本次照明施工主要分为装置区照明和道路照明两部分,装置区照明灯具类型、回路比较多施工时必须严格按照照明平面图和照明系统图进行施工,照明配管采用镀锌钢管全封闭形式。道路照明路灯基础部分由其他单位施工,目前全场地下工程尚未完全结束施工时必须注意其它专业的相互配合。The overall outdoor lifting is planned to be started from the middle of October and completed by the middle of December. The lightings are mainly for the plant area and the roads. The lamps in the plant area have more loops so that the construction must be strictly in accordance with the lighting plans and system drawings and the lighting piping shall use galvanized steel pipes with complete closure. The street lamp foundation shall be constructed by another unit. At present, because the overall underground project hasn’t been finished, the construction unit must pay attention to cooperate with other disciplines.
内容简介 二、本图为某电力安装有限公司室外综合管网、给水、污水、雨水工程施工图。 三、本图采用黄海系高程,北京三度带座标.图中所注尺寸单位:除管径为毫米外,其它均以米计.图中所注雨污水标高为管内底标高,给水标高为管中心标高。 四、污水工程 1.管材:主材采用D300承插钢筋混凝土管. 2.管道基础:沟槽无地下水时,采用20cm3:7灰土垫层;沟槽有地下水时,应进行施工降水以保证干槽施工,降水完毕后,基础下采用20cm碎石垫层。 3.管道接口:胶圈接口。 4.检查井:采用?1000收口式砖砌圆形检查井,井盖采用重型球墨铸铁井盖,检查井内外壁勾缝后均采用1:2.5防水水泥砂浆抹面至井顶部,参照国标图02S515-20执行。.....