭火器; (6)干粉灭火器; (7)卤代烷灭火器。 按重量和移动方式,灭火器可分为: (1)手提式灭火器。总重量在28kg以下,能用手提着灭火的器具,也称便携式灭火器。 (2)背负式灭火器。总重量一般在40kg以下,是用肩背着灭火的器具。 (3)推车式灭火器。总重量一般在40kg以上,装有车轮等行驶机构,由人力推(拉)着灭火的器具。 2.用途: (1)水型灭火器是指其内部充人的灭火剂是以水为基料的灭火器。如清水灭火器、强化液灭火器。其主要用途是适用扑救A类物质。如
Auto extinguish fire system quality common failing and defend way (A)A fire auto report to the police and fire fight allied move control system1.under construction pipeline spread establish break head, little line, connect ground, short circuit hour should adopt the following measure defend Ye: (1)Construction front earnest carry on diagram paper conduct trial jointly with technique hand over bottom.Explicit report to the police cloth point position, equipments connect line n