As a consequence large deformations at the mid-span can occur with risk of aeroelastic instability and structural failure. Analysis of aeroelastic stability also named flutter stability is mostly based on semi-empirical engineering models, where model specific parameters, the so-called flutter derivatives, need calibration from wind tunnel tests or numerical methods. Several papers have been written about calibration of flutter derivatives using CFD models and the aeroelastic stability boundary has been successfully determined when comparing two-dimensional flow situations using wind tunnel test data and CFD methods for the flow solution and two-degrees-of-freedom structural models in translation perpendicular to the flow direction and rotation around the span axis of the bridge section.
桥梁概况: 1、本桥梁为人行悬索桥,净宽2.0米,建筑总宽度2.3m; 2、桥梁跨径为90米,矢跨比为1/12; 3、桥面预拱度为0.8m,并设50cm高的加劲桁架; 4、锚碇及索塔基础在基坑开挖时应进行地基验槽工作,索塔基底应进入弱风化基岩不少6.0m。桥面施工过程中面板木材顺纹方向必须为横桥向,使用前应用沥青浸泡进行防腐处理,共包含CAD设计图14张。