为减轻结构总重量、控制墙身截面厚度、满足轴压比和抗震性能要求,中国尊大厦核心筒底部区域采用内置钢板混凝土剪力墙,中间区段采用内置钢板支撑混凝土剪力墙;在结构塔冠位置(104 层及以上)由于刚度突变及鞭梢效应的影响,采用内置钢板混凝土剪力墙等措施予以加强。由于目前尚无内置钢板支撑混凝土剪力墙抗震性能的研究,因此对内置钢板支撑混凝土剪力墙进行了专项试验研究和动力弹塑性分析。结果表明,内置钢板支撑混凝土剪力墙施工简单,混凝土浇筑密实度容易得到保证。其刚度和受剪承载力与内置 H 型钢混凝土剪力墙的刚度和受剪承载力基本相同,两种墙的极限变形能力和耗能能力也基本相当。
The process of selecting and designing the major components for a hybrid solar collector/CHP system is described. Particular attention was given to the design of the solar collector and a number of options, including thin membrane heat pipe solar collectors (both ‘normal’
and ‘artery’ types) and hybrid heat pipe solar collectors (both wicked and wickless types), were considered. Performance comparisons were made using theoretical and experimental data and a hybrid solar collector was selected as the best option for the system. Micro
impulse-reaction turbine using n-pentane as its working fluid was selected for the system although further work is being carried out on a compressed-gas driven turbo alternator. A prototype hybrid solar collector/CHP system has been constructed and the results of its
theoretical and experimental testing are presented in Part II of this paper.