钻孔灌注桩塌孔、涌水的处理 摘要 介绍一种处理方案——钻降压井,来解决在钻孔灌注桩施工中, 出现采用传统的回填、筑岛方法解决不了的涌水、塌孔现象。为在以后的钻孔灌注桩施工中,处理塌孔、涌水现象提出一种新的施工方法。 关键词 钻孔灌注桩 涌水 塌孔 降压井The Handling of Subsidence and Gushing Water in Drilling Hole Pour PileMa Chenzhong(Henan Communications Highway Engineering Bureau) Abstract: This paper introduces a new handling program—— drilling well of stepdown pressure.It is author provided a new construction method for handling subsidence and gushing wate