摘要 本文介绍了某工程中大型铸钢节点与无缝钢管焊接的关键技术。成功解决了工程中铸钢节点与无缝钢管节点形式的选取、铸钢节点与无缝钢管V形坡口的设计原则、焊接工艺、焊材焊接机具选择、焊接环境、焊接参数、焊前预热措施、焊接质量控制、焊接变形控制、焊接防护措施以及焊后处理等技术。
ABSTRACT The paper introduces the key technology of welding cast-steel joint to the seamless steel pipe in a project. It is a successful case for similar project and the contents include choice of the welding joints of large cast-steel and seamless steel pipe, design principle of V-shape groove of the joints, welding process specification, selection of welding machine and welding material and welding key points ,such as welding environment, welding parameters, welding warming-up, control of deformation, and welding protection, measures after welding, etc.
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