PDF-to-Word 是一款转换 Adobe PDF 文档到 Microsoft Word 格式的程序。该转换工具具有简单易用的向导界面,即使是新手也可以轻松完成转换,并且可以最大限度的保留原有的版面布局和图像,支持转换文档中的中文等东亚语言,无需安装 Adobe Acrobat Reader。同时,它也支持命令行操作,方便高手使用。
BetterWMF has been designed to help you inserting AutoCAD drawings into other applications, for example into MS-Word documents.After loading BetterWMF you use the regular commands to open a drawing in AutoCAD and to Copy and paste the picture.BetterWMF will automatically improve the pasted picture without further user interaction. Except for the results you will not notice it is there.
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