STM(Strut and Tie Mode1)模型具有力学概念明晰、受力直观、简便和易于掌握等优点,已经被广泛用于结构复杂区域或构件配筋计算和梁柱节点强度校核等。基于STM模型的概念,本文提出一种由拉杆、压杆和刚性梁组成的剪力墙宏观单元模型,用于离散高层钢筋混凝土结构中的剪力墙,尝试改进高层钢筋混凝土结构弹塑性地震反应分析中的剪力墙模拟问题。
This paper describes a seismic test program performed on 12 steel-encased buckling-restrained braces
(BRBs). The use of rolled or built-up buckling-restraining mechanisms with welded or bolted attachments
was examined. In addition, the effects of bolt pretension, core-to-encasing attachment details, aspect ratio
of core segment and imperfections due to manufacturing on the brace response were investigated.